Thompson Friday Forecast
October 18, 2024
From the Principal.... Matt Clark
Good afternoon Thompson families and happy weekend!
After a successful first quarter, we look forward to celebrating as a school over the next few weeks. In addition, we plan to review expectations with students. My goal as principal at TMS is to build and cultivate positive relationships with our students. I want what is best for them, which sometimes involves teaching (and reteaching) skills. As we meet with groups of students, please know that we will be positive and direct in our approach. I hope the learning and teaching benefits everyone in the community.
Halloween Costumes
Again, this year at TMS we are going to allow costumes on Halloween (Thursday, October 31) because it falls on a school attendance day. Here are our guidelines:
If you are going to wear a costume, I also expect that you have come to school ready to learn on Halloween.
All costuming must happen at home. That includes any hair or make-up.
With make-up, we need to be able to know who you are-no full face make-up.
The costume must be school appropriate.
For students, there are no masks or inflatable costumes allowed.
There can be nothing that you carry around that is extra. (ie. props, fake weapons, scythes, clubs, dolls, etc.)
Teachers are expected to teach that day, though they may have Halloween themed lessons. And yes, you may be required to change for PE.
There will be no Halloween parties. Or candy. Or other treats. Because you will get enough junk at night if you trick or treat.
After Halloween, you can only bring a couple of pieces of candy per day. If you bring more, I will get it and I will eat it. And I don't need any more candy. And throw away your wrappers in the garbage, please.
Dr. Matt Clark
Date: October 30, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Location: Thompson Middle School (Main Gym & Auxiliary Gym)
Get ready for the Monster Bash, an exciting and high-energy event for TMS students! Costumes are encouraged, but please note that school rules apply—no masks or weapons allowed. Our DJ will keep the music going, and students can enjoy a safe, supervised space to dance, socialize, and have a great time with their friends.
- Online Presale Tickets: $10 (Available until October 26 at midnight)
- At-the-Door: $15 cash or card
- Food Package Add-On (Presale Only):
- Pizza and drink combo: $5
- Gluten-Free/Dairy-Free option: $4 (Only available through presale)
- Cash-only food available at the event. Pizza $4, Drinks $1
Distributed during tutorial on October 30 or available for pick-up at Will Call
Spirt Week October 28th
Calling all Veterans for our Veterans Day Assembly, November 11th
Athletics Update
Our Winter sports season is fast approaching, and we will be offering Boys Basketball and Wrestling! All 7th and 8th grade boys are welcomed to come tryout for basketball on Monday, October 21st after school. Wrestling is open to all 6th, 7th, & 8th graders, and the season will start the week of October 21.
Parents, please make sure to register your child prior to the season's start date. Also, please have an updated Sports Physical on file in the office.
Registration and all sports' schedules can be found on our Athletic Website: https://schools.snap.app/tms
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Athletic Director, Daniel Ballines (daniel.ballines@d303.org)
TMS PTO Spirit Wear Store NOW OPEN!
Math Corner with Mrs. Zitella
Did you know that music is full of fractions and ratios? Music contains rhythms, tempos, beats, and measures which all connect to mathematics. Each of these examples are filled with fractions and ratios. As a matter of fact, composers use fractions to divide whole notes into halves, quarters, eighths, and sixteenth notes. Researching back to our early philosophers, Aristotle and Plato included music as a way to categorize different types of math. Now this is music to my ears!
Builder's Club Meeting - October 31st
Thompson MIddle School's Builders Club will be meeting on Thursday, October 31 at 7:15 AM in classroom 237. The focus of this meeting will be to write "Thank you..." messages to veterans for Veterans Day. Builders Club is a middle school community service club that is part of Kiwanis International. The high school club is called Key Club and both East and North High Schools have a Key Club. Builders Club aims to have students work together to improve the lives of others by completing acts of service. Please join Builders Club in making a difference.
Attendance Reminder from D303
Yearbook Help!
Yearbook would like to ask parents if they would like to share any photos taken at sporting events.
By selecting the link below and following the steps, families can upload photos and share them with us.
Step 1: Go to the website below and enter the passcode:
Passcode: thompsonms_123
Step 2: Upload your photos, assign them to a folder called "Yearbook snap". Sender is asked to sign a photo release agreement.
Step 3. Assign your photos to "yearbook snap," select save and you are all set. We will review them. Thank you for sharing your photos!
Upcoming PTO Restaurant Nights!
Chipotle - Nov 6
Donations Gladly Accepted!
D303 will host the 4th annual Pathways Night at Compass Academy on October 30. This career fair welcomes employers and educational institutions supporting careers that don't require a 4-year college degree. If you are a business owner and wish to participate in Pathways Night, please complete this form. More information for students and families interested in attending will be available in the next few weeks.
Upcoming Community Events
Link to Order School Pictures
HR Imaging is the company we use for school pictures. Here is the link to order pictures .
To contact HR Imaging with questions: https://shop.hrimaging.com/pws/contactus.aspx
Community Backpack
Referral GPS
An anonymous, easy-to-use, secure website to locate mental health and substance use treatment resources
Homework Help
NHS Honors students help our Thunder students with their homework 2:55 - 3:40 pm every Tuesday and Thursday in the LRC
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Michelle Dague - Assistant Principal
Mr. Ryan Wood - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Danielle Moeller - Student Support Coordinator
Mr. Sam Pasholk - Student Support Coordinator
Email: katrina.michaelis@d303.org
Website: http://thompson.d303.org
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Thompson-Middle-School-671638232903851/