Gage Community Newsletter
Volume 4: September 2-6, 2024
August 28: Back to School Night
September 2: Labor Day Holiday (School Closed)
September 11: Grand Gators Day
- A friendly reminder to all parents that the gates close at 7:55 AM. Any students arriving after that time will need to enter through the office. Please ensure you exit campus before 7:55 AM whenever possible, or you'll need to exit through the office.
- When picking up your child, kindly wait in the marked, designated areas and not in front of classroom doors or windows to limit any disruptions. Thank you for your cooperation!
For the month of August, which only had 10 days of Running Club, the students ran a total of 2,086 miles which puts us just outside Midland, TX in our trip around the world! We had 53.4% participation with 371 students participating. We also had 70 students run ten miles or more! If you have any questions or concerns, please see Kelly Combs at the basketball hoop in the morning or email
Younger students are confusing their snack and lunch bags. Please don't pack snack in a lunch type bag. Also, try not to give students too many empty calorie foods in their lunch because they usually eat those first. We encourage them to eat the stuff that will spoil first so that they are not throwing your money away.
School Site Council
We have openings!
The School Site Council (SSC) is a governing body that is responsible for deciding how to spend the allocated categorical funds to improve the instructional program here at Gage Elementary. The School Site Council members meet for an hour once a month to work together to set goals for improving student achievement at the school and allocating the funds to accomplish those goals. There are a number of parent openings for the 2024-25 term. If you are interested in being on the election ballot, please enter your information below and hit submit. All entries must be received by September 9th in order to be included on the ballot.
English Learner Advisory Committee
We invite you to become a part of our English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). ELAC plays a vital role in advising the administration on both the budget and the site plan for student success, specifically concerning our English Learners. We need at least one parent of a current English Learner to participate.
Our meetings will be held on Wednesdays, 9/12/24, 11/14/24, 1/16/25, 3/13/25, and 4/7/25 at 6pm via Zoom or Microsoft Teams and will last no more than 45 minutes. Your insights and involvement are invaluable to us as we work together to support our students' educational needs.
From Nurse Emily
Hi Parents!
Good health begins at home! I need your help keeping all of our Gators safe and healthy while they are at school. The most important thing your child needs to start their day is a good breakfast. We offer FREE breakfast for every student here at Gage.
When kids come to school without eating breakfast, they often get dizzy or develop headaches or stomachaches and end up stuck in the health office instead of learning with their friends and classmates. Please help your kiddo start their day out right with breakfast so they are ready to learn.
Gage PTA Meeting
Get involved with Gage PTA and join our first meeting of the school year either in person or via Zoom. Wednesday, September 4th at 6:30pm in the Gage Auditorium and Zoom (Meeting ID:794 231 0458 | Password:Gators)
Fall Family Night
You're invited to a fun filled family night at Gage Elementary, Friday, September 13th starting at 5:30pm. There will be a food truck, concessions, yard games, bingo, and a craft area. Bring the whole family! We are also looking for volunteers to help oversee the stations. SIGN UP HERE.
Grand Gator Day
Save the Date for Grand Gator Day! Wednesday, September 11th at 12:30 PM. Check in tables will be located in the front of school. Any VIP Adult is welcome to join their Gator Students (you do not have to be an official grandparent). Volunteers needed to help with stations. Please SIGN UP HERE.
Volunteer in Culinary and Garden classes
Volunteer in culinary and garden classes to see our amazing educators Aimee and Angela in action! Classes begin next week. SIGN UP HERE
Monthly Lunchtime Bingo
Kids love this monthly Bingo event that occurs during lunch. If you have about 90 minutes to spare, it would make our Gator Students SO HAPPY! Sign up HERE
Spirit Wear
Show your Gator Spirit! Shop online now at - Online orders close on 9/9 at 7 PM PST.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, September 4th: PTA Meeting @ 6:30 PM
- Wednesday, September 11th: Grand Gators Day @ 12:30 PM
- Friday, September 13th: Fall Family Night
Make sure you are up-to-date on all Gage PTA/Foundation Events.
Stay connected here:
Any Questions? Email or