Kellogg ROAR Newsletter
Tuesday, October 8th 2024
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Message from the Principal
Kellogg Families,
As we embrace the beautiful month of October, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude for your continued support and involvement in our school community. This month is a time for reflection, growth, and connection. October brings a change in seasons, which is a wonderful reminder of the importance of adaptability and resilience. We encourage you to engage with your children about the lessons they are learning in school, fostering a love for learning and exploration at home.
Our Fall MAP testing has concluded. We use these benchmarks to measure Math and English proficiency for every grade level during Middle School. These data then are added to data collected throughout the year on benchmark proficiency assessments to measure student progress toward expected course standards. PPS has uploaded test scores into ParentVue/StudentVue, and families can see scores once they are uploaded throughout the school year.
In this edition of the ROAR Newsletter are important announcements and reminders:
- Coffee with the Principal
- Walk and Roll to School Day
- No School on Friday
- and much more!
Have a wonderful week ahead!
Mr. Thai Nguyen
Kellogg Middle School
Coffee with the Principal (New)
No School on Friday, October 11th (New)
Early Pick Up (Reminder)
In general, we ask that you avoid picking up students early from school. Students are missing critical instructional time when they leave early. If possible, schedule appointments on Early Release Days and No School Days.
If you are picking up students early ...
- Avoid coming during Lunch and Recess times. It is more difficult to track down students during their Lunch and Recess.
- Avoid picking up your student between 3:45 PM and 4:00 PM, as our office becomes overwhelmed with accommodating early pick-ups and staff is limited in the afternoons. If you need to pick up early, we request that you arrive prior to 3:30 PM. If you arrive after 3:50 PM, you will kindly be asked to wait outside for the final bell at 4:00 PM.
Lastly, please be prepared to show your photo ID, as it is a legal requirement for picking up students during school hours. (i.e. driver’s license, state ID card, passport). As a reminder, your student will not be released to anyone that is not over the age of 18, anyone not listed on the registration form, or to anyone without an ID.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and support of your student and our school safety.
Order School Pictures (Reminder)
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on You can create an account using your student's ID number.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card. More info about the SmileSafe program can be found here.
PIL Sports Schedules (Reminder)
PIL Youth Winter Sports (Girls and Boys Basketball and Wrestling) registration is now open on FamilyID:
Tryouts for Boys Basketball
- Nov. 9th: 6th grade: 9-10:30 am, 7th grade: 10:45-12:15 pm, 8th grade: 12:30-2 pm.
- Nov. 10th: 6th grade: 2:15-3:45 pm, 7th grade: 4-5:30 pm, 8th grade: 5:45-7:15 pm.
- Location: Franklin High School gym
Tryouts for Girls Basketball
- Nov. 8th: 8th grade: 5-6:30 pm
- Nov. 9th: 6th grade: 2:15-3:45 pm, 7th grade: 4-5:30 pm
- Nov. 10th: 6th grade: 9-10:30 am, 7th grade: 10:45-12:15 pm, 8th grade: 12:30-2 pm.
- Location: Franklin High School gym.
- Practices begin Tuesday, Nov. 12th from 5:30-7 pm in the Franklin HS mat room.
*Your child must be registered on FamilyID and have an up to date sport physical on file prior to basketball tryouts and wrestling practices. Email with any questions.
Sun Extended-Day Programming (Reminder)
Hi everyone!
My name is Cristina and I'm really excited to get to know the Kellogg community this year! I'm a first generation immigrant from Peru and I have a master's degree in social work from PSU. I've lived in Portland since I was eight, and went to the Odyssey Program at Hayhurst when I was in middle school. I love playing video games, making music on my laptop, and painting in my spare time. If you ever want to talk shop about Pinterest boards, vaporwave aesthetics, chickens, or wacky instruments around the world I'm always happy to listen!
**Cristina can be found in Room 111C and can be reached at or 503-839-0672
Drama Club
We are also happy to announce that a brand new Drama Club has been added to our SUN classes on Mondays beginning October 7th from 4:00 to 5:15! All levels of experience are welcome. Students will learn performance skills and techniques through activities, games, and improvisation in a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere. For more information, please contact Cristina at 503-839-0672.
Kellogg Fall SUN Extended-day Programming
Forms will not be accepted after October 11th for Fall SUN.
Message from PTSA (Update)
International Walk and Roll to School Day is Wednesday, October 9.We’ll be celebrating students that walk, bike, or ride the bus to school!
Our day to help at the PTA Clothing Center at Marshall High School is coming up on Thursday, October 10, and we need volunteers for 2 or 4 hour shifts. Please sign up here:
PTA Clothing Center Volunteers
We hope you join us for our social meeting and potluck dinner on Wednesday, October 16th at 6:30 PM.
Message from REAP (Reminder)
We have our Young Men of Purpose 2024 event open to all students occurring next month, October 25th from 10am-1pm. This years theme is “Every Challenge Shapes A Champion” which embodies our belief that the obstacles and trials each man encounters are pivotal in shaping their journey toward leadership and success. This event is designed to connect youth to professionals and leaders in the community, empower student dreams, and meet other students at other schools. Transportation to the venue space (Double Tree Hotel) and lunch is provided. Flyers and field trip permission forms will be at the main office for students to sign up!
School Traffic Circulation Map (Reminder)
Thank you for taking the time to review our traffic circulation map provided by the Safe Routes to School teams at PBOT and PPS. PBOT and PPS staff visited our campus to conduct a traffic circulation observation and suggested the following modifications to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety
around our campus during the peak hours of arrival and dismissal.
Key Changes
- The School Street pilot project on SE Franklin Street behind the school has ended. SE Franklin Street will be no longer have School Street signs while PBOT and PPS revise the School Street program.
- As a dead-end street, drivers are discouraged from dropping off and picking up students on this section of SE Franklin St. Walking or biking is encouraged.
Vehicular Traffic
- Suggested vehicular traffic flow is depicted using purple arrows on your map.
- Drivers are encouraged to drive clockwise, so that the school is always on your right. Drop off students on the school-side of the street to limit crossings.
- Do not park in the school bus loading zone north of the school.
- When dropping-off or picking-up, avoid stopping in the travel lane or attempting to make U-turns. Student drop-off should occur in the marked parking section on SE 69 th Avenue. Do not drop off in the “No Stopping or Parking” area.
- Please consider parking 1-2 blocks from the school and walking the remainder of the way. This Park and Walk provides an opportunity to get active during the day and allows you to avoid the school traffic lines.
Thank you,
-Safe Routes to Schools Team
Action Item
- See image below for Kellogg's circulation map.
Bus Routes (Reminder)
The image below lists all the big bus routes and stops for Kellogg.
Please call PPS Transportation Services at 503-916-6901 or email at if you have any questions.
School Hours and District Calendar (Reminder)
During the 2024-2025 school year ...
- School officially starts at 9:15 AM and dismisses at 4:00 PM.
Throughout the school year there are Staff Meeting Days and Early Release Days.
- On Staff Meeting Days, school officially starts at 9:30 AM and dismisses at 4:00 PM.
- On Early Release Days, school officially starts at 9:15 AM and dismisses at 1:45 PM.
Click here for the 2024-2025 District calendar.
- Staff Meeting Days are noted with **.
- Early Release Days are noted with a clock icon.
Schoolwide Expectations (Reminder)
At Kellogg we are proud of our schoolwide expectations as they provide our students with safe, structured, and productive learning environments. Please take the time to review some of our expectations below.
Cell Phones and Technology Devices
Cell phones and all personal technologies (e.g. gaming devices, wireless headphones, Bluetooth speakers, etc.) are expected to be off and away during the school day. Students are expected to keep cell phones and technology devices off and away in the hallways, restrooms, and at lunch recess as well. If a student is spotted with a cell phone or technology device, it will be immediately confiscated and taken to the front office. Students with repeated cell phone or technology infractions will be placed on individualized cell phone and technology plans.
In alignment with many other middle schools in the District, all backpacks must be stored in lockers during the school day. Backpacks clutter classroom spaces and items are frequently lost or stolen unless they are stored safely in a locker. Students will use their binders to carry their learning materials throughout the school day.
Learning Logs
To help students stay organized and keep track of important dates and deadlines, students will be issued a Learning Log. Be sure to check your student's Learning Log regularly to stay up-to-date with your student's assignments, tests, and other announcements. Learnings Logs will also serve as the student's hall pass when students leave the classroom during non-transition times. It is critical that students do not lose their Learning Log.
Toys and Valuable Items
Students should leave all toys, valuable items, and any item that can cause safety concerns or distractions at home. Leaving these items at home will ensure items are not lost or stolen.
Closed Campus
Kellogg is a closed campus. All visitors must check-in at the front office. Students must be signed out and picked up by a parent or guardian in order to leave campus before dismissal time. Additionally, our school will not accept DoorDash, Uber Eats, or other deliveries to students. Parents and guardians are welcome to drop off lunch items for their students at any time.
Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, October 9th = Coffee with the Principal (9:30 AM - 10:30 AM)
- Friday, October 11th = No School (Statewide Inservice Day)
- Sunday, October 13th - Friday, October 18th = Outdoor School for 6th Graders
- Tuesday, October 15th = Staff Meeting Day (School Hours: 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM)
- Wednesday, October 16th = Kellogg PTSA meeting (6:30 PM)
- Tuesday, October 22nd = Dance & Choir Dress Rehearsal
- Wednesday, October 23rd = Early Release Day (School Hours: 9:15 AM - 1:45 PM)
- Thursday, October 24 = Fall Performing Arts Showcase (6:30 PM - 7:30 PM)
- Thursday, October 31 = End of Quarter
Key Contacts (Reminder)
Below are the counselors and Administrators supporting each grade level.
Student safety, student well-being, and student learning are our top priorities. If you ever need to speak to a teacher, counselor, administrator, or any staff member, please call the front office or e-mail the individual directly to schedule a meeting. Unannounced meetings are often difficult to accommodate as school staff have busy and tight schedules. In particular, before school, after school, and lunch times are the busiest times in schools as most staff members are on duty to ensure student safety. Thank you for your support and understanding!
Administration Team
Mr. Thai Nguyen
Ms. Claudia McClellan
Assistant Principal
(se habla español)
Dr. Dan Carpenter
Assistant Principal