CSD Weekly, December 5, 2024
December 5, 2024

In This Issue
- School Newsletters: See What's Happening in Our Schools!
DHS Club Honors Custodial Staff and the Bulldog Swim Team Wins the First Meet
- District Updates: Just Right Readers Arrive, School Climate Survey Opens, and More!
Community News: School Grants and Events
School Newsletters
Find out what's happening in CSD schools by clicking on your school's newsletter name.
District Dates and Events
- STAR Assessments, December 2-13
- Decatur Holiday Marketplace & Cafe, December 13-14
Early Release Day, December 19
Winter Break, December 20-January 6
Ongoing STAR Assessments
This Week's Highlight: DHS Swimming
Congratulations to the DHS swim team on last week's win at the Woodward-Midtown dual meets!
District News
DHS Gentlemen of Quality Club Celebrates Custodians
The Gentlemen of Quality Club at DHS recognized the hard work of the custodial staff by assisting them with lunch cleanup and transitions for November's project. During this initiative, the students expressed their appreciation to the custodial team on-site. The students involved in this effort included Mohamed Atik, Norrell Farrie, Norwenzo Farrie, Bryce Howson, Christian Jamison, Issac McCalep, Bryson Riddick-Seals, Ronin Simms, and William Smiley.
Decodable Just Right Readers Arrive in CSD
Thank You For Your Generosity, Decatur!
A heartfelt thank you to our community for your generous contributions to CSD's programs during our first Giving Tuesday!! Your support will significantly enhance initiatives that directly influence student success and engagement at CSD. If you were unable to participate in Giving Tuesday, you can still make a donation here.
School Climate Survey Opens
Annual School Climate Survey Now Open
Please take a moment to participate in CSD's climate survey relevant to your school and ensure your voice is heard! Remember, these surveys will be available until March 31, 2025. Your participation is vital, as the data collected will help determine the School Climate Star Ratings for the 2025-26 school year. City Schools of Decatur values the input from parents, students, and staff!
(Note: GaDOE administers climate surveys for K-12 schools. College Heights ECLC is omitted.)
Clairemont Family Climate Survey
Glennwood Family Climate Survey
Oakhurst Family Climate Survey
Westchester Family Climate Survey
Winnona Park Family Climate Survey
Talley Street Family Climate Survey
Helpful Info and Resources
Student License Plate Design Contest: U.S. Semiquincentennial
The Georgia Departments of Education and Revenue are launching a student license plate design contest to commemorate the United States semiquincentennial, the 250th anniversary of the 1776 Declaration of Independence, celebrated on July 4, 2026.
The final license plate will be selected from designs submitted by students in grades six through eight in Georgia schools. See the submission guidelines and submit a design by January 31, 2025, at 5 p.m. Contact licenseplatecontest@doe.k12.ga.us with questions.
Update on House Bill 581 (Floating Homestead Exemption Tax)
During the 2024 Legislative Session, House Bill 581 passed to establish a statewide floating homestead exemption with a local government opt-out, with the Consumer Price Index as an inflationary index. This exemption impacts property taxes for cities, counties and school districts.
As with all Constitutional amendments, the bill required voter approval. More than 55% of the City of Decatur voted in favor of the amendment, which will go into effect on January 1, 2025. HB 581 allows cities, counties, and school districts a one-time opt-out of the property tax cap.
To opt-out, a district must advertise its intent to opt out in a newspaper of general circulation, conduct at least three public hearings, adopt an opt-out resolution and file the resolution with the Secretary of State by March 1, 2025.
Public hearings are scheduled for January 14 and January 21. More details are forthcoming.
Safety Resources
As part of CSD's commitment to ensuring safe and secure learning and working environments, below is a list of resources to help guide parents' conversations with students when discussing the possibility of violence in schools. Safety is our top priority. If you see something, please say something immediately.
- National Association of School Psychologists: School Safety and Crisis
- Mental Health America: Talking To Kids About School Safety
- Children's Mental Health and Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Project: How To Talk to Young Kids About School Safety — Even if You Think It's Too Early To Start
- Science World: Talking With Kids About School Violence and Trauma
Weekly All-In School Opportunity
Decatur Student Center Winter Clothing Drive
Decatur Performs Hosts Holiday Spectrum Concert
- Read a New Book Month, December 1-31
- National Special Education Day, December 2
- Inclusive Schools Week, December 4-8
- International Volunteer Day, December 5
- Hour of Code/Computer Science Education Week, December 9-15
Inclusive Schools Week
Inclusive Schools Week, December 4-8, celebrates the progress that schools have made in providing a supportive and quality education to an increasingly diverse student population, including students who are marginalized due to disability, gender, socio-economic status, cultural heritage, language preference, and other factors.
December is Read a New Book Month
The cold weather makes December the perfect month to read a new book! Reading a good book is a great indoor activity recommended for all ages. Grab a cozy blanket and enjoy!
Community Partner News
Decatur Education Foundation
The Decatur Education Foundation helps Decatur's youth overcome obstacles in their path of learning. Through the community's generosity, DEF works to address unmet needs, bring learning opportunities within reach, and spark more creativity in the education of children and teens. DEF is an independent nonprofit that manages programs, designated funds, and special initiatives while working in close partnership with City Schools of Decatur.
Decatur Farm to School Grants Available
Do you have plans for a new garden or class project for spring? Are you full of fantastic ideas for incorporating farm-to-school principles into a teaching unit? Need funds for a "green" field trip?
The Wylde Center Decatur Farm to School Committee invites you to apply for a grant for 2024/25. Teachers, administrators, PTA members, and parent volunteers can apply on behalf of their CSD school. Please get your applications in before December 13, 2024.
City of Decatur
City of Decatur Parks and Recreation
Upcoming DPR events include Jingle Jam and Meet and Greet with Santa. To learn more about upcoming events and programs, access the Playbook or visit their webpages:
Visit their one-stop-shop website for information about after-school programs, school holiday programs, and summer camps. To stay updated on all things Decatur Parks and Recreation, follow them on Facebook and Instagram or sign up for their monthly newsletter here!
Click here to subscribe to CSD Weekly.
Our Vision
We strive to cultivate an educational foundation that empowers students to realize their full potential, thrive as productive global citizens, ignite positive change, and create a more just and equitable world.
Our Mission
In partnership with our community, our mission is to inspire and enable student growth through meaningful and engaging learning experiences supported by highly qualified and caring educators in a safe and inviting environment.