Farmington Junior High Newsletter
November 2024
Important Dates
- Nov 20th - Picture Retake Day in the library! (It will only be for retakes and students that missed the original picture day.)
- Nov. 20th - Job Shadowing for this semester's Career Development. (Information will be home with your student.)
- Nov. 25th-29th - Thanksgiving Break (No School)
Looking ahead..
- Dec. 3rd - Christmas Concert
- Dec. 4th - 8th Grade Reads
- Dec. 7th - Farmington Cardinal Christmas Bazaar (Flyer Below)
- Dec. 13th - Reward Day!
- Dec. 23rd-Jan. 6th - Holiday Break (No School)
General Information
Prescription Drugs and Over the Counter Medication
No Outside Food or Drinks!
FJHS Attendance!
- If your student is out for a Dental/Dr. Appointment. Please send a Dr./Dental Note when they return OR email a copy within 5 school days of the appointment to OR
- If your student is going for their Driver's Test, please email the confirmation email you received from the testing site.
FJHS Exemption Information
Please visit our FJHS Handbook for more information. The link is below!
FJHS Dress Code
Transportation/Bus Information
Transportation/Bus Questions? Reach out to our Transportation Dept. at 479-266-1823 or email
(Please include your child's name, address, and the school they attend)
FJHS Block Scheduling Times
FJHS Yearbooks Sales!!
Community Service (9th - 12th)
Camp War Eagle Information!
Snack Donations Needed for FJHS Counseling Center
Capturing Kids' Hearts Monthly Parent Newsletter
Arisa Health Information
Lunch Times/Prices
My School Bucks Information
FJHS Volunteer Information
We would love to have you as part of our parent involvement group. Please contact Kim Berger at or click on the link below to sign up.
FJHS Contacts and Information
Principal, Teri Morris,
Assistant Principal, Greg Pair
Secretary/Attendance Clerk, Haley Noe,
Secretary/Registrar, Lisa Williams,
Location: 278 W. Main Street Farmington, AR 72730
Phone: 479-266-1870
FJHS Counseling Center Contacts
Calvin Clark:
All students last names A-K
Courtney Howard:
All students last names L-Z
Paula Beard:
Counseling Secretary