The Roar of the Mountain Lions
Monterey Elementary - January 2025
Principal's Message
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a restful and blessed Winter break. During the month of December, the season for giving was in full swing. Throughout December, several organizations were very active in supporting our school community. First, our Congregations in Action continued to sponsor our Pack a Snack program for students. This program sends bagged snack packs home with students each weekend and during long breaks. Additionally, Monterey Elementary sponsored an Angel Tree program where many sponsors were so generous in their donations. We want to thank the many individuals and community partnerships that continue to make this happen year after year.
As we reflect on all that has occurred during the 1st semester of school, we can rejoice in its success. Although the first few months of school felt busy, I know our 2nd semester of school will feel just as busy if not more. January and February will be filled with benchmark testing in grades 2-5, VALLSS testing in grades K-3, and VKRP testing in kindergarten. We will also begin our 3rd-5th afterschool instructional program for selected students in February. Thank you for helping our students understand the importance of goal setting and working towards desired outcomes. At Monterey, we believe that true success is measured by personal growth and learning.
Communication is essential at Monterey! We strive to connect to our students, parents, families, and community at large each and every day. We will continue reaching out to you with robo-calls, text messages and emails as needed. We also encourage you to visit our school website and follow our school social media pages including Facebook and Class Dojo for announcements, information, and celebrations. Staying in the know helps all of us stay on the same page moving forward.
As always, we wish to express our sincere gratitude toward our entire school community. We would not be the amazing school that we are without the help and support of all of you. Thank you and may you have a safe, healthy, and Happy New Year!
Best Regards,
Morgan Strother
Proud School Principal of Monterey Elementary
Car Rider and Walker Safety Information
Arrival and Dismissal
Students can enter the building at 7:40am. Any student that arrives before 7:40 must be supervised by a parent/guardian. Thank you for helping to keep our students safe!
In the afternoons, students should not be signed-out from the office until 2:45 as instruction is still occurring until 2:45pm. Thank you for helping us protect instructional time.
Address & Phone Number Update
If there have been any changes with your address or phone number, please provide the updated information to your child’s teachers or call the school office (540-853-2933).
Cold Weather
January often brings cold weather. Please send a coat with your student on cold days. We recommend labeling your child’s jacket with their name especially in younger grades. If your student has lost their coat or jacket at school, be sure to stop by and check the Lost and Found.
Attendance Reminders
If your child will not be at school or will be tardy, please call our main office at 540-853-2933. If your child missed school due to a doctor’s visit, please provide the doctor’s note. We will mark their absence EMD (Excused Medical). The only excused absences that do not count towards “truancy” are excused medical notes and court notes. All other absences are considered unexcused.
The Virginia State Compulsory Attendance Law states that after 5 unexcused absences, the parent will receive an attendance letter from our student support specialist, Mr. Anthony Drakeford. After 10 unexcused absences, a second letter will be sent as well as a meeting will be scheduled with administration and the student support specialist. If your child is experiencing any sick symptoms, please call our school nurse to discuss a plan of action. Thank you for helping our school community prioritize learning and ensuring that your child(ren) is at school daily.
Message From the PTA
Happy New Year
Thank you for all your support during the month of December! With the start of a new year, the PTA is currently planning several fun events and activities that support our school community. Be on the lookout for more information in the near future about an upcoming paint night.
PTA Meetings:
The next PTA meeting is January 13th at 5:30pm. This meeting will be held virtually. If you would like to attend any PTA meetings, please e-mail Ms. Laughlin at tlaughlin@rcps.info for more info on how to access our meetings.
Ways to support the PTA:
Consider linking your Kroger account to Monterey Elementary PTA through the Community Rewards. Kroger will donate a percentage of what you spend to our PTA at no cost to you.
We are always looking for more parent helpers and would love to have your help. Follow the Monterey Elementary PTA Facebook page for information about upcoming meeting and opportunities to help—https://www.facebook.com/montereyelementarypta/
Why should I join the PTA?
As a member of our PTA, you are supporting your student's school and educational successes. You are also a voting member. When you come to a PTA board meeting you can vote on how we should spend funds or how to improve a program. Please consider joining the PTA. There is a $7 fee for each member that joins. A portion of this fee pays for local and state PTA membership fees and a portion goes directly to our school’s PTA.
Although it’s a new year, it is not too late to join the PTA. If you have not joined the PTA yet and are interested, please click the box below!
What's Coming Up?
Mark your calendar for upcoming February dates:
· Feb. 10: PTA Meeting
· Feb. 5-11: Valentine Grams on Sale
· Feb. 24: Parent Teacher Conference Day
· Feb. 24-March 7: Penny Wars
Monterey Elementary
Anthony Swann~Assistant Principal
Website: www.rcps.info/monterey
Location: 4501 Oliver Road Northeast, Roanoke, VA, USA
Phone: (540) 853-2933
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MontereyElementary