OIHS Counselor Newsletter
Your Counselors
John Yanke - A - E jyanke@topamail.com Google Voice / Text - 480.648.5917
Alanisse Williams - F - Ll alwilliams@topamail.com Google Voice / Text - 623.252.9864
Jenna Burden - Lo - R jburden@topamail.com Google Voice / Text - 602.753.7254
Karyn Smith - S - Z karynsmith@topamail.com Google Voice / Text - 623.980.3192
How can your counselors help?
- Academic Support - Our department helps students develop effective study habits, time management skills, and organizational strategies. We help guide students will course selection and monitor academic progress with monthly grade checks sent to families.
- Social/ Emotional Support - We offer a safe space for students to discuss personal issues, stress, and emotions. We teach coping strategies, conflict resolution, and interpersonal skills one on one with our scholars.
- College & Career Planning - We assist with helping scholars explore their interests and strengths, setting goals, and creating academic plans that align with their future aspirations. We provide information of college options, the application process, financial aid, and scholarships! We also offer resources for career exploration and resume review/workshops.
Much More! .... This is not exhaustive list of what we do! We wear many hats in the counseling department and are happy to help with anything you & your scholar need or find someone that can help!
Grade Checks
Every four weeks, counselors check to see if students are passing their courses. Notifications will go out through email to families and student if the student has any D's or F's.
If you receive this email, the teacher is always the most knowledgeable about what is happening and should be a first point of contact. However, please also reach out to the alpha counselor (last name of student) with any concerns that are impacting learning, ie, attendance, illness, struggles at home or school, etc.
Tutoring Information
All tutoring runs from 4-5pm
Math Tutoring (M-Th in Lecture Hall A)
Spanish Tutoring (M - Quintero, T - Padilla, W - Bishop)
Chemistry Tutoring (M - Dal Rm A116)
Biology Tutoring (T - Priji Rm A113, Th - Palanisamy Rm A114)
ISP/Physics/ESS/Biology Tutoring (W - Autrey - Rm G125)
- Writing Lab (L&L Tutoring) (W - Miller - Rm A120)
Quarterly Counselor Connections Report
Parents are Important to Student Success: Ways to Help Your Student
1. Talk to your kids about the content of their learning. Check in on your child's Parent/StudentVue to see a few topics teachers are covering and try to come up with some questions to ask about those topics. You can even ask a generative AI for help. Explain that the goal is not to quiz kids on chemistry but rather signal that you value what they are doing and are curious about what they are learning. Learning is hard: Asking about it communicates that you get this. This is different from inquiring about test scores.
2. Avoid a fixed mindset. Refrain from saying things like “I’m not a poetry person,” or “I’m not a math person.” One educator told us: “If you say that, then the kids are like, ‘Oh, that’s an option. It’s an option for me not to be a poet or a math person.’ ”
Math anxiety is real and contagious, documented in research around the world. When parents say they aren’t a math person, it gives permission to kids to check out of that subject. Parents don’t have to lie and say they love math, but they can choose to communicate that it is worth persevering and getting help if needed, because math is an essential life skill.
3. Ask your kids about their favorite class before asking about one they’re struggling in. Too often, when a child is struggling, parents, out of love and concern, double down on that rather than reminding their child of the times they enjoy school and are successful in it. Asking a kid who is struggling with English about English every day is like someone asking you about your most annoying work colleague or irritating project every day.
To parents today, the path to your children’s success is foggy. That can stress you out and lead you to fixate on what you think you can influence, like grades. Talking about your child(s) learning, avoiding a fixed mindset and talking more about what’s working rather than focusing on what’s not will make you feel less powerless.
ASU Black Excellence Experience Tour
We invite you and your students to experience the distinct and diverse community that makes up ASU’s Black African student body by attending the Black Excellence Experience Tour this March.
This on-campus experience is designed to show you and your students how to get connected, involved and engaged in life at ASU.
- Hear from current students who are navigating college life and are thriving.
- Get information on the National Pan-Hellenic Council (historically Black fraternities and sororities) represented on campus, and enjoy a yard show.
- Speak to African and African American faculty and staff, and learn how they are supporting students.
- Meet with representatives from Admission Services and learn about the admission process and scholarship opportunities.
- Get an up close and personal look at life on campus as part of a tour and see what it’s like to live as a Sun Devil.
Black Excellence Experience Tour
Saturday, March 29
9 a.m.–noon
Memorial Union, ASU’s Tempe campus
In addition to attending this tour, we invite you to share with your students about the upcoming Sun Devil Day that will take place during the weekend of the Black Excellence Experience Tour.
There are tours available on March 28 at the Downtown Phoenix and Tempe campuses.
ASU Summer Camps 9th-12th Grade
ASU summer programs
Join the college readiness adventure at Access ASU Summer Camps. We welcome students in grades 9–12 to explore career paths, leadership and the humanities. Led by esteemed professors, these engaging residential programs occur on each of ASU’s four campuses. Students immerse themselves in college life, uncover their interests and create lasting memories in an unforgettable summer journey. Learn more.
ASU Sun Devil Days
You and your family are invited to an exciting tour experience offered by Arizona State University. Sun Devil Day is an in-person event designed for you to tour campus, learn about classes and majors, and discover what it’s like to be a Sun Devil. You’ll also meet with representatives from academic colleges as well as current students to learn more about the ASU experience.
If you have questions about Sun Devil Day or what to expect during your visit, contact your personal admission representative at Contact ASU Admission Services | Admission | ASU.
ASU Camp Cronkrite
ASU Walter Cronkite - School of Journalism and Mass Communication
From ASU: Application publicly opens next week until April 1, 2025. Your students get early access with the link below!
We’re excited to announce that our Camp Cronkite application is opening soon, but since you’re a part of our newsletter, your students have early access to it! Camp Cronkite, our summer enrichment media camp, is where high school students from across the country come to grow their media skills—and get a taste of college life! This year, Camp Cronkite will offer two separate weeks with one being dedicated to sports journalism and the other session focused on journalism and media. And as always, we continue to have need-based scholarships available for campers.
ASU W.P. Carey School of Business Summer Camp
Rising Leaders is a residential pre-college program for high school students graduating in 2026,
delivered by the highly ranked W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University.
Join us to experience life at ASU, identify relevant business careers, and discover the many
opportunities available to our business students. You’ll be glad you did!
- Live on campus for six days and five nights in our residential business community
- Earn college credit by completing the program
- Dive into 30+ degree options and different discipline areas, such as entrepreneurship, finance, real estate, and artificial intelligence in business
- Participate in hands-on learning activities, including an applied project
- Get to know future classmates, faculty, and staff
Camp Dates:
June 22-June 27th
Check out the attached image for registration:
Early consideration: February 15
Regular consideration: March 15
Late consideration: April 1
Grade Level News
Junior ECAP Meetings (Education and Career Action Plan)
Juniors & Junior Families
Please keep an eye on your email as counselors will be inviting you virutally/in-person for ECAP meetings. Topics discussed :
Auditing your transcript for graduation,
Planning for graduation if lacking credits,
Discussing post - high school plans,
Receiving individualized information regarding post high school plans, including reviewing ASVAB results
Talking to your counselor about individual needs.
If you have any questions please reach out to your counselor!
Scholarship Tips for Applying and Searching
Scholarship Tips
Start Early: If they haven’t already, encourage students to begin their scholarship search now. There are more scholarships coming online over the coming weeks they won’t want to miss out on. Application Strategy: It can be tempting to just apply to those big dollar, no essay scholarships, but students stand a much better chance of winning if they apply for local, more specific matches that require a bit more time and effort. Personalize Applications: A strong personal statement tailored to the specific scholarship can set students apart. Students should lean into the essay! This is something they will need for their college application, too.
Myers Family Scholarship
Dr. William Myers and his wife, Sondra Myers, along with their four adult children established this scholarship fund in 2002. Each member of the family contributes to fund scholarships for graduating seniors at Wilson College Prep. Scholarships are awarded to students who have a record of community service and high academic achievement along with substantial need for financial assistance to reach the goal of a college education. DACA students are welcome to apply.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Renewable
- Need-Based
- Community Service Required
- Graduating high school senior at Wilson College Prep
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Arizona college/university
First generation student
Thunderbird Scholarship
The Thunderbirds scholarship provides a four-year, full ride opportunity for two Arizona high school graduates (or equivalent) attending either Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, or University of Arizona as an incoming freshman. Applicants must demonstrate academic achievement, and/or overcoming significant odds, as well as demonstrating service and leadership during their high school career. Students are required to live on-campus for at least the first year and will be mentored by Education Forward Arizona. This scholarship will be renewed each year if required criteria is maintained. Thunderbird family members or employees are not eligible to apply.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Renewable
- GPA greater than 3.5
- Must be a graduating HS senior
- Must be a Full Time Student
- Must have attended HS in Arizona
- Must not be receiving any other awards
Discover Card Monthly $5000 Scholarship Sweepstakes
Discover is giving away $5000 every month to one applicant until August 2025.
Odyssey Scholarships
We have two exciting scholarship opportunities that you can apply for through OIAIS High School.
The Pam Jordan Scholarship, and the Chloe Schneider Scholarship. Please see the information below for each opportunity.
Please submit your writing to Mrs. Sabo at jsabo@topamail.com if you would like to be considered for either, or both.
Article : Paying for College in Four Easy Steps
Take a look at The College Essay Guy's article for an easy process of determining how and what you will be paying for college by:
- finding and applying for scholarships efficiently and successfully
- determining which colleges are most likely to be affordable for you
- applying for grants with minimal stress (#FAFSA), and
- make sense of your financial aid award letters so you can make an informed decision about your college costs
Grade Level Resources
SAT Testing Dates/Registration
ACT Testing (Juniors will take in Spring 2025 at Odyssey)
ASVAB Resources (Juniors will take in Fall 2024 at Odyssey)
NCAA/NAIA Eligibility Info Night Presentation
Upcoming Testing Information Presentation
Facebook Page for Families: Scholarship Help and College Talk for Parents
NCAA/NAIA Eligibility Info Night Presentation
NEW- Scholarship Tracker to Track all Scholarships You Apply & Plan on Applying for
BridgeU and Transcript Request Process
Creating a Common App and Linking it to BridgeU
SAT Testing Dates/Registration
Facebook Page for Families: Scholarship help and College Talk for Parents
Important Dates
Course Registration for 25-26 School Year Begins - January 13th - January 28th
Junior ECAPs - January 28th - March 13th (check email)
Juniors & Seniors Trip to Embry Riddle - February 19th (reach out to Mrs. Burden)
Sophomores PSAT10 Testing - March 7th
Juniors & Seniors Trip to GCU - March 26th (reach out to Ms. Williams)
Juniors ACT Testing - April 15th
Juniors & Seniors University of Arizona Field Trip - April 17th (reach out to Mr. Yanke)