Mabank Counseling Connection
September 2021
Dear Parents,
The 2021-2022 school year is in full swing, and in the early morning light we're just beginning to feel the hope of Fall temperatures creeping in. Teachers, students, and staff are hard at work as we move deeper into the semester.
September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and it is so important now, more than ever, to talk about and address the mental health issues facing our country and our students. This month's newsletter is chock full of information and useful resources. Check out our offerings below- from knowing the signs of mental distress to self-regulation, parenting in a pandemic, the brain-breath connection, down time, graduation requirements, and more, this issue of the Mabank Counseling Connection is filled with helpful tips and information.
We see the long stretch of all the things that must be accomplished by... Homecoming, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, Graduation, and the end of the year. Let us remember three things. First, we are not doing it on our own: reach out for help when needed and lean into the support of your co-workers, family, friends, and Mabank ISD Community. If you are concerned that you or someone you know may be experiencing a mental health problem, it is important to act. Start the conversation. Seek help from a trusted adult. A parent, a teacher, a counselor. A list of area Mental Health resources and hotlines can be found on our district counseling website under Counseling and Human Resources. You are not alone. Second, take it one day at a time. Live each day in the present, knowing that you will have what you need for the next day when you get there. Rest when the day is over with the knowledge that you've done enough (you are enough!) and you deserve rest after the day is done.
Lastly, breathe. :)
Have a great September 2021! Embrace it one day at a time.
Ashley Ward, MS, LPC
Coordinator of Counseling and Student Support
Mabank ISD
Concerned About a Friend?
You might not be certain your friend is displaying worrisome signs regarding their mental health. Click below for a few signs to look for that a friend may need some help:
Managing Worry and Anxiety for Kids
This video explains what it means to worry and provides several relaxation strategies for managing worried feelings, such as deep breathing and thinking positive thoughts. It also encourages kids to reach out to trusted adults or friends to help the “What ifs?” go away.
Mindfulness Minute with Leaves
Fall is such a great time to take time to rest, let some things go, and cool down. Take some time in nature to unwind and calm the mind.
Pick up some different types of leaves for a quick mindfulness activity. Trace the leaves with your fingers, notice the textures, ridges, and colors. Notice feelings that rise up while focusing on the leaves – are these tied to certain memories? Tune in!
Reaching Out
At some point in time, most of us have been the "new kid," or just felt like we don't quite fit. A little kindness goes a long way to help others not feel so isolated and alone. You never know when that just might save a life.
Self-Regulation and the Brain and Breath Connection
Momentous Institute has been building and repairing social emotional health for nearly a century. Almost anywhere you look, the research confirms what we know to be true – that people with solid social emotional intelligence are happier, healthier and more successful.
All lessons are built on safe relationships and move up through self-regulation, awareness of self and others, empowering students to be change makers themselves. As we wrap-up Safe Relationships, we move to the next step in our Social Emotional Learning- Self-Regulation.
Self Regulation breaks down the importance of the Brain-Body connection, Breath work, Feelings, Body, and Impulse Control. First up are the roles the brain and breathing play in self-regulation.
What Is It?
The brain guides everything that you do: how you move your body, make decisions, experience emotions and deal with stress. When children understand how their brain is connected to their emotions, they are better able to manage those emotions.
Breath is a tool for self regulation that aids in managing impulses and emotions.
Why Is It Important?
Kids benefit from learning how the brain works because it helps them to understand their thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
Breathing is a tool that your children (and you!) can use to relax and think clearly.
Downloadable Apps for Self-Care
▪ Breath2Relax
▪ Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame
▪ Best Self-Help Quotes
▪ Mindfulness Coach
▪ Mind Yeti
Down Dog, Yoga for Beginners, HIIT, Barre, and 7 Minute Workout - free until January 2022
If you are a student or teacher (K-12 or college), go to downdogapp.com/schools for free access until July January 2022.
Contact Us
Email: amward@mabankisd.net
Website: https://www.mabankisd.net/page/counseling
Location: 310 East Market Street, Mabank, TX, USA
Phone: 903.880.1300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mabankisd
Twitter: @mabankisd