Bonny Slope Elementary
October 3, 2024
Dates To Remember
10/9 International Walk + Bike to School Day
10/10 *Jog-A-Thon-- BSCO Fundraising Event (Field)
10/11 NO SCHOOL - Staff Development day
10/18 October Birthday Lunch
10/18 *Monster Mash Family Event
10/25 NO SCHOOL-Grading Day
10/30 Asia & Middle East Part 1 (GeoClub)
10/30 *Fall BSCO Community Meeting 7:00pm (Library + Zoom Option )
11/11 NO SCHOOL - Holiday/Veterans' Day
11/13 Conferences 4pm-8pm
11/14 Conferences 8am-8pm -NO SCHOOL
11/18 Picture Re-Take Day
I have enjoyed a few fun “first events” of the school year in the past couple of weeks. We had our first assembly, which always has a focus connected to our school-wide expectations and Kindness in the Classroom topics. The theme of the assembly was Respect, and it reinforced what all students have been learning in their classrooms. It is always a great time when we come together as a school community, and Ms. Bourquein made sure we had fun with a dance performance and songs.
We had a good turn out for the first Principal Chat, where Mrs. Oordt talked about reading instruction, and how families can support reading at home, and I shared about the Standard Response Protocol for emergencies. You can watch the recording of our Zoom meeting by clicking the link below in the newsletter. There is also a form to let us know you would like to attend the next one on October 23rd. I want to know what topics you are interested in discussing so please use the form to submit requests.
We also had our first birthday lunch to celebrate August and September birthdays. We got to celebrate a lot of birthdays, and I enjoyed this chance to connect with students and also reminisce with some students about past birthday lunches that we’ve had together too!
Do you follow us on Instagram? While we don't have photos of all of the fun events I got to be a part of, our social media team has captured lots of wonderful moments that you can see if you follow us. It is also a good way to find out what will be happening, so if you don’t yet, I recommend following bonnyslopebsd. You can find a link by scrolling down to the bottom of the newsletter.
I am looking forward to even more fun events in the coming weeks and hope to see you all soon!
All the best,
Principal Chat Recording 9.25.24
Principal Chat 10.23.24
Our next Principal Chat will be on October 23 at noon, on Zoom if there is enough interest. The topic for this meeting will be bullying. Please submit the form by Friday, October 11 if you plan to attend. If you will need an interpreter, please submit the form as soon as possible. Use the button below or this link for the form.
Car Drop-off
If you drop students off in the morning in the car line, please make sure students exit at the curb, and can exit without help. This helps keep the line moving in an effort to help with the back up on the street. The photo below shows the street during car drop off, and it can get backed up even further during a very busy car drop off. We appreciate everyone's help!
Dogs at Drop off and Dismissal
We love our furry friends, but we can not allow dogs on campus during arrival and dismissal. Service dogs are the exception.
We are in need of some small sized (5-7) boys pants/shorts for the health room. If you have anything your child has outgrown in this size we would appreciate your donation.
CogAT Screener
In November or December, all 3rd grade students in Beaverton will be administered the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Screener. This 30-minute of testing measures students’ learned reasoning abilities through verbal/picture analogies, number analogies and figure matrices. Families whose student scores in the 90th percentile or above on the CogAT screener will be notified and invited to give permission for their students to take the remainder of the test. There will be post-screener testing and full CogAT testing happening in elementary schools in January. For more information about testing, please contact your school’s TAG facilitator. If you would like to read more about the CogAT for students older than 2nd grade, click here.
5th grade families can request that their student take the CogAT Screener by completing this google form link.
If your student is on vacation or ill during the 3rd grade screener, we will not be able to accommodate a testing session in advance. When you return, check in with the building TAG Facilitators to see if there is an easy way to add your student to a future testing session.
If your 4th or 5th grade student did not attend a Beaverton school in 3rd grade, or missed the screener for whatever reason, you can tell your student’s classroom teacher that you would like your child to be tested. Students cannot be tested with the CogAT in consecutive years. For example, a 4th grader cannot take the CogAT if they took the screener in 3rd grade. Parents of 5th grade students, whose students did not take the CogAT as 4th graders, who would like to request their children take the CogAT again can fill out this google form. Parents need to sign up on the google form at least 5 days before the testing is scheduled to happen at their specific school.
En noviembre o diciembre, a todos los estudiantes de tercero grado del Distrito Escolar de Beavertón se les administrará el Examen de Detección de Habilidades Cognitivas (CogAT). Esta prueba de 30 minutos mide las habilidades de razonamiento aprendidas de los estudiantes a través de analogías verbales / ilustradas, analogías numéricas y matrices de figuras. Las familias cuyos estudiantes obtengan una puntuación en el percentil 90 o superior en el examen CogAT serán notificadas e invitadas a dar permiso para que sus estudiantes tomen el resto del examen. Habrá pruebas posteriores a la evaluación y pruebas CogAT completas en las escuelas primarias hasta las vacaciones de invierno. Para obtener más información sobre las pruebas, comuníquese con el facilitador TAG de su escuela. Si desea leer más sobre el CogAT para estudiantes mayores de 2do grado, haga clic aquí.
Las familias de quinto grado pueden solicitar que su estudiante tome el examen CogAT completando este enlace del formulario de Google.
Si su estudiante está de vacaciones o enfermo durante la evaluación de tercer grado, no podremos organizar una sesión de prueba con anticipación. Cuando regrese, consulte con los facilitadores de TAG del edificio para ver si hay una manera fácil de agregar a su estudiante a una sesión de evaluación futura.
Si su estudiante de 4.° o 5.° grado no asistió a una escuela de Beaverton en 3.° grado, o no asistió a la evaluación por cualquier motivo, puede decirle al maestro de su estudiante que le gustaría que su hijo sea evaluado. Los estudiantes no pueden ser evaluados con el CogAT en años consecutivos. Por ejemplo, un estudiante de cuarto grado no puede tomar el CogAT si tomó la evaluación en tercer grado. Los padres de estudiantes de quinto grado, cuyos alumnos no tomaron el CogAT como estudiantes de cuarto grado, que deseen solicitar que sus hijos tomen el CogAT nuevamente pueden completar este formulario de Google. Los padres deben registrarse en el formulario de Google al menos 5 días antes de la fecha programada para la prueba en su escuela específica.
TAG Parent Nomination for Grades Kindergarten - Second Grade
Every year all students are considered for identification as Talented and Gifted in Beaverton
School District. These services are usually provided within the classroom by the teacher(s).
Academic, intellectual, behavioral, learning, and/or performance information is considered
before a student is identified for TAG services.
In accordance with OAR 581-022-1310, our District is also committed to efforts in the
identification of students from ethnic minorities, students with disabilities, and students who are
culturally different or economically disadvantaged.
If your child is in kindergarten, first grade, or second grade and you think your child might exhibit qualities that typically are used to describe giftedness, you may wish to complete the attached Parent Information Form. Because we believe that parents are excellent observers of their child’s potential, we invite your input into this evaluation process.
This parent form is based on the Kingore Observation Inventory that is used by classroom
teachers in the Fall. Complete the characteristic sections that describe your child and provide
supporting examples, whenever possible. While completing this form does not guarantee that
your child will be tested, it will give our school’s TAG committee valuable additional
information in the evaluation process.
Upon receipt, your completed form becomes part of the school’s identification process. Parents
will be notified regarding testing eligibility, and the required permission form will be sent to
parents prior to testing.
The attached Parent Information Form may be completed and returned to your child's teacher. The deadline for this form is November 1. Reminder, this parent nomination process is only for kindergarten-second grade students.
Should you have questions regarding the identification process, please reach out to our school TAG Facilitator, Lindsey Williamson at lindsey_williamson@beaverton.k12.or.us
Count Down to Jog-A-Thon
Monster Mash is Back!
Date: October 18, 2024
Time: 6-8pm
Come in costume and join us for a spooky time! Kids must be accompanied by grownups at all times and please bring a bag to carry your treats!
We need volunteers! Here are ways you can get involved:
- Volunteer at a treat station (sign up on ParentSquare)
- General help: move the crowds along, provide relief breaks for trunk-or-treat hosts, just be around generally to help where needed (sign up on ParentSquare)
- Host a trunk for the Trunk-or-Treat: We'll provide the candy and give you a budget to decorate ($100 reimbursement). There are still spots if you want to host a trunk! Fill out the interest form ASAP and we’ll reach out to you! https://sites.google.com/view/bsco-monster-mash/home
Thanks to all the volunteers that are making this event possible!
Lesson Presenters and Art Helpers are still needed to help with this month's lesson on John Constable. You can review the lesson on the Bonny Slope Art Literacy website.
The following teachers need your support:
Vaughn 10/4 11:20-12:20 [Art Helpers]
Hazel 10/8 9:15-10:15 [Lesson Presenter]
Osika 10/14 9:30-10:30 [Art Helpers]
Scoones 10/16 10:30-11:30 [Art Helpers]
Klingner 10/17 11:15-12:15 [Art Helpers]
Basham 10/18 11:20-12:20 [Lesson Presenter]
Kamm 10/21 1:00-2:00 [Lesson Presenter]
Grant 10/23 9:30-10:30 [Lesson Presenter]
Reid 10/23 11:35-12:35 [Lesson Presenter]
Caraballo 10/24 9:30-10:30 [Lesson Presenter and Art Helpers]
Zusman 10/24 1:30-2:30 [Art Helpers]
Visit ParentSquare to sign up!
Answer the Call for Beaverton schools!
It’s calling season! Between October 7-15, over 300 Beaverton School District high school students will volunteer their time and energy to reach nearly 20,000 community members during the Beaverton Education Foundation’s annual student-volunteer calling event.
Students participating in Answer the Call enhance and refine communications and marketing skills during all five call nights. These practical life and work skills are a bonus that students and future employers both value.
If you see “Beaverton Education Foundation” on your caller ID in October, please answer the call!
Bonny Slope Elementary
Principal: Betty Skundrick
Assistant Principal: Anh Nguyen-Johnson
11775 NW McDaniel Rd.
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 503.356.2040
Fax: 503.356.2045
Attendance: 503.356.2040 Press 1 for attendance
Attendance email: