River Valley ECA
November Newsletter
Dear Teachers,
Email Amanda Fuentes at amanda.fuentes@uafs.edu or call (479)788-7249
Better Beginnings
Don't forget about the FREE resources from the Better Beginnings website. Click the image to access curriculum and circle time pintables. .
2024 Training Challenge winner ($50 Amazon gift card) will be announced at the November meeting. Also, there will be a drawing for a $10 Wal-Mart gift card.
November Activities
Training Feedback Form
What training(s) are you interested in? What training do you need? We want to hear from YOU! Click the image to fill out out professional training feedback form!
Upcoming Trainings
Administrator Trainings
Teacher Trainings
Mighty, Meaningful Math:
A Play Event for Early Childhood Educators (3 hours of PDR credit)
November 2, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Hot Springs
PDR Course # 71281
For more information contact Marcy White, MWhite@AState.edu.
Super Saturday Clarksville
November 9, 2024
Intro to Explorers Preschool Curriculum Direct (1.5 hours of PDR credit)
This self-paced training can be completed any time.
Register: https://bit.ly/EPCintro
For more information contact Marcy White, MWhite@AState.edu
Arkansas New Staff Orientation (8 hours of PDR credit)
Register: https://arkansas.learningterritory.com/
For more information contact ARNSO@AState.edu.
Emergency Preparedness Direct
For more information or to register contact Nicole Goad, Jnwilson@AState.edu
Starting Well with Families of Infants and Toddlers (In Spanish)
(2 hours of PDR credit)
Available upon request
If interested, please contact Miriam Jackson, Mirjackson@AState.edu
The High -Quality Classroom Interactions -
ABC Refresher 2024-25 (3 hours of PDR credit)
The following link will take you directly to the Refresher home page. In order to receive the 3
hours of PDR credit, you must view any six of the 20-minute sessions and follow the directions
through the same link and complete the Google doc.
Register: https://sites.google.com/view/abcrefresher2024-2025/home
The ERS courses below will be available through December 31, 2024. These courses
support new programs and those leveling up in Better Beginnings.
PDR Course # 71229
PDR Course # 71228
PDR Course # 67933
ERS The Basics
PDR Course # 67965
PDR Course # 67901
For more information contact Michelle Ford, Brford@AState.edu
Conscious Discipline Academy
Infant/Toddler Training Opportunities
For more information about Conscious Discipline Trainings contact Melissa Sutton, MSutton@Astate.edu or Debi Dunning, DDunning@Astate.edu