RES Rocket Weekly
January 6th - January 10th
A Week
Character Education and Mindset
Character Trait for January: Cooperation
January Mindset Focus: Feedback is a Gift
To cooperate means...
working or acting together
to achieve a common goal.
In our RES School Family, we value cooperation
as we each support one another to achieve success.
Always remembering that constructive feedback
is what everyone needs to grow and learn!
Week at a Glance
Monday, January 6th
10:45am - 11:15am Character Ed/Mindset Lesson: AM Pre-K
12:30pm - 1:00pm Character Ed/Mindset Lesson: 2nd Grade
2:15pm - 2:45pm MTSS/PBIS Rocking Rockets Celebration
3:00pm - 3:30pm MTSS/PBIS Rocking Rockets Celebration
Tuesday, January 7th
9:45am - 10:15am Character Ed/Mindset Lesson: Mrs. Miller’s Class
4:00pm - 5:00pm Competitive DI Team (Mr. Cross' Team)
4:00pm - 5:15pm Spark (FLOW Club)
Wednesday, January 8th
8:15am - 9:00am Creative Writing Club
2:00pm - 2:30pm Character Ed/Mindset Lesson: PM Pre-K
5:30pm - 7:00pm Math Night sponsored by FOR the Kids
Thursday, January 9th
9:45am - 10:15am Kindergarten Principal Code of Conduct Presentations
10:45am - 10:15am 3rd Grade: Principal Code of Conduct Presentations
11:50am - 12:20pm Maker-Space Club (2nd/3rd Grades)
12:40pm - 1:10pm Maker-Space Club (1st Grade)
1:20pm - 1:50pm Maker-Space Club (4th/5th Grades)
Friday, January 10th
Wear our school colors to show our Ridge Pride!
10:45am - 11:15am Character Ed/Mindset Lesson: Ms. Erdman’s Class
4:00pm - 5:00pm Competitive DI Team (Mrs. Haney's Team)
4:00pm - 5:15pm Robotics Club
Upcoming Events
Save the Date!!! Upcoming Activities/Events
New Year, New Book Swap!
Books may be sent in with students or dropped off in the school foyer beginning December 6th through January 10th.
The book swap will take place on January 17th during the school day.
Family Math Night - January 8th!
Explore math games and strategies and a spaghetti dinner!
Click here for donations needed to make this a fun-filled, successful Math Night!
Important Informational Items/Reminders
In case of inclement weather and a 2-hour delay, breakfast is not served
Lost and Found
Please mark your child's name (at least last name) inside coats and lunch boxes.
There are many unclaimed items in the lost and found because students don't always recognize their own items or realize that they have misplaced an item.
Please click here to view pictures of items not claimed yet. Pictures updated as of 12/18/2019.
Outdoor Recess
As the weather continues to get colder, please note that students will not be permitted to participate in outdoor recess if they are not dressed warmly.
- All students need to wear a winter/thicker coat that zips/buttons.
- Any students wearing only a light jacket or sweatshirt will remain inside for indoor recess.
Attendance Matters!
In order to participate in after school activities or events a student must be in attendance for a half day of school.
A student is considered truant if a student is unlawfully absent from school for more than:
- 8 days in any marking period
- 15 days in any semester
- 20 days in a school year
A student is considered chronically absent is he/she misses 2 or more days/month.
Click here for a video produced by St. Mary's County Public School Students on the importance of attending school.
See below for our November Attendance Class Winner!!!!
Runner-Ups were close behind with 7 Days!!!
Stay tuned for our December Attendance Class Winner!!!!
St. Mary's County Public School System County-Wide Presentations & Events
Events Across the County...
RES Enrichment Activities and Before/After School Clubs
Destination Imagination - Competitive Team
Session Day/Time:
- Mr. Cross' Team - Tuesdays from 4pm to 5pm
- Mrs. Haney's team - Fridays from 4pm to 5pm
Session Dates: Beginning of the week of October 14th through the week of March 2nd
South Central Regional Competition: Saturday, March 7th
Maker-Space Club (During Recess)
Session Day/Time: Thursdays during Recess
Session Dates: October 10th - January 17th (all students on the waitlist will be able to participate in the second session).
Robotics Club (After School)
Grades: 3rd through 5th
Session Day/Time: Fridays from 4pm to 5:15pm
Session Dates: Begins Friday, October 25th.
Approved volunteers are welcome to assist! Volunteers do not need to have any prior experience with robotics, just a willingness to help!
Creative Writing Club
Grades: 4th and 5th Grade Students
Session Day/Time: Wednesdays from 8:15am to 9:00am
Session Dates: Wednesday, November 6th through Wednesday, March 25th.
Art Club - Primary Grades
Session Day/Time: TBD
Session Dates: Stay tuned for our next session!
Wait-listed students will be given priority if they apply for the second session.
Art Club - Intermediate Grades
Session Day/Time: TBD
Session Dates: Stay tuned for our next session!
Wait-listed students will be given priority if they apply for the second session.
Running/Walking Club
Session Day/Time: TBD
Session Dates: Stay tuned for our Spring Session!
Garden Club
Grades: Kindergarten through 5th
Session Day/Time: TBD
Session Dates: Stay tuned for our Spring Session!
Tumbling Club
Session Day/Time: Wednesdays B Week during Recess
Session Dates: Stay tuned for our next session!
FOR (Friends of Ridge) for the Kids!
Volunteering Updates and News
Click on the site below to access the Friends of Ridge (FOR) the Kids Site for additional news and information. Also be sure to join the FOR Facebook group using the link above!
RES Staff "Favorite" Things
Next Meeting - January 14th at 4:15pm
FOR meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month with alternating times of 4:15pm and 5:30pm to accommodate the availability of parents and families.
As many families may not be able to attend evening meetings, other options are available to support and participate in activities FOR the Kids. Meeting notes will be posted below for families unable to attend meetings and notifications of volunteer opportunities will be shared via our Rocket Weekly for Families and ClassDojo.
Previous Meetings are posted below:
- December 2019 Meeting Notes
- November 2019 Meeting Notes
- October 2019 Meeting Notes
- September 2019 Meeting Notes
The St. Mary's County Public School System (SMCPS) believes volunteer service to our schools is an essential component of student success.
At Ridge Elementary School, we are continually striving to build opportunities for our families and community members to volunteer to support both students and staff. We understand, and believe, that the success of our students comes from the partnership we have between homes and school. Only working together, collaboratively and collectively, will our students SOAR to Great Heights!
As we encourage and foster opportunities for volunteers, we also need to ensure the safety and security of all of our students and your children. All volunteers (e.g., field trips and assistance with small groups) must be a registered SMCPS Volunteer.
Please click here to begin the SMCPS Volunteer Registration Process if you're not a registered volunteer.
RES Students Soar to Great Heights!!!!
New Year, New Goal!
Students came up with goals on Friday and postcards will be mailed home in June reminding students of the goals they set!
RES Spirit Webstore is OPEN!
Offering several different items to show your RES Pride all year!
Orders may be made at any time and most items come in a variety of color combinations.
If a paper copy is needed to place an order please contact the RES Main Office and one will be sent home.
Please click here to access the site.
RES Twitter
Please follow us: @res_smcps. We will be using Twitter for updates and reminders as well as a means of showcasing for everyone all of our Ridge Pride!