November 2024
Dr. Danielle Curzi, Principal - dcurzii@bermudian.org
Mr. Ryan Murphy, Assistant Principal - rmurphy@bermudian.org
Mrs. Tanya Gelb, Counselor - tgelb@bermudian.org
Updates 11/26/24
4th Grade update
We are excited to share an update with you in regards to our 4th grade ELA position. While we are sad to see Mrs. Turocy leave the elementary building, we are so very excited for this opportunity for her at the middle school and the potential of her teaching your students once again in a few years! Mrs. Ashley Bosserman will be joining the 4th grade team as a Long Term Sub. She will have the opportunity to shadow/co-teach with Mrs. Turocy until 12/6/24. Starting on 12/9/24, Mrs. Bosserman will remain as the Long Term sub until mid April. We are so excited for her to join our team in this capacity and are looking forward to a great few months together.
In mid April, our current 1st Grade Long Term Sub, Miss Sara Reday, will be joining us as our new full time 4th grade ELA teacher. Miss Reday has done an amazing job in 1st grade this year and we cannot wait to welcome her as a full time teacher here at BSES!
Learning Support Update
Mrs. Kelsey Shue’s last day at BSES is 11/26. We are so thankful for her time and service to BSES and we wish her the absolute best for her next adventure!
Starting on December 3rd, Mr. Nathan Biles will be the Long Term Substitute. There will be a team that will be supporting Mr. Biles in the area of IEP's and continuation of services. On December 2nd, we anticipate a permanent hire to Board approved.
UPDATES 11/22/2024
PTO Staff Appreciation Breakfast- Friday, December 13
Sign up at ttsu.me/appreciation-breakfast to sponsor coffee or to contribute a hot dish, baked good, fruit, or juice for our candy cane themed staff appreciation breakfast on Friday, December 13! The breakfast will be offered to everyone who works in the school including aides, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, custodians, librarians, secretaries, substitutes, and teachers -- approximately 100 individuals total.
UPDATES 11/14/2024
Tuesday 11/19/24
On Tuesday, November 19th, we will be having our first ALICE Drill of the year. Pennsylvania School Code requires all schools to conduct a security drill in lieu of a Fire drill each year. All staff have participated in a review of all safety procedures and how to respond in an emergency situation. The staff also reviewed these procedures with our students. The staff also had the opportunity to share this story with the students as they reviewed how to keep themselves safe in an emergency situation. If you would like to read the story again with your children, the link is of a voice recording of the story, please click on the link below. If you have any further questions about this drill, please contact the front office to speak to Dr. Curzi or Mr. Murphy.
Meet Koda!
Deck the Doors for the Holiday - Friday, December 6 @ 4 pm
Join the PTO in spreading holiday and winter cheer at BSES! We'll be decorating classroom and building doors after school on Friday, December 6th, from 4–7pm. Sign up to decorate a door (or two or three!) at ttsu.me/deck-the-doors, or donate extra decorations for unclaimed doors. You'll receive a list and map of available doors upon arrival on decorating day. Please bring your own decorations, tape, scissors, and any supplies you’ll need. Kids are welcome to join, but they must remain under direct parent supervision. Let’s make the season bright for our students, staff, & teachers!
2nd Grade Veterans Day Assembly
Our 2nd grade students worked hard to put on a special Veterans Day program, and we are so proud of their efforts. From singing to reading poems to honor our veterans, they truly gave their all. We’d also like to thank our community for the ongoing support that makes programs like this possible.
For those who couldn’t attend, we’re happy to share the recording at the link below. We hope you enjoy watching and celebrating with us!
A Message from the Principal
It is officially the end of the first marking period and our students at BSES are SOARing! Each and every day our students are growing their brains, hearts, and courage in many ways. Last month we celebrated students for demonstrating how to build a safe learning community and this month students were recognized at our Monthly PBIS assembly for modeling taking ownership and accountability. The month of November’s focus is demonstrating empathy for others. This is such an important life skill and we are looking forward to our student’s learning how to utilize this important social skill as they grow.
On November 7th and 8th we will be hosting parent/teacher conferences. If you have yet to sign up for a conference, please make sure to reach out to your child’s teacher and sign up. This is a very important part of your child’s education and truly supports bridging the gap between home and school. Our teachers have been preparing for weeks to present you with important information and are looking forward to sharing the success of your student with you.
One of our building goals this year is attendance. Please review the handout shared in relation to the importance of having your student attend school on time, every day. Missing 10% of school (1 or 2 days every few weeks) is proven to make it harder for our young learners to gain early reading and math skills and to build healthy and sustainable relationships. If your student does have to be absent from school, please remember that all student absences should be resolved with an excuse note submitted to the school within 5 days of the absence. We will accept official excuse forms, notes submitted through paper, or emails to tlaughman@bermudian.org. We have several state-mandated procedures to follow for unexcused absences, so please submit these as timely as possible for your situation.
As we move into the holiday season we anticipate a lot of fun activities to be happening in our classrooms. Please remember that if you would like to volunteer to submit your clearances to Mrs. Laughman. If you need support with this, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are looking forward to a wonderful November with your students!
Dr. Danielle Curzi and Mr. Ryan Murphy
November PBIS Student Recognition
November Important Dates
Friday, November 1 - HALF-DAY EARLY DISMISSAL.
Students will be dismissed at 12:15 pm. Please make child-care arrangements for your child(ren).
Tuesday, November 5
1st marking period report cards will be posted to the Sapphire Community Portal by the close of school. Should you desire to receive a hard copy of your child’s report card, please contact the elementary school office.
Thursday, November 7 - 2-HOUR EARLY DISMISSAL
School will be dismissed at 1:35 pm due to parent-teacher conferences. Please make child care arrangements for you child(ren).
Friday, November 8 - NO SCHOOL
Teachers will be attending professional workshops as well as finishing parent-teacher conferences.
Wednesday, November 27 thru Monday, December 2
No school in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Wear Your Costumes to School - Friday, November 1
Costumes must follow school dress code (no blood, no weapons, no masks, and nothing scary(.
Pumpkin Pick Up
ALL pumpkins must be picked up on Friday, November 1 between 1:00 and 4:00 pm. Any pumpkins remaining after 4:00 pm will be discarded.
Daylight Savings Time
Don't forget to turn your clocks back one hour on Sunday, November 3.
Lifetouch Picture Retake Day
Picture retake day will be Wednesday, November 6. Students who were absent will automatically receive a new picture form. If your child was not absent but you would like him/her to have their picture retaken, please notify the office and be sure to turn in your unwanted pictures on retake day.
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled to be held on the following dates and times:
Thursday, November 7 from 2:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Friday, November 8 from 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Lost and Found
If your child is missing articles of clothing (jackets, sweatshirts, hats, lunch boxes, etc..), please check the lost and found rack that will be on display in the lobby area.
Please remember to put your child's name inside coats, sweatshirts, hats, lunch boxes, etc.
Class of 2026 Food Truck Event
ALL ARE INVITED! The Class of 2026 is hosting its first Food Truck Event of the school year on Thursday, November 7. Skip cooking the night of conferences and join us for some great food while supporting our class. There will be many great options including Farm Show Milkshakes, Pit Beef, Mac and Cheese Bowls and Mexican Food to name a few! Trucks will be outside the high school from 3 PM until 8 PM.
American Education Week - November 18-22
New Faces at BSES
Hi Bermudian! My name is Desirae Brady. I am excited to be working as an aide in the autism support classroom. I am currently a college student at HACC, planning to transfer to Wilson College in the spring to continue studying education.
My end goal is to be a school guidance counselor (I’m interested in all grades) but I would like to begin my career as a teacher. I am currently considering switching to special education as my major, but have to give it more thought! ;)
I spend my free time taking fitness classes at my local YMCA, walking my doggies, Butter and Biscuit, and spending time with my family! Many of my close friends are educators, so I am especially excited to be in this space and working with all of you!
I am excited to see what this school year brings!
December Important Dates
Monday, December 9 - 1/2 DAY EARLY DISMISSAL
Early Dismissal due to Teacher In-Service. Students will be dismissed at 12:15 PM. Please be sure to make childcare arrangements for your child(ren).
Monday, December 23 thru Wednesday, January 1
No school in observance of Christmas and New Years!
Annual SOAR Ambassador Toy Drive
Our SOAR ambassadors are holding their Annual SOAR Ambassador Toy Drive during the month of November. Please consider donating a NEW UNWRAPPED TOY by December 1. All toys will be given to students in the Angel Tree Christmas Program, which helps families in need in our school district. New toys can be donated to Mrs. Gelb.
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Gelb directly.
Good News Club
Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) of Adams County is sponsoring an after school Good News Club on Tuesday's from Tuesday, October 8 through the end of the school year. If you would like additional information and/or to sign your child(ren) up for this club, please click on this link.
Race for Education
We have raised 99% of our Race for Education fundraising goal of $23,500! We need just $312 to cross the finish line! We are still accepting donations at bsespto.com/donate! Donate $20 or more online to submit a fun message of support for a student, teacher, staff, or driver, which will continue to be displayed at school through fall conferences! All submitted messages can be viewed at bsespto.com/race-for-education.
Next Meeting - Wednesday, November 20
We'll meet at 9:30am in Mr. Morning's Room next to the Media Center. Agendas & minutes from past meetings can be viewed at bsespto.com/meetings.
Parents Night Out - Saturday, November 23
Take the night off—we've got childcare covered! The PTO is hosting a Floor is Lava themed Parents Night Out for BSES students at Championship Martial Arts in Hanover on Saturday, November 23, from 5–9pm! For just $10, drop off your child for an evening of fun with karate lessons, Floor is Lava games, an obstacle course, LEGO building, and a movie! Pizza is available for an additional fee. Register here or call/text 717-968-5384. All proceeds benefit the BSES PTO!
Logo Contest - Designs Due December 4
The BSES PTO is holding an elementary-wide contest for students to design their own Bermudian logo for the next apparel sale! One winner will be chosen, selected by teachers, faculty, and staff, to be announced during school on December 20, 2024. If your child would like to have their design featured on a T-shirt for our spring apparel sale, make sure they submit their pencil-drawn artwork to their homeroom teachers no later than December 4, 2024! Happy creating - we can't wait to see our students’ designs!
Staff Favorites List
As we gear up for the season of gratitude & gift-giving, our Appreciation Committee has linked a Staff Favorites List at bsespto.com/appreciation to help you personalize gifts for our BSES teachers, staff, & drivers!
If you have questions about the PTO or want to get more involved but aren’t sure how, reach out to your student’s teacher or one of our officers: Andrea Everhart (President), Jason Mleczko (VP), Katie Stehr (Treasurer), Molly Gardner (Secretary), or Julie Williams (Appreciation Committee Chair). We'd love to get you plugged in at BSES!
Email: bsespto@bermudian.org • Website: bsespto.com
Facebook: fb.com/BSESPTO • Sign-Up Sheets: timetosignup.com/bsespto
BSMS's Production of Disney's FINDING NEMO JR.- November 15, 16, and 17
November Breakfast Menu
November Lunch Menu
McKinney-Vento Act
Email: tlaughman@bermudian.org
Website: bermudian.org
Location: 7335 Carlisle Pike, York Springs, PA, USA
Phone: 717-528-5147
Facebook: Facebook.com/BSES
Twitter: @BSES_Eagles