The Trojan Times
December 22, 2024
Mission Statement
St. Maria Goretti is a living testament to our Lord's work in His youngest disciples, exemplified by academic excellence, spiritual formation, and compassionate service to others.
St. Maria Goretti Catholic School aims to form what is True, Good, and Beautiful in the souls of our young disciples of Christ.
Principal's Message
Dear St. Maria Goretti Catholic School Families,
Thank you for sending in items for the Reverse Advent Calendar. Mr. Maunders has a lot of donations for the Padre Pio House. We appreciate your generosity.
Our last edition of Trojan Times for 2024 will be Sunday, December 22, 2024. Our first edition of 2025 will be sent on January 12, 2025!
The school will be closed from December 23, 2024 until January 6, 2025. Teachers and staff return to campus on the 7th, so we will be open from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM. Students will return to school on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, in Mass uniform.
I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I can't wait to see everyone in 2025!
St. Maria Goretti, Pray for Us!
Amy Utendorf, M.Ed.
Help Needed
Our Performing Arts Class borrowed three large set pieces from NCHS. This includes two large OAP window frames and a door. We need some strong individuals with a full-size truck bed and/or a trailer to help us return them. If you are able and willing, please contact Mrs. Richards as soon as possible so she can help coordinate with the NCHS Theatre team on the other end of the delivery.
January School Lunches
Christmas Spirit
Students enjoyed a week of dress down days to celebrate Christmas. Our school halls were a sea of Santa socks, Rudolph ears and Christmas shirts. May the spirit of Christmas fill your heart with joy and light!
Band Concert
Band Director, Mr. Chris Cullen, led our students in a spectacular concert showcasing their skills.
Reverse Advent Calendar
Mrs. Girton coordinated a Reverse Advent again this year. You have blessed many members of our community with your bountiful offerings. First grade and Kindergarten students took a walking field trip to the Padre Pio House to deliver your generous donations. See the videos below to listen to students singing Christmas carols on their journey.
Las Posadas
Due to the inclement weather we had to cancel the Las Posadas procession. We appreciate all of those who dropped off donations and were ready to open their homes to Mary and Joseph. We will plan to have our procession in 2025.
3rd Grade Visits Bass Hall
The Nutcracker is a vision of merriment and delight. Since its first performance in 1892, Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker has evoked the wonder and joy of the holiday season. Third grade had the pleasure of attending this holiday tradition.
Jesse Tree Plays
The Jesse Tree is a representation that depicts Jesus' family tree and the events leading up to his birth. It's a tradition used during Advent to help build anticipation for Christmas.
Sister Thuan coordinated 4 beautiful Jesse Tree plays which students presented during morning meetings. The last play, The Birth of Jesus, was presented Friday by 7th grade and 1st grade.
8th Grade Latin
Watch this clip of 8th grade students singing Oh Come, All Ye Faithful in Latin for the PreK class.
Silent Night
We wait with anticipation each year to see our Kindergarten and First grade students sign and sing Silent Night after Mass. It is always a moving experience. View presentation here.
Kindergarten Spanish Class
Saint Maria Singers
Mrs. Richards and the Saint Maria Singers performed for the residents of Brookdale Plaza. Thanks for sharing the love of the Christmas season with others.
Greek Theatre
Our 5th and 6th Grade Performing Arts students presented a fun showcase of short Greek Theatre scenes in Hellenistic costumes. Here is a link to the performance for you to view and share. We are always thankful for Mr. Jones helping us shine beyond our walls. Thank you also to art teacher, Mrs. Jamison, for using her class time to help the students create Greek masks as part of our Greek Theatre Unit. They were the perfect backdrop for our play.
SMEED Made Christmas Angels
The Gingerbreak Man Visited SMG
The Gingerbread Man paid a visit to the Library and left a surprise for PreK.
Christmas Games and Parties
Thanks to room mons, volunteers and faculty who made our last day before Christmas break fun and feastive. We sang songs, played games and shared lunch with our friends. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Please enjoy this audio/visual experience of the goings on of Saint Maria Goretti. Consider that a "Subscription" to the YouTube channel and/or a "Like" on any video will help us grow our exposure and impact. Please do share anything you enjoy with other family members and friends that would similarly delight in the successes and accomplishments of the students.
SMG Broadcast Channel Link:
SMG students receive a Terrific Trojan sticker when they are "caught" being safe, responsible and respectful. After wearing the sticker during the day, the Terrific Trojan places it on the hallway bulletin board. We love seeing how full the bulletin board becomes by the end of the school year.
December Generosity Virtue Recipients
Use gift cards or shop online through RaiseRight for your everyday purchases and earn money for your organization. It's easy to enroll today!
Our goal is to have 100% of the families enrolled. Be sure to enroll by September 30th so that your child’s class has a chance to win an ice cream party! To enroll email Olivia Bradley at for the enrollment code.
Box Tops for Education
- Earn cash for our school just by scanning your receipts! It's as easy as that.
- Download the Box Tops app and make every shopping trip count.
Lunchroom / Playground Volunteers 2025
Please consider volunteering to help during lunch and recess. Service hours will be earned. Click on the signup genius link for a description of duties. All volunteers must be current with their Virtus training.
SMG Sports
Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth Sports Calendar
- 7:00-7:40 Cheer (Saladino/Risinger) Gym
- 12:16-1:01 Open Library Checkout (4th-8th)
- 12:16-1:01 STUCO (Daly) Computer Lab Begins TBD
- 3:30-4:45 Folklorico Current Members (Zavala) Hope Rm
- 3:30-4:15 PSIA Spelling (Daly) Computer Lab Jan. 13, 27, Feb. 3, 10, 24
- 3:30-4:15 PSIA Maps/Graphs/Charts (Utendorf) Rm. 110 Jan. 13, 27, Feb. 10, 24
- 3:30-4:15 Math Tutoring 6th-8th (Tran) Rm. 121
- 3:30-4:15 PSIA Ready Write 4th-8th (Vasquez)
- 6:00-8:00 Robotics (Morales) 4/5 Sci Lab
- 7:00-7:40 Cheer (Saladino/Risinger) Gym
- 12:16-12:36 Library Leaders (Richards)
- 12:16-1:00 NJHS (Jones)
- 3:30-4:15 Cantoring (Breed) Church
- 7:15-7:45 Math Tutoring 2-5 (Sister Mary Monica) Rm. 116
- 7:15-7:45 AM Saint Maria Singers (Richards) Library
- 12:16-1:01 Open Library Checkout (4th-8th)
- 12:16-12:36 SMG Broadcast (Jones) Rm. 120
- 3:30-4:15 4th-8th Detention Rooms Vary
- 3:45-4:30 Run Club (Gutierrez)
- Feb. 12, 26, March 12, 26, April 9, 30, May 7
- 3:30-4:15 PSIA Drawing (Jamison) Art Room
- Jan. 15, 29 Feb. 12, 26
- 3:30-4:30 Chess Club (Tran) Rm 121
- 3:45-4:15 Science Tutoring (Saladino) Rm. 109
- 3:30-4:00 Rosary Group (Utendorf) - Conference Room
- 7:15-7:45 AM PSIA Math 2nd/3rd (Sr. Mary Monica) Rm 116
- Jan. 16, Feb. 6, 20
- 7:15-7:45 AM PSIA Math 4th/5th (Sr. Mary Monica) Rm 116 Jan. 9, 23, Feb. 13, 27
- 7:00-7:45 AM PSIA Math 6th-8th (Tran) Rm 121
- Jan. 16, Feb. 6, 20
- 3:30-4:45 The Trojan Troupe (Richards) Library/Stage
- End time extended to 6PM beginning in March
- 3:45-4:45 Card Club (Saladino) Rm 109
- 12:16-1:01 Open Library Checkout (4th-8th)
Dec. 23-Jan.7: Christmas Holiday
Jan. 8, Wednesday: Classes Resume, 3rd Quarter Begins
Jan.10, Friday: 2nd Quarter Report Cards Emailed to Parents
Jan. 20, Monday: MLK Jr. Day - No School
Jan. 21, Tuesday: 6:00 Home & School Meeting
Need Prayers?
We all do!! The St. Maria Goretti Catholic School Community would love to pray for you and your intentions. Please send all prayer requests to:
Meet Our Priests!
St. Maria Goretti Parish Website:
Father Samuel Maul
Join the SMG Family
Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
Serving the North Texas Catholic community by providing the faithful opportunities to grow in Christian discipleship and strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ.
St. Maria Goretti Catholic School
Location: 1200 South Davis Drive, Arlington, TX, USA
Phone: (817)275-5081