The Children Have Decided!
Autumn Term - Issue 2 September 24
'Deeply rooted in our community, growing together, we reach for the sky.'
Our New Class names.
Each year the children are given a copy of our tree survey and are asked to find a tree that they feel a special connection with. In the spirit of democracy, each class then votes for their class name. We proudly present, Boxelder (Y 5,6), Beech (Y 2,3,4) and Holly (R, Y 1) I look forward to sharing their adventures throughout the year. The term is now in full swing and the children are working hard as they start their new curriculum topics. Our courageous new Reception starters are bounding into school and the play dough budget has been well and truly dented! Guitar and ukulele lessons have begun and our foyer portraits are ready for display. We look forward to seeing you all at our Meet The Teacher Evenings - WC 7th October. Teachers will be in touch this week to discuss appointment times.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs B
'The seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart.'
Busy, busy busy...
Boxelder Science
How does light travel?
Paper dyeing in Boxelder
Boxelder's portraits are ready to go!
Beech's charcoal art
Is this the tree name for us?
Beech PSHE How do you know when someone is truly sorry?
Drama time
Beech get creative during RE
The forest is getting a makeover
Everyone is helping out
Warrior paint definitely helps!
The sounds of the forest. Beech create some new tunes
A very tasty English lesson for Year 3/4
Year 2 build electrical circuits
Diabetes Screening
Our school has been chosen to take part in an important national research study focused on Type 1 Diabetes. As part of this study, your child has the opportunity to undergo a simple test to assess their risk for Type 1 Diabetes. Participation is completely voluntary, and all information will be handled with the utmost confidentiality. This is a valuable opportunity to contribute to medical research and potentially detect early signs of this condition. Places are limited to 20 children on a first come, first serve basis. Look out for the letter coming very soon.
COG Celebrations are back! Congratulations to...
Congratulations to Thomas, Lottie, Raffy, Mia, Naomi and Emily!
Holidays during school time
On the 24th August 24, the DFE changed how holidays or time away from school are authorised. Headteachers are no longer able to authorise term time absences for family holidays. There are a few exceptions but these will need to be discussed with school before holiday forms are submitted. Please note, that holiday absences are now dealt with directly by the local authority who will issue fines for term time holiday absences. If you would like any more details, don't hesitate to come and talk to Mrs Boyd.
After School Club Pick Up Time and Friday opening
In the interest of safety, the outside gate will be locked until just before 4.30 pm. If you would like to collect your child earlier than this, please ring the office before 3 pm. After school club leaders do not answer the phone during the session as this would mean leaving the children unattended. Many thanks for your cooperation.
Many thanks to all those parents who completed the Google form to ascertain if there was a need to open the club on Fridays. Very few parents expressed a need for a Friday opening. Club will therefore continue to run from Monday - Thursday.
Dojo Updates
Please make sure that your Dojo account is working. Class teachers will shortly be sharing important information regarding your child's learning and homework. We will also keep you regularly updated with school events, trips and dressing up days. Please talk to your class teacher if you are having difficulties logging on. Please note that we do not pick up messages from parents via Dojo. If you need to get an urgent message to your child's teacher please telephone the office.
- Walking home unaccompanied form (Y5/6)
If you would like to give permission for your Y5 or Y6 child to leave the school unaccompanied at the end of the day (including after ASC sessions) please download and complete this form, or contact me to ask for a hard copy to be sent home with your child. We recommend reading this advice from the NSPCC before making the decision. They offer guidance on walking home alone, being at home alone (not recommended for under 12s), being cared for by siblings and important facts to discuss with your child.
- Arbor contact details
Please take the time to check that all your details on Arbor are up-to-date. For example: Do we have the emergency contact details for at least two parents/guardians? Is/are your phone number(s) correct, including any work number? Is your doctor's surgery information still correct? You should be able to make changes via the Arbor website or app. If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to ask.
- Asthma medication & healthcare plans
Please ensure that you have provided your child's medication (e.g inhaler) to be kept in school - check with the class teacher if necessary. We also need an up-to-date allergy or asthma healthcare plan. it is so important that we have a plan that is 1yr old or less so that we can work with you to keep your child safe in school. Please ensure you speak to your medical practitioner ASAP to obtain an updated plan.
I will be running a check on our existing plan dates and will get in contact if we need a new one.
Diary Dates
The dates below have been set for the full academic year but are subject to change. Please keep an eye on this newsletter, the online calendar on the website and your email for any date/time changes and for additional events.
Autumn Term 2024
27th September, Flu immunisations, all pupils.
WC 7th Oct - Meet The Teacher - Teachers will arrange a meeting time with you.
9th-11th October, Bikeability, Y5, . Please check your letter for details.
23rd October, prospective starters, YR 2025 taster session
25th October - Open Morning for Parents - Come and look at your child's learning
31st October, Y6. SCC deadline for secondary school applications.
4th November, PD Day 3 of 5. School closed for pupils, staff in.
12th November, prospective starters, YR 2025 taster session
Spring Term 2025
6th January, PD Day 4 of 5. School closed for pupils, staff in.
15th January, pre-school children. SCC deadline for primary school applications.
3rd March, National offer day (secondary), Y6,
16th April, National offer day (primary), pre-school children
Summer Term 2025
22nd April, PD Day 5 of 5. School closed for pupils, staff in.
Swimming lessons Y2-Y6, Thursdays
Wraparound Care (Breakfast/After School Clubs)
Breakfast Club - daily from Wednesday 4th September. £1 per session.
After School Club - Mon to Thurs, from Monday 9th September. £2 per session.
Wraparound Care is free of charge for pupils on income-related Free School Meals.
If you book a place for your child and do not then need it, please let us know in advance otherwise we will still charge you.
Please book your child(ren)'s place(s) via Arbor. You will need to add a credit payment to 'other clubs' first.
Aspens Catering survey - your feedback please
Please complete this survey prior to 10th October to give your feedback on school meals to our caterer, Aspens.
Taster sessions for September 2025 YR
We will be running two taster sessions for prospective YR pupils due to start school in September 2025.
- Wednesday 23rd October, 1.30-2.30pm
- Tuesday 12th November, 1.30-2.30pm
Children are welcome to attend with a parent/guardian and younger sibling(s). Please dress for the weather as part of the session will be outside.
Please complete this Google Form to let us know which of the two sessions you'd like to attend.
Please promote these dates to your friends and family who have children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021.
Wasps/bees in holly hedge
Please be aware there are foraging wasps/bees in the holly hedge at the front of the school. They are feeding off the ivy in there, but there are no nests so our pest control company cannot remove them.
Staff and the children are aware.
Music Lessons - Y2 - Y6 pupils
Pupils in Y2 to Y6 will have music lessons provided by Suffolk County Music Service, on Tuesdays, as follows:
Year 2, 3, 4 – Ukulele
Year 5, 6 – Guitars
Ixworth High School - transition lessons
Parents/carers of Y6 pupil have recently been sent the following information:
Dear all,
It is with great pleasure I write to invite prospective students into Ixworth High School for our Subject Specific Transition Lessons. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis. To book your child a slot, please follow the instructions on EventBrite.
The lessons are short snapshots of our Year 7 curriculum led by subject experts and have been designed to give prospective students an opportunity to meet the teachers, get a feel for the building, meet other prospective students and gain an insight into the subjects themselves.
You will need to bring your child to school and collect them from reception for each session you book. This invite is also being sent to the local primary schools so they will be aware that your child may not be in attendance at their usual school on that day. Children should wear their normal school uniform and will need to bring a water bottle and a pencil case with them. There is no need to bring snacks or a packed lunch as the sessions do not fall during lunchtime.
The available sessions are:
Wed 2nd October 2024 Drama 13.30pm-14.30pm
Wed 9th October 2024 French 9am-10am
Thurs 07th Nov 2024 History 9am-10am
If you have any difficulties booking a slot, please email g.buck@ixworthhighschool.org
Thank you
Mrs Hale
Assistant Headteacher
Behaviour, Attendance and Safeguarding
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Parent workshops - Psychology in Schools Team
We are pleased to announce our upcoming free online parent/carer workshops for the autumn term!
All our upcoming workshops can be booked for free on our Eventbrite page. Information on all our workshops, past and present, as well as workshop recordings, can be found on our website.
Many thanks,
Psychology in Schools Team
If you or your child is in need of urgent mental health support please call the First Response Service on 111 and choose the mental health option
Gipping Valley & Thurston School Sports Partnership - half term club
Sports Camp 29 Oct-1 Nov 2024
Tuesday 29 Oct: 9.00am-12.00pm Gymnastics or Karate
12.30-3.30pm Dance & Musicals or Parkour
Wednesday 30 Oct: 9.00am-12.00pm Football or Skateboarding or Multi games
12.30-3.30pm Football or Bmx & Skateboarding or Target Games
Thursday 31 Oct: 9.00am-12.00pm Inflatables & Multisports
12.30-3.30pm Inflatables & Multisports
Friday 1 Nov: 9.00am-12.00pm Nerf and laser Tag
12.30-3.30pm Nerf and laser Tag
Ages: 5 – 13 yrs
Venue: Beyton, Thurston Sixth (IP30 9AA)
£12 per workshop
Please see this flyer for more information
Active School Uniform
Bardwell is an inclusive school where children are treated with equality and their individuality celebrated. Our school’s active uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging. We strongly believe that this contributes to the children's well being, removing the additional pressures of deciding what to wear and the added stress of meeting the expectations of peers. In an ever increasing world of social pressure for young people, our uniform removes the points of difference between students and provides a greater focus on school based activities and learning. Therefore, in the interests of equality;
● Active uniforms should be worn at all times
● Spare clothes should be our active uniform NOT home clothes
● Hairstyles must not attract undue attention
● No make-up
● Piercings and jewellery should be discreet and safe to wear, e.g. single studs in ears.
Your child can wear any one of the six Cog colours (red, royal blue, navy blue, green, yellow, purple) as their polo shirt, OR a white one. These are the only acceptable colours for the polo shirt. Please note that the polo shirts do NOT need to have the Bardwell logo on but the sweatshirts MUST.
Colourful polo shirts are available in the school uniform ranges of all the major supermarkets. Logo'd polo shirts (white) and sweatshirts (all colours) are available only from our uniform supplier, Gooddies.
As always, children are also welcome to wear gingham dresses, in any of the six Cog colours, during any term.
PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING! It is almost impossible for us to reunite you with 'lost' property without a name in it.
Bikeability - Year 5
Year 5 parents/carers have recently received this letter by email and a hard copy of the parental consent form on page 2. Please return this before Friday 27th September.
Please note the course is designed to improve cycle control and your child should be encouraged to practice beforehand in a safe environment, especially signalling.
We do not teach your child to ride a bike, we teach them how to ride safely.
Cool Milk - the school milk scheme
Cool Milk have asked us to circulate this information letter to parents/carers.
In short, if your child is under the age of 5 they are receiving funded milk in school under the Nursery Milk Scheme and there is no need for you to take any further action.
If you pay for your child to have milk after their 5th birthday, there will be a price increase - please see the letter.
If you have logo sweatshirts that you no longer need, please bring them (clean and with name labels removed) to the school office.
Neuro Development Disorder Pathway
We are pleased to share that we are launching a new Barnardos NDD Advice & Guidance Service yourselves and young people and parents/carers can access if you are thinking about progressing on the NDD Pathway, are awaiting triage or assessment or 2yr post diagnosis. This service is funded until 11th October 2024.
Here are some of the areas we can help with:
• Provide support for children, young people (0-18yrs), families and professionals who are registered with a Suffolk GP (East and West), School Lane Thetford and The Grove Surgery Thetford.
• Provide advice & guidance for children, young people, families and professionals who are considering making a Suffolk NDD referral to Pathway, is currently awaiting a triage outcome, is accepted for either ASD and/or ADHD assessment or has received a diagnosis via the NDD Pathway within the last 2 yrs.
• Consider and Signpost children, young people, families and professionals to a range of services who can provide the most appropriate support following a discussion of the needs presented. Including a range of both universal and targeted support in a timely manner to ensure early intervention access for children, young people and families.
• Provide resources for children, young people, families and professionals whilst on their NDD Pathway journey. Including tips and strategies to meet individual needs and details for local services who can support children, young people and families.
The Service will not:
• Provide support for children, young people and families not residing in Suffolk or not registered with a Suffolk GP (East and West) or School Lane Thetford and The Grove Surgery Thetford.
• Assist with the completion and/or gather additional information for referrals to the NDD Pathway.
• Provide timeframes or information regarding NDD Pathway process at any stage.
• Act as lead professional or co-ordinate other professionals supporting the child or family.
• Complete direct interventions with children, young people and families.
• Provide diagnosis assessments for ASD and/or ADHD
• Access point for Crisis Support.
We have also attached a further poster for the Barnardos Suffolk Emotional Wellbeing Helpline Service, that young people, parents/carers and professionals can call if they require any signposting or resources regarding emotional wellbeing support.
[SA to add two pdfs]
Circulating for the University of Cambridge/Cambridge Biologists.
A day of hands-on biological sciences activities suitable for all ages.
Hills Road Sixth Form College, Saturday 12th October.
Suffolk Junior Chess Club
An important read for all parents/carers
The October issue of the Knowsley newsletter is available here with useful information about young people and mobile phones.
Parking near School
We'd like to remind you that stopping on the zigzags is not allowed between the hours of 8am and 4.30pm.
You may also park near the Church porch from where there is a footpath that comes out to School Lane next to the Windmill.
Please ensure that if you park along School Lane you do not block any driveways and avoid the residents' parking spaces at 25-43 School Lane (marked red below, parking in the green spaces is fine).
Term Dates 2024-25
Term dates for 2024-25 are now available - ask in the office for a hard copy. They are also available from the school website (scroll down for 2024-25).
Bardwell Charities - financial aid
We have been asked by the trustees of the Bardwell Charities fund to encourage our local families to apply for financial support. They've said,
"There is money available whether for trips, music lessons, uniform or other need.
Please DO encourage parents/carers to apply."
You might, for example, wish to request some help with the Y5/Y6 residential, or with transport costs for HAF holiday programme activities. All you need to do is write a short email explaining:
- that you are resident in Bardwell
- what the need is and why it is important for your family/child.
Please note that, contrary to previous information, we have recently been informed by Bardwell Charities that this information only applies to Bardwell residents.
Send your email to bardwellcharities@btinternet.com
If you would like any help with your request, please ask Mrs Allman who is happy to help and will keep all information you share with her confidential.
To find out more, please visit our webpage at:
Funded CACHE courses for parents/carers
We are working to promote fully funded CACHE courses with certification, available in levels 1, 2 & 3, for school support roles that are funded by the ESFA (Education Skills Funding Agency).
Funding has been made available in your school's area for our next course for this academic year, which starts on 30th September and we would be very grateful if you could make the parents/ carers at your school aware of this.
As the funding has been awarded by the ESFA there are some eligibility criteria that must be met for a fully funded place, which is listed on our website: www.studysmartuk.online
These courses are designed to make it easy for parents/carers who are looking to gain the necessary qualifications for a school support role, as the classes are run online, within school hours and during term times. Allowing parents to fit the classes in with school drop offs and collections.
Upon enrollment learners are asked to complete two short initial assessments online, in English and Maths to determine which level they should start on. However, the funding allows each learner to progress up to level 3, if they wish to.
We have funding in your school's area and wondered if you could share the attached poster to parents and carers at your school, so they can be made aware of this opportunity. I have attached the poster in both a PDF and JPEG for you to choose from, depending on the platform you use to communicate to parents.
We work closely with your local job centre and are able to offer a job interview to those who complete the course.
The deadline to enrol is the end of 25th September!
If you wish to see further information about the courses, please head to: www.studysmartuk.online
Bardwell Church - October
Please see the church website for more information.
Bardwell Church is open every day from 9am to dusk.
Kiddle search engine
You may wish to consider setting Kiddle as your default browser on your home devices. They say:
Kiddle is a kid safe visual search engine. Kiddle returns results for each query in the order shown:
1. Safe sites and pages written specifically for kids. Handpicked and checked by Kiddle editors.
Typically, results 1-3.
2. Safe, trusted sites that are not written specifically for kids, but have content written in a simple way, easy for kids to understand. Handpicked and checked by Kiddle editors.
Typically, results 4-7.
3. Safe, famous sites that are written for adults, providing expert content, but are harder for kids to understand. Filtered by Google safe search.
Typically, results 8 onwards.
Since Kiddle results are either handpicked and checked by our editors or filtered by Google safe search, you know you get kid-oriented results without any explicit content. In case some bad words are present in a search query, our guard robot will block the search.
Is My Child Too Ill for School? - NHS advice
We are very keen to have children attending school if they are well enough. Please have a look at this NHS advice if you are unsure.
If your child is ill, you must phone into the school before 9am, giving a reason for the absence ('unwell' is not sufficient), leave a voicemail if you need to. Please do not email in for absence.
We recommend that you are familiar with the Tilian Attendance Policy.
SCC information for Cost of Living Support
Suffolk County Council has asked us to share with families their updated 'Cost Of Living Support' information.
Free School Meals - could you be eligible?
Your child may be eligible for free school meals throughout primary school. This could save you approximately £480 per year.
To check or apply online, visit: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/school-meals-uniforms-and-trips/apply-for-free-school-meals/
Check if you're eligible
Your child will get free school meals if you receive any of the following:
- Income Support
- Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit but no element of Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenues & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190
- If you are supported under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after your employment finishes or after you start to work fewer hours per week
- Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400 (£616.67 per month), as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods).
We encourage you to apply, because the school receives additional funding (Pupil Premium) for all children on income-related Free School Meals.
About Us
Email: bardwell@tilian.org.uk
Website: https://www.bardwell.org.uk/
Location: School Lane, Bardwell, Bury Saint Edmunds IP31 1AD, UK
Phone: 01359 250854
Twitter: @BardwellPrimary