Lexiles & Achieve3000
A Guide for Parents
Please note...
- Rachel
What is Achieve3000?
Achieve3000 is a research-based non-fiction reading program that gives each student informational articles at their own unique reading level. The program adapts as the student demonstrates comprehension, slowly increasing the complexity of the text to grow his/her reading Lexile level. The video below will further explain the program.
Why does my child use it?
How Does it Work?
What is a Lexile?
A "Lexile" is a universal measure of reading comprehension developed by the education research organization MetaMetrics. The following is their explanation of the Lexile measure:
Whether your child struggles to read or can’t get enough, The Lexile® Framework for Reading helps you, your child and educators personalize learning to help them navigate the path to college and career readiness.
The Lexile Framework for Reading is a scientific approach that places both the reader and text on the same developmental scale, making it easy to connect your child with books targeted to their reading ability.
Your child receives a Lexile reader measure from a test at school or a state assessment. A Lexile reader measure can range from below 0L for early readers to above 2000L for advanced readers. Readers who score below 0L receive a BR for Beginning Reader. If you don’t know your child’s Lexile reader measure, ask their teacher.
More than 100 books, articles, and websites have received Lexile text measures. Materials receive Lexile text measures based on factors like their vocabulary and complexity. For example, the first Harry Potter book measures 880L, so it has a Lexile text measure of 880L.
Using the Lexile reader measure and the Lexile text measure together is what makes Lexile measures different from any other reading score. You can use your child’s Lexile measure to engage them in reading materials that accelerate their skills, or, for advanced readers, find materials that offer more challenge but are also age-appropriate.
Students and parents should look for reading materials with a reading comprehension “sweet spot” of 100L below to 50L above their reported Lexile measure. Reading materials in this range will provide an ideal level of challenge while maintaining comprehension.
Monitoring Growth and Resources
Your child’s teacher will send you a letter with your child’s username and password, and a security code. If this has not come home, contact your child's teacher to request it or call 877.235.2525 for this information.
Visit the MetaMetrics website to find just right books for your child, look up the Lexile of a book, or monitor whether his/her Lexile growth is on track for success in college and careers when they graduate. The Career Center built into Achieve is also wonderful tool for helping your child set goals and work toward greater reading comprehension!