Nov. 14-18, 2022
No School Nov. 21-25 - Fall Break
One Book, One School - Nim's Island
Our Maker Night & Author Visit was AMAZING! Thank you to all of you who attended and participated with the author Wendy Orr. Here is a link to slidedeck where she shares the story of the book.
Read this book with your child every day.The school is celebrating the story by doing the following:
- Dec. 7 - Book & Movie - Nim's Island
Silly Socks Day on Tuesday, Nov. 15!
Show your silliness on your feet!
Wondering what fun events are being planned by PTA? Curious to find out how you can assist in recruiting new TK and Kinder for next year? Join us at Thursday's Membership Meeting to be part of the plan. We are looking for ideas, leaders and volunteers for the Friendship Dance, Read-a-Thon, next year's walk-a-thon, and recruiting for 2022-2023. The image above is linked to the Thursday, 6:30pm meeting on GoogleMeet.
Friday! Nov. 18 at 2pm-4pm - Last one until February!
Looking for a place to volunteer?
Classrooms teachers are looking for parents to be fingerprinted and registered for field trips, special events, and classroom jobs. Get yourself set up so you're ready to be there when your student needs you.
ALL volunteers must complete the CRPUSD Volunteer Registration Process, which includes fingerprinting. Please complete the application form and get yourself fingerprinted. This MUST be completed before you can volunteer. Once this is completed, you are clear for the duration of your child's school experience in CRPUSD, including high-school and middle school!
Dates To Calendar
- 11/11 - Veteran's Day/No School
- 11/16 - Dine & Donate-Acme Burger
- 11/18- KONAIce Day
- 11/21-25 - Fall Break/No School
- 12/2 -Report Cards Go Home
- 12/6 - Spirit Day - Wacky, Tacky Sparkles Day
- 12/7- Nim's Island Movie Night - Pizza & Popcorn
Words From Principal Lunde
Keeping the Balance
As students get sick, as the winter holidays approach us and as dates seem to be coming from every direction, remember to stop, breathe, smile at your child and prioritize what you can do. It's okay to say no, it's okay to be selective and it's okay that what you can do and tolerate is different from another family. Our kids have needs that vary and require us to focus on the child and make the decision that works best for your family.
I urge you to do the following with your kids:
- have a shared book you are reading together
- take time to walk through the crispy fall air
- substitute digital game time with a physical game
- have an early bedtime for your kids so you have adult time for yourself
- trade water for a sugary drink of any kind
-replace sugar or chips/crackers for a piece of fruit or nuts
- hug your child every morning and every night
Keep Me In The Loop!
Please reach out to me if you have a bright idea, a concern (no matter how small or big) or just want to chat. I am here for you!
- 415-497-1317
- christina_lunde@crpusd.org
- Catch me walking around on campus!