Yale Elementary Newsletter
from your Elementary School Leader: Rosa Swonger

Good Day, MAS Elementary Families!
The first two months of school have been both exciting and eventful! I can’t believe we’re already in October. I want to remind families that while we have many expectations in the classroom, these guidelines are in place to ensure we have a productive school day where your children can learn and grow to their fullest potential.
Here are three reminders based on trends we’ve noticed around campus:
1. Backpacks and Toys: As a reminder, backpacks are not allowed at school. Since we don’t send homework home, backpacks have mainly been used to bring toys to class. While we all know kids love to share, this often leads to toys being broken or taken from the classroom. Please refrain from sending your child to school with toys or backpacks, as we are not responsible if these items are lost, damaged, or stolen.
2. Outside Food and Drink: Bringing fast food to your child for breakfast or lunch is prohibited. Please make sure any outside food your child consumes is eaten before they arrive on campus. Any outside food brought onto campus will need to be discarded before entering the classroom.
3. Lunch: If you are sending lunch from home, please ensure it is packed in a lunch box or bag. We’ve noticed an increase in students carrying around chip bags in classrooms, and we want to build good habits by ensuring students only eat snacks during lunchtime.
I look forward to an amazing school year and partnering with all of you in your children's growth and progress!
Ms. Rosa Swonger, MA
Elementary School Leader
MAS Yale Campus
Our goal for attendance is 95% for the school year. Here's how each grade level is performing so far:
- PreK: 88% (3.09% decrease from last month)
- Kindergarten: 89.60% (0.77% decrease from last month)
- 1st Grade: 93.86% (1.47% decrease from last month)
- 2nd Grade: 93.20% (1.97% decrease from last month)
- 3rd Grade: 93.23% (0.19% decrease from last month)
- 4th Grade: 94.56% (0.04% increase from last month—YAY!)
- Overall Average: 92.56%
Remember, children cannot learn if they aren’t in school. Your child only needs to stay home if they are vomiting, have a fever, or have diarrhea. For all other conditions, they can still attend school. Since MAS offers Direct Instruction, any work missed cannot be made up.
Also, don’t forget: When your child’s grade level reaches 95% attendance or higher for the week, they earn a Dress Down Day! We’ll notify you weekly through a phone blast and social media which grades have earned it.
Fall Break is next week. Here's what you need to know:
- Monday, October 14, 2024: Indigenous Peoples’ Day (school holiday - no school for students or staff)
- Tuesday, October 15 – Wednesday, October 16, 2024: Parent-Teacher Conferences (No School for Students)
- Thursday, October 17 – Friday, October 18, 2024: Staff Professional Development (No School for Students)
Stay tuned for details on our Fall Celebration and Trunk or Treat! We’ll send more information viaphone blast and email soon.
A quick reminder about school uniforms:
- Students can only wear MAS-issued shirts and sweaters in the classroom.
- Long-sleeved shirts are not allowed under short-sleeved MAS shirts.
- Students are only allowed to wear black pants or leggings — NO JEANS.
- Tina Wang: Mrs. Wang teaches 2nd/3rd Grade Math and has taken on the role of K-2 Math Instructional Coach. She has been an incredible asset to our team over the past few years. In the words of her students, "She helps us learn and always comes over to help us when we're stuck on a problem!"
- Joann Espanola: Ms. Espanola teaches 2nd/3rd Grade Physical Education. She has been amazing at supporting and encouraging our students in developing their gross motor skills. Her students say, "She makes us laugh and lets us have a great time. We love when she takes us out for PE!"
- Jamal Molina: Mr. Molina teaches 2nd/3rd Grade Math in small groups. This is his second year at MAS, and he’s been enjoying working with our younger students! His students say, "He’s a very nice teacher, and he makes us laugh a lot."
Tina Wang- 2nd/3rd Grade Math Teacher
Joann Espanola- 2nd/3rd Grade PE Teacher
Jamal Molina- 2nd/3rd Grade Math Small Group Teacher
Our 1st Graders in their Reading Mastery Group!
Our 3rd Graders working on their Math fluency using an online program called Rocket Math.
Our kindergarteners learning about math skills you need to work in space!
See below for your child's grade level and the teachers you can contact:
PreK Teachers
Danlisa DePalma: danlisa.depalma@mascharterschool.com
Shannon Shanks: shannon.shanks@mascharterschool.com
Yuri Valles: yuri.valles@mascharterschool.com
Theresa Cordova: theresa.cordova@mascharterschool.com
K-4th Grade Teachers
K/1 Reading Mastery: Fatma Gondal - fatma.gondal@mascharterschool.com
K/1 Reading Mastery: Janie Mae Pelien - janiemae.pelien@mascharterschool.com
Kinder Reading Mastery: Xianalee Lovato- xianalee.lovato@mascharterschool.com
Kinder Reading Mastery: Kelly Berniklau - kelly.berniklau@mascharterschool.com
K/1 Math: Claudia Torres - claudia.torres@mascharterschool.com
K/1 Math Small Group Teacher: Marivi Castro - marivi.castro@mascharterschool.com
K/1 Math Small Group Teacher: Vivian Rindone - vivian.rindone@mascharterschool.com
K/1 PE: Jaynard Rivera - jaynard.rivera@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade Reading Mastery: Mayra Ramirez - mayra.ramirez@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade Reading Mastery: Irene De La Pena - irene.delapena@mascharterschool.com
2nd Grade Reading Mastery: Christina Catigbe - christina.catigbe@mascharterschool.com
2nd Grade Reading Mastery: Sarah Spesock - sarah.spesock@mascharterschool.com
1st/2nd Grade Math: Ting-Ting Chang - ting-ting.chang@mascharterschool.com
1st/2nd Grade PE: Eden Delposo - eden.delposo@mascharterschool.com
1st/2nd Grade PE Educational Assistant: Eyssy Rodriguez - eyssy.rodriguez@mascharterschool.com
2nd/3rd Grade Reading Mastery/ Test Prep: Alejandro Bacabac - Alejandro.bacabac@mascharterschool.com
2nd/3rd Grade Reading Mastery/Test Prep: Gisela Hernandez - gisela.hernandez@mascharterschool.com
3rd Grade Test Prep: Jirah Ventura - jirah.ventura@mascharterschool.com
3rd Grade Test Prep: Tonikah Edwards - tonikah.edwards@mascharterschool.com
2nd/3rd Grade Math: Shih-Ting Wang- shih-ting.wang@mascharterschool.com
2nd/3rd Grade Math: Lexy Conley - lexy.conley@mascharterschool.com
2nd/ 3rd Grade Math Small Group Teacher: Jamal Molina - jamal.molina@mascharterschool.com
2nd/ 3rd Grade PE: Joann Espanola - joann.espanola@mascharterschool.com
2nd/3rd Grade PE Educational Assistant: Joseph Montoya- joseph.montoya@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Test Prep Teacher: Veronica Vigil - veronica.vigil@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Test Prep Small Group Teacher: Kwame Yeboah - kwame.yeboah@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Math: Kendal Paul - kendal.paul@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Math Small Group Teacher: Jacob Decimus - jacob.decimus@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade PE: Iyean Varela - iyean.varela@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Science: Mohammed Majeed - mohammed.majeed@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Science Small Group Teacher: Sophia Vector