Alto All Star Gazette
November 10, 2023
Dismissal time: 3:43 PM
1/2 Day Dismissal: 12:00 PM
Phone# 616-987-2600
24-hour attendance line: 616-987-2625
*please call any transportation changes/early dismissals in by 2:45*
Please take note!
*The end of the first trimester is next Friday, 11/17. School will be dismissing at NOON.
* Holiday Family Fun Night will be held on Thursday, 12/07 from 5-7 p.m. Join us for a fun night of roller skating, crafts, treats...more information to come!
* Free Project Kidsight Vision Screening Provided by the Local Lions. Please see attached flyers for more information. Consent forms will be sent home next week.
* As the weather begins to get colder, please have your student(s) be prepared to go outside (winter coat, hat, gloves...). Thank you!
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Mark Your Calendar!
11/17: 1/2 Day-Dismissal at noon
11/21: Gold Ticket Store
11/22-11/24: No School- 🦃 Thanksgiving Break 🦃
**please note that the music concert is rescheduled for the Spring**
Girls Wrestling!
for more information!