CVHS October Newsletter
October 1, 2024
Creating an Environment of Success
Chippewa Valley High School is a special place. We have good people doing good things every day. But we can always be better. We value growth and we must keep growing, individually and collectively. To that end, let's work on the following three things: Taking Ownership of Accountability, Raising the Bar, and Having Each Other's Back.
Taking Ownership of Accountability
There is no question that accountability is important, but to achieve it, we all need to own it. We have rules about dress code, cell phones, backpacks, attendance, and more. Administrators, teachers, staff, parents, and students all have a role to play in meeting these expectations. To take ownership, I must ask myself, what am doing to hold myself and others accountable? To take ownership, you must ask yourself the same question. Do you know the rules? Students, do you follow them? Parents, do you reinforce them? Teachers, do you expect them? Administrators, do you support them? When we all take ownership, we all benefit.
Raising the Bar
We also all have a part in setting expectations for performance. While we don't want to increase stress, we do want the healthy tension of high expectations. These expectations just require our best effort, each day. Be present, try hard, read, study, follow the rules, join teams and clubs, try new things. We all should expect ourselves and each other to be our best.
Having Each Other's Back
Finally, a healthy environment also calls for us to have each other's back. Staff members must support each other. They must also support students, and parents. Students must also support each other, as well as their teachers and coaches and parents. Parents, of course you must support your student, but also their teachers and coaches, and each other. This web of support helps us all. We are all in this together.
What's Happening in October?
Oct 2 - Count Day - the goal is to have all students attend all classes to ensure full funding for our school district
Oct 4 - Progress report time - check your student's grades and attendance in PowerSchool
Oct 5 - Inaugural Black Business Expo
Oct 7 - Homecoming Week Begins
Oct 11 - Homecoming Parade and Football Game
Oct 12 - Homecoming Dance
Oct 15 - NHS Induction
Oct 16 - PSAT testing for Juniors in the AM - Virtual classes for all in the PM
Oct 16-17 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Oct 18 - Half Day
Oct 19 - Freshmen Fall Dance
Oct 24-25 - Senior Photos
Nov 1 - End of Quarter 1
Looking forward to another great month at CVHS!
Todd Distelrath