March SWE Newsletter
Happy Pi Day - Tuesday, March 14
What is Pi Day and why do we celebrate the holiday?
Every March 14, mathematicians, scientists and math lovers around the world celebrate Pi Day, a commemoration of the mathematical sign pi. Since the mid-18th century pi has also been represented by the Greek letter π. In fact, the word “pi” itself was actually derived from the first letter of the Greek word perimetros, which means circumference.
The date written numerically as 3/14 match the first three digits of the never-ending number: 3.14
The Greek mathematician Archimedes is considered the first person to accurately approximate pi in 250 B.C. after he created an algorithm, which is why pi is sometimes called Archimedes' constant.
Pi Day was first celebrated in 1988 at San Francisco's Exploratorium, a museum of science and technology that encourages visitors to be hands-on. The holiday was founded by physicist Larry Shaw, who had been an employee of the museum for more than 15 years.
Trivia Question: What famous person celebrated a birthday on March 14?
Answer is at the end of this newsletter.
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March Meeting - Saro Cider in Lincoln on Thursday, March 23
If you are attending the Nebraska Women in STEM conference this day, be sure to stop by after the conference.
Date: Thursday, March 23
Time: Tour at 5:30 p.m. followed by Social Time
Place: Saro Cider, 1746 N Street, Lincoln
Cost: Free to members and guests
RSVPs not required but appreciated. We don't want to start the tour without you!
More information at
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Upcoming Meetings
April Meeting - Thursday, April 13 in Columbus, NE Hosted by Bechtel Dickinson
This meeting will be held in-person and virtually.
May Meeting - Omaha Date TBD
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Metro Science and Engineering Fair (MSEF) – March 22 at the Henry Doorly Zoo
We are looking for volunteers to judge science projects from 8 - Noon on Wednesday, March 22.
SWE is presenting awards for this event, and we will be judging projects in the STEM field that are being presented by young women. It is a fun event and a great opportunity to see what great projects these ladies presenting. You will have free admission to the zoo, so after the judging is done, you are welcome to visit the zoo on your own.
Judges will have a chance to review abstracts prior to the fair which will be very helpful.
Visit for more information.
Please contact Gabriela Ostler, our Outreach Coordinator at or Janis Pfingsten at by March 10 if you are interested.
Completely Kids after-school Program
We are looking for volunteers to present STEM activities to a group of 9-12 young ladies in the 3-5th grade at some of our underrepresented schools in the Omaha area from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. If you have never presented to this program don’t worry, we will pair you up with another seasoned volunteer. SWE will provide all of the materials and directions on how to present the activity and information on how this activity applies to the engineering world.
Some of our activities include balloon cars, making lipstick, paper towers, asphalt cookies, and many more fun activities.
For questions or to volunteer please reach out to Gabriela Ostler, our Outreach Coordinator at or Janis Pfingsten at
If you have other ideas or opportunities for outreach please contact Gabriela.
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Graduate Hotel Lincoln, Nebraska
Registration: $125 Sale ends March 17
Attendees of the conference will have the opportunity to develop their personal and professional identity, build networks of support to help them achieve their goals, and have a great time while doing it.
For more information go to: Nebraska Women in Stem
SWE 1/2 Year Membership Rate
We may be half way though the membership fiscal year, but members can still join or renew and receive the 1/2 year rate! Use this coupon code FY2350OFF to new/renewing members to get 50% off. The coupon code expires on March 31, 2023, but the membership will extend through the end of fiscal year, expiring on June 30, 2023.
Standard professional membership: Full or part-time employees working as an engineer or in a STEM field.
Cost: $100/fiscal year
Get 50% off this membership with code FY2350OFF. Code expires March 30, 2023.
You do not need to be an engineer to join SWE!! We have membership rates for non-engineers and educators.
Benefits of SWE Membership
SWE can provide benefits to your personal growth, career development, as well as allowing you opportunities to give back to your community. Some of the benefits you may find in SWE are:
- Networking
- Professional Development
- Enhance your Leadership Skills
- Community Outreach
- Opportunities for Career and Community Service Recognition
- Reduced Pricing for Conference Attendance, as well as Free Webinars
- Access to SWE's Career Center
- Fun & Lasting Friendships
Join Us! Become a member of SWE today or get more information on the benefits of membership.
Click on this link to download our SWE Membership flyer: 22-SWE-023-MembershipCampaign-ProfessionalFlyer.pdf
For more information about the Society please visit
March 14 Pi Day
March 23 SWE Meeting at Saro Cider in Lincoln
March 23 Nebraska Women in STEM Conference, Lincoln
March 31-April 1 WE Local Seattle – Keynote Speaker: Angel McMullen-Gunn from Eastern Nebraska Section
April 13 SWE Meeting in Columbus, NE
Answer to Trivia Question: Albert Einstein