Salemwood Shark Newsletter
December 2024 Edition
Message from Principal Ms Van
Good day Salemwood families!
It is amazing that we are now in the month of December. It feels like just yesterday that we rang in 2024 and now we are preparing for 2025!! Just a friendly reminder, please assist us in making sure that our students are coming to school as close to the start of the school day (K-6: 8:15-2:15 and Gr 7 & Gr 8: 7:45-2:20). We are seeing too many students (especially the elementary students) being left on school grounds unattended and without adult supervision. With the cold weather upon us, having them waiting unattended outside is a safety and health concern. Many students are coming to school without their winter jackets. Again please assist us in making sure that they are dressed appropriately for the winter weather.
December is a short month of learning before the winter break. It is very important that our students are coming to school each day and on time. When making medical appointments for your child(ren), we thank you in advance for getting the earliest appointment or the latest appointment so that they are still able to be at school.
Friday, December 20, 2024 is an 11am dismissal before the winter break. School is not in session from Monday, December 23, 2024 through Wednesday, January 1, 2025. We welcome our students and staff back Thursday, January 2, 2025.
On behalf of our Salemwood staff, we wish you and your family a wonderful and safe holiday and winter break.
Thank you,
Principal Ms. Van
Email: vhuynh@maldenps.org
Website: https://maldenps.org/salemwood/
November Events
Student versus Faculty Flag Football Game
On Wednesday, November 27th students and staff participated in our annual Student vs. Faculty Flag Football game. While students tried their best, it was ultimately the faculty that won. We guess students still have a thing or two to learn from us!
Crafts Fair
On Saturday November 23rd the Family Teacher Organization (FTO) hosted a crafts fair. We would like to thank the members of our Salemwood community who came out to support us! If you are interested in participating in PTO events, please be sure to see our FTO's contact information in the sections below.
News and Notes
School Hours
- Grades K-6 start at 8:15 and are dismissed at 2:15
- Grades 7 & 8 start at 7:45 and are dismissed at 2:20
Upcoming Events
Friday, December 6th: Gr 7 & Gr 8 Dance 6-8pm in 5-8 cafe
Thursday, December 19th: Progress reports distributed
Friday, December 20th: 11AM dismissal. No lunch served.
December 23rd-January 1st: Winter Break. No School
Thursday, January 2nd: Students return to school.
12 Days til' Vacation
Insert Calendar here
Family Teach Organization (FTO)
First and foremost we would like to express gratitude to all staff members who have taken leadership in creating the events at Salemwood. You all not only have given the best quality to our students during school hours but have all come together to form a community after school hours. We thank you.
Thank you to all families who have been part of all of our events and have also volunteered! We hope to continue to work together along with staff to bring more great activities to our Salemwood Community. Our events cannot be possible with the help of our community.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please reach out to one of the FTO Members.
Thank you Salemwood for participating in our elections and choosing your new FTO board!
Iliana Rivera -President
Jessica Nadeau- Vice
Kelly Yin -Treasurer
Did you know we provide free breakfast and lunch for every student?
Start times, Late Arrivals, Early Dismissals
Please assist us in making sure that K-6 students are at their lines at 8:15am and Gr 7 & Gr 8 at 7:45am to begin their school day. We do not have staff outside to supervise your child before or afterschool school. Please do not drop your child(ren) off unsupervised. There is a before school program and an afterschool program that you can register your child for, for a fee if you need child care before or after school. With the cold weather of fall and winter approaching, please do not leave your child(ren) outside of the school unattended.
LINE UP: We welcome our Kindergarten through Gr 6 students to line up and enter through their prospective doors at 8:15am. Gr 7 & Gr 8 at 7:45am.
LATE ARRIVALS: Once our doors are closed, late arrivals will need to enter through our main office doors (K-4- which is on the lower plaza and 5-8 which is on Salem St) to get checked in. Our students have been taught to never open the exterior doors while in school, so please assist us in ensuring that you only enter through our K-4 or 5-8 office doors. Our K-4 office doors will always have a staff that can assist you.
EARLY DISMISSAL: If you need to dismiss your child, you are welcome to inform us ahead of time so that we can have your child in the office waiting for you. Please note that students will need to be picked up by an adult for dismissals; students are NOT allowed to walk home. This is to ensure their safety during school hours
K-6 Before and After School Child Care offered by the MOST program
Malden Public Schools offers before and after school childcare options for a fee. Please see the attached document below for more information. If you have questions regarding the before and after school programs, please use the contact information provided below.
Notify Nurses of Injuries
If your child gets hurt and has a cast, is in a boot or requires crutches/wheelchair, you will need to bring in a doctor's note and get medically cleared with our school nurses before the student is allowed to attend school. This allows us to ensure that we are meeting their medical needs. This also applies to any surgery that they might need accommodations for. When in doubt, please contact our nurses on ClassDojo or email them at salemwoodnursses@maldenps.org
Update Contact Info
Please always share any new phone numbers, email address, new address, etc. with us so that we have up to date contact information.
Stay Connected
Follett Online Grade Book
Join Salemwood's ClassDojo
Follow Us On Twitter and Instagram
District Policies and Handbooks
Family Resource Guide
Please use this guide to find and connect with local Malden community organizations.
Student and Family Handbook
Program of Studies
The Program of Studies reflects our commitment to providing a diverse range of courses as well as programs that meet the needs and interests of all students. The Program of Studies also outlines our policies and procedures related to grading, promotion, and graduation.
Ms. Van Huynh, PRINCIPAL
Email: vhuynh@maldenps.org
Website: https://maldenps.org/salemwood/
Phone: 781-388-0643
Twitter: @salemwoodmalden