Burnside Bulletin
Principal's Message
Dear Parents/Guardians:
I hope the winter break was pleasant and relaxing. We are back to work on January 2 with energy and enthusiasm to finish the first semester of this school year on January 17 and then begin our second semester.
At Burnside, we use PBIS, a proactive approach schools use to improve school safety and promote positive behavior. At Burnside, we work hard to be safe, kind, and responsible and we talk about this daily in our morning announcements and within our classrooms. Thank you for helping to reinforce SAFE, KIND, and RESPONSIBLE.
Please reach out with any concerns or questions.
Take good care,
Jennifer Grove
Daily Schedule & Upcoming Important Events
Daily Schedule
- 7:15 - Drop Off Begins, Breakfast is served
7:30 - 2:00 -- Student Day
2:00 -- Dismissal
Dates to Remember
January 1 - No School
January 2 - School begins again
January 8 - Red Wing Ambassador Readings
January 17 - First Semester Ends
January 20 - No School - Teacher Workday
January 30 - Report Cards Go Home
January 31 - 2nd grade to Sheldon Theater for Lyle the Crocodile
Kindness Club
170 boxes of individual snack items were collected during the drive.
January Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Cell Phones & Wireless Technologies
After the holiday break, many students may have receieved cell phones or smart watches. This is a reminder that students are prohibited from using personal cell phones and other electronic devices during the instructional day. These devices must be stored in silent or “off” mode from the student’s arrival at school until dismissal. A cell phone or other device used or visible during the instructional day will be confiscated and a parent will be expected to pick up the device. Other consequences may also be assigned.
Standard Response Protocol
In the upcoming months, our building will be practicing lockdowns as outlined in statute. We wanted to provide you with information about our training and responses. Our first drills will be around Hold & Secure.
Why It's Important to be at School on Time
Students arriving to school with time to spare are able to settle in, get their breakfast, greet their teachers and classmates, and focus their minds on the lessons to come. Students arriving late miss out on this natural transition period, and chronic tardiness may cause students to struggle with academic focus and relationships with peers.
Showing up on time to school every day can help students develop the habit of being punctual and it shows them your commitment to their learning and friendships. Being on time also helps reduce classroom interruptions and distractions for all students. Missing just 15 minutes of school twice a week equates to 3 missed school days per year!
Being on time helps your child's teacher and classmates AND your child. If you would like tips on developing or working on your family's morning routine, please reach out to Hannah Bystrom at hdbystrom@rwps.org or Jane Wassink, at jewassink@rwps.org.
Fundraising at Burnside
In January, Mrs. Wallerich, our PE teacher, will be running a fundraiser for Jump Rope for Heart. We will send out more information to you as it becomes available.
In February, we will have our annual APEX Fun Run, which will be for Burnside's Innovative Learning Fund. This fund has allowed us to purchase classroom materials for our UFLI lessons and book clubs, transportation to field trips, including our upcoming Sheldon Fieldtrips, as well as alkternative seating options for students.
National Park Passes for 4th grade students
This is an awesome opportunity for fourth graders. When you click on the link, click on get your pass. There is parent information available.
Community Education & Recreation
Contact Us or Stay Connected With Us:
Phone: 651-385-4565
Email: cedrec@rwps.org
Website: www.rwps.org
At A Glance Information
About Our School
Be Safe. Be Kind. Be Responsible.
Burnside Elementary School
First Student (General busing questions): (651) 388 - 8244
Transportation (Bus routing): (651) 385 - 4795
Email: jpgrove@rwps.org
Website: www.redwing.k12.mn.us
Location: 5001 Learning Lane, Red Wing, MN 55066
Phone: (651)385-4700
Facebook: facebook.com/awesomeBES