Redhawk Reader
September 13, 2024
Open House Thank You!
Do not arrive to Rennell for afternoon dismissal prior to 3:30
The transporation department shared that our cars are frequently getting in the way of busses leaving Anthony. Most busses leave Anthony, go to another elementary school, and THEN come to Rennell to take students home. If we are holding busses up for Anthony, we are holding busses up for Rennell, too. As a reminder, please DO NOT arrive to line up for afternoon car rider prior to 3:30 pm. We are noticing that many parents of Anthony students are having students walk over and meet them in the Rennell car line to avoid going through the Anthony car line. This causes cars to back up and block the Anthony busses from being able to leave because you are arriving at Rennell too soon. Again, please refrain from arriving at Rennell and lining our front walk or shared driveway with Anthony until after 3:30pm.
Upcoming Dates!
September 16-20 - Digital Citizenship Week
Monday, September 16 - Dot Day - Wear Polka-Dots, Circles or Spots
Monday, September 16 - Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night (use code "rennell")
Thursday, September 19 - Reds and Redhawk Dance Team Sign up Goes live in SchoolCash @ 10:00am
Tuesday, September 24 - GT Parent Information Night
Friday, Septemeber 27 - Spirit Shop at all Lunches
October 2-3 - Vision & Hearing Screening
Wednesday, October 2 - Bounce Bounce Rennell Night from 4:30-8:30p
Monday, October 14 - Student Holiday - No school
Tuesday, October 15 - Fall Individual Picture Day
Tuesday, October 15 - Fall Fundraiser Kick-Off Day
Friday, October 18 - Spirit Shop at all Lunches
Saturday, October 19 - Rennell Spirit Day @ Adventure Kids Playcare Cypress - 6PM. $40, Walk-ins welcome, please register:
Tuesday, October 22 - Author Visit in Library (1st & 2nd Grades)
Friday, October 25 - Fire Truck Visit for Kindergarten
Friday, October 25 - Redhawk Rally! Fundraiser Celebration
Nature Trails Update!
The district has rescheduled Nature Trails field trips for 3rd and 5th grades in order to clear debris. Rennell is now scheduled to go in January 2025.
No Drop - Offs
Please help us by checking with your student to ensure he/ she has all items needed for a successful school day. We are unable to accommodate the dropping off of items due to not having staff to secure and deliver forgotten items. Thanks for your understanding!
Counselor Updates!
Gifted & Talented Testing
If you are seeking Gifted and Talented testing for your student in grades 1st-5th, please see the below flyer with step by step instructions and dates.
*All kindergarten students will be automatically screened for the GT Program.*
HORIZONS Parent Advisory Committee (HPAC) Application Information
Please be advised of the process of choosing the district HORIZONS Parent Advisory Committee (HPAC) . The 2024 - 2025 HORIZONS Parent Advisory Committee comprised of parents/guardians of gifted and talented students will be formed using the district’s committee application. Please note, the deadline to submit the ONLINE application is September 30, 2024.
HORIZONS Parent Advisory Committee (HPAC):
- Meet with district staff and representatives from other campuses two times per year (virtual)
- Discuss issues of interest for parents/guardians of students identified as gifted and talented
- Share useful district information with campuses and the community
- Disseminate district information and provide valuable input to maintain quality education for gifted and talented students and the community
Akers' All Stars!
Students are nominated for this Principal’s recognition award for going above and beyond our school expectations - those who exhibit leadership, kindness, and extraordinary character!
We are so proud to announce this week's Akers' All-Stars!
- Max Johnson
- Blake Myers
- Tristin Feiner
- Avery Ward
- Carson Landry
- Evalynn Gonzalez
- Bella Bramble
Didn't get a spot? Join the..
Pictures from our Week!
Counselor's Corner
PTO Updates!
Upcoming Spirit Nights!
- Bounce Bounce Rennell Night:10/2 (Wednesday) 4:30-8:30PM
- Adventure Kids Playcare Cypress: 10/19 (Saturday) 6PM. $40 - Walk-ins are welcome but you still need to fill out the registration form:
- Cypress Academy of Gymnastics Blackhorse Parent’s Night Out: 11/9 (Saturday) 7-10PM. Walk-ins are welcome with $25 cash. $20 Pre-registration
- Chick-fil-A Towne Lake: 11/19 (Tuesday) 5-8PM. Use code “rennell”