South Lawrence East Elementary

Happy ALMOST SUMMER SLEE Families !😊🌞🌴
What's your favorite thing to do during summer vacation?
Principal's Message
We want to talk a little about school attendance.
Since the pandemic, we have experienced very high rates of chronic absenteeism. This year almost 30% of our students will be chronically absent. This means that about 210 students have missed more than 18 days of school. Too many of our kids have missed 30, 40, even 50 or 60 days of school. Chronic absenteeism has significant negative impacts and usually leaves students behind their peers not only academically but also socially. This gap often persists for years that follow.
As we end this year and think about next year, please consider the importance of school attendance. Help us cut that rate of chronic absenteeism!
Shout out to our kids and teachers for working hard this year. Our growth data is looking very positive this year!!!!
Principal: Ms. Butterfield
Assistant Principal: Mr. Cassely
Upcoming Events
- May 14-15 Grade 3 Math MCAS test
- May 16-17 Grade 5 Science MCAS test
- May 21 Grade 3 Field Trip- Franklin Park Zoo
- May 21-22 Grade 2 Discovery Museum ( in school)
- May 20-22 Grade 4 Field Trip- Camp Otter
- May 27 NO SCHOOL-Memorial Day
- June 3 Grade 5 Field Trip- Boathouse
- June 4 Grade 4-Field Day
- June 5 Grades 3 and 2 -Field Day
- June 6 Grade 1 Field Trip -Davis Farm
- June 7 Grades 5 and 1- Field Day
- June 11 Grade 5- Games Day
- June 13 Report cards will be sent home
- June 13 5th grade school dance
- July 1-Aug 1 Summer School at the Frost School Complex
Student Support Team
Thank you for an amazing school year. It has been great to see our kids grow in so many beautiful ways. We cannot wait til you see what we have in store for next year. Have a wonderful Summer :)
Mr. Ramos, Miss Gonzalez and Mr. Rosario
Ms. Reynoso, Ms. Mancebo and Ms. Figueroa
ILP/PA Classroom News
ILP 2 and PA 2 have been working on their geometry skills, identifying lines and angles. PA 2 is working on using parts of speech to write a paragraph. ILP 2 is finishing up their unit on Shapes and will start their next unit on Swiss Family Robinson where the focus is on working together to create a community.
ILP 1 is learning about nouns and verbs utilizing the story Chicken Little. In math they are working on their addition skills, both single digit and double digit addition.
PA 1 started a new unit “On the Farm” learning about animal habitats. Our “classroom store” is going great! Throughout the day, students are working towards “purchasing” a small item at the classroom store for working hard throughout the day.
Unified Champions Game Day is Friday May 10! The students have been learning to work together with their partner to complete different activities (kicking a soccer ball, obstacle course, throwing a ball through a hoop)
1st Grade News
First graders are learning...
SEL: First grade is focusing on being peacemakers and learning how to solve problems. We are learning how to be an upstander by standing up for others by using our voice.
Math: In math we are learning 3-Dimensional shapes, equal halves and fourths, and time. We are also continuing place value by adding and subtracting with numbers up to 120.
Skills: In skills we are finishing unit 6 practicing spellings such as “kn”, “wh”, and “ce”. We are starting unit 7 where we will learn different spellings for the long vowel a and o sound.
Listening and Learning: For listening and learning we have become geologists, as we study the layers of the Earth. We are also learning about the 3 types of rock and how they are formed.
1st Grade Reminders
🏆Congratulations to Room 126 for winning class of the month!
Check Class Dojo for reminders and messages.
Please bring water for students as it gets warmer outside!
Field trip to Davis Farmland is June 6th
Permission Slips for the field trip are due May 24th
2nd Grade News
Second graders are learning...
Skills: Second grade is about to start our last unit of Skills for the year! We have learned a variety of long vowel sounds and spellings all year. We worked on decoding words with 3 and even 4 syllables! This last unit is pulling everything we learned together, and getting your child ready for 3rd grade texts.
Math: We are finishing up measurement and data, and moving on to arrays and repeated addition. This is the foundation for multiplication and division.
Knowledge: We are currently learning about Immigration and how the United States is oftentimes called “The Land of Opportunity”. Students have been learning what push and pull factors there might be for families who move to the United States.
SEL: We are also working on Immigration during SEL this month. We will be talking about celebrating cultural differences and what the immigrant experience is like. We will be having discussions as well as reading stories based on characters who are immigrants.
2nd Grade Reminders
🏆Congratulations to Room 107 for winning classroom of the month!!
Please check in with your child about homework each week, and be sure your child is reading at home.
Remember to check Class Dojo a couple times a week.
Please be sure to call all absences to the office
3rd Grade News
Third graders are learning...
ELA: 3rd grade has been busy learning about how the 13 colonies were found, as well as defining attributes of each. We have been practicing reading nonfiction and realistic fiction accounts from the colonies in the 1500-1700s. This unit will be great for us to master in preparation for 4th grade next year when we’ll learn about the Revolutionary War.
Math: We are working hard on building our math skills and getting ready for math MCAS in less than a week! Ask your 3rd grader what a quadrilateral is and the attributes of rectangles, squares, rhombuses, trapezoids, and parallelograms. We’ve been also working on analyzing graphs - bar graphs, pictographs, and line plots!
3rd Grade Reminders
🏆Congratulations to Room 201 for winning class of the month!
Thank you for working so hard this year with us to support your 3rd grader. As these last few weeks wrap up, we hope you all have a wonderful May/June.
Permission slips for the Zoo field trip have been sent home. Please ensure they are returned by May 17th.
May 21st- Franklin Park Zoo Field Trip
4th Grade News
Fourth graders are learning...
ELA: We just finished our unit on the American Revolution! Students have been practicing their writing in depth! They specifically focused on writing informational essays. Ask your child what they wrote about! We ARRRGHH also started an adventure story unit, where we will be reading Treasure Island.
Math: We have begun our final unit which is about geometry! Students have been diving into lines, angels, and using protractors. Intervention has been strongly math focused to prepare for the math MCAS.
4th Grade Reminders
🏆Congratulations to Room 207 for winning class of the month!
It is important that students wear closed toed shoes to school to prevent injuries at school.
We will be sending home the permission slips to Camp Otter soon and be on the lookout!
We have a 3 day field trip coming up!! We will be heading to Camp Otter May 20, 21, and 22!
5th Grade News
Fifth graders are learning...
Math: Grade 5 will be finishing up this year with a measurement project called “Volumeville”. Students will work in teams to build towns from grid paper and then calculate the volume of each building and the total volume of their town. Each team will present their project to the whole class and display them for upcoming 5th graders (current 4th graders).
ELA: Grade 5 is currently reading William Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. Students are enjoying learning about the characters and practicing reading parts as actors, using tone, facial expressions, and body language. We will be finishing off the year with a Mystery unit featuring archaeology and dinosaur fossils. It is always a popular and fun way to end the year!
Science: Currently 5th grade is reviewing and solidifying previously taught standards. After MCAS students will be engineering roller coasters, using their knowledge of energy transfer and the engineering design process
5th grade News
- 🏆Congratulations to Room 225 for earning Classroom of the Month. Great job!
- As the weather begins to get warmer, students are encouraged to bring water bottles to school each day.
Fifth graders have been working so hard on their tests! Good job to all of our students for showing such perseverance and growth this year!
Excel Club students are excited to host Games Day this year!
Specialist News
PACCK- HI SLEE families! To end the school year the students will be focused on Teamwork. Students will be asked to accomplish team oriented tasks and challenges. Students have done an excellent job this year and it has been a pleasure to see the growth in their characters!
Gym- Hi SLEE families, this rotation in PE we will be reviewing all the character traits from this year. We will be playing games that work on and reinforce these traits!
Art- Hello SLEE families! For our last round of projects in the art room, we will be learning about Op art from the 1960s (short for optical illusion) as well as learning how to shade to make our drawings look 3D. If you haven’t gotten a chance to see the LPS district art show, student artwork will be on view at Lawrence Heritage State Park until May 15th. Thank you to those of you who have already been by to see what amazing work our kids have made. I hope everyone has a fantastic summer!
Science- Younger students are learning about how parents help their babies survive and are building and testing dam prototypes. Some students are learning about friction, actions and reactions and creating and testing propeller car prototypes. Older students are learning about what light is and manipulating certain materials to create reflections, refraction, and absorption. Others are experimenting with dispersion by creating rainbows. If your child is participating in the science fair, an important notice went home with all science fair details. Please have all science fair permission slips, projects, and poster boards in to me NO LATER THAN May 14th! The science fair will be held on Thursday, May 30th from 4:30-6pm in the SLEE Cafeteria. All are welcome! See you there! -Miss Candela
Music- Hello families! Music classes at this time of the year are focused on the basics of piano playing, using the electronic keyboards purchased for us by Lawrence PS Fine Arts department. We are learning about the piano fingering, layout of the keys, and practice a number of beginner's pieces. Alternative activity includes usage of "Garage Band" application on the iPads and learning to compose in various genres using it. Additionally, the kids in the 1st grade are learning songs for Memorial Day and use xylophones to play. Thanks for your continuing support!
Theatre/Dance: Students are working on their final theatre and dance piece before the end of the year. They are utilizing their skills to create and rescript choreography and stage direction for a final piece that puts all their knowledge to use.
Important Science Reminder
Tuesday May 14th- All science fair projects WITH poster boards are due in room 112
Thursday May 30th from 4:30-6pm- SCIENCE FAIR in cafeteria
Lawrence Resources
Greater Lawrence Boathouse
Looking for a summer program for your child? The Greater Lawrence Boathouse summer program lets students learn the essentials of sailing, kayaking and water safety. Click on the link to find out more about this exciting summer program.
Lawrence Public School students who can pass a swim test can be dropped off 8:00 am to 8:00 pm every day through the summer. The program is free for Lawrence Public School students as long as the paperwork is filled out. If you or your student is interested please reach out to Ms. Baril in Rm. 228.
Click the link to find out more.
If you or your child are interested in art. Checkout the Essex Art Center! They offer discounted classes for all Lawrence children.
They have a variety of courses that range from beginner to advanced in ceramics, stained glass, drawing, painting, digital art, and animation.
Lawrence Boys and Girls Club
Lawrence Boys and Girls Club is a great place for students to participate in different activities like sports and arts afterschool.
SLEE Office News
- We are still selling SMENCILS for $1.00 each. Students can purchase in the office during the school day. Be on look out for holiday SMENCILS too.
- We sent out order forms to order school t-shirts and we still have some left. If you still want a shirt please turn in order form to the office (cash only).
New SLEE Spirit shirts
Get your new Shirt!
We will be taking order for the new SLE shirts with the new mascot.
Exciting news for the 2024-2025 school year!
We will have more opportunities for some enriching after-school programming for our students. More information will be sent out at the beginning of the next school year.
SLEE Reminders
- School Hours: 7:40-2:50
- Students are late at 8:00 AM
- School Calendar
- School Lunch Menu
- Also it is important to remind your child that they can not share food due to allergies. We would really appreciate this!