GES Grey Wolf Gazette
February 7 , 2025
Principal's Corner
Well, February certainly seems to be helping us to remember we live in New Hampshire! We will have classroom celebrations on Valentine's Day. Please remember, that if your student brings in a treat or card to share, there should be one for all students in their classroom. We also have unused boxes of valentines, so please reach out directly to me if it would be helpful for your student to get a box.
Please enjoy the photos we have included this week. Students are continuing to show us how they are growing in their academic skills and their positive roles in our learning community. They are demonstrating our motto, "Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible," on a regular basis.
Our February break is the 24th through the 28th. When we return on March 3rd, we will kick off our March Madness Reading Bracket. During the month, students from all grades will be reading books and voting on their favorites to move through a bracket until one book is left standing. Books in the tournament will include wordless books, award winners and rhyming books. Additionally, students will also be participating in a Read-a-Thon sponsored by the Greenfield PTO. Families can activate a student’s Read-a-Thon page, track their reading, and receive donations from family and friends. It is the PTO's largest fundraising event and encourages reading!
District News
The ConVal School District invites all residents to a Community Forum discussing the budget, collective bargaining agreement, property tax bills, the proposed withdrawal of Dublin and Francestown from the ConVal School District, and a budget cap petition warrant article.
The event will be held on February 12, 2025, at 7:00 PM in the Lucy Hurlin Theatre at ConVal High School. A snow date has been scheduled for February 19, 2025, at 7:00 PM.
We encourage all residents to attend, hear from key speakers, and participate in the discussion on these important topics affecting our community. This event will be live-streamed on the ConVal Events YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/@ConValEvents), and it will be available for viewing anytime after the event.
Kindergarten Registration
PTO News
Super exciting! We have earned the most in Box Tops that we have in the last few years! We are currently at $333.80 with plenty of time to still reach our goal of $500 this school year! Thank you to those scanning your receipts! Every little bit helps us fund experiences and supplies for our students!
There is a Refer a Friend BONUS this month - when you share your referral code, found in the app when you click on your account in the top right, then click on "invite friends." BOTH you and your friend earn a $5 bonus when they scan their first receipt within 14 days!
There are also lots of bonuses for the month of February! Check the app for quantities to earn the bonuses, but Annie's, Progresso, Totino's, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Chex Mix/Bugles, Old El Paso, Reese's Puffs and Cinnamon Toast Crunch products can all earn BONUS Box Tops. You can also earn 20 Bonus Box Tops when you purchase any combination of 4 Box Tops products!
As always, if you have any issues or questions, please reach out!
Have a great weekend!
Kelly Shirk
GES PTO Box Tops Coordinator
Lunch Links
Lunch & Breakfast Menus https://www.fdmealplanner.com/
Online Payments https://linqconnect.com/main
February 10-14: Health/PE
February 18: Public Hearing & School Board Meeting at GES 6:30PM
February 19: PTO 6:00pm
February 24-28: Winter Recess
March 3-31: MARCH MADNESS!!
Classroom Happenings
Fun in First Friends!
Marvelous Mathematicians & More
Ms. Harrington's Readers and Writers
Reading, Reading Everywhere!
Turtle Time
Fantastic 4th Grade
Contact Information
Email: shilliard@conval.edu
Website: https://ges.conval.edu
Location: 860 Forest Road, Greenfield, NH, USA
Phone: (603) 547-3334