Headteacher's Newsletter
January 2025
Dear Parents and Carers,
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a restful and joyful holiday season. As we begin 2025, I am delighted to welcome back all our students and staff. The start of a new term always brings a sense of renewal, excitement, and determination to achieve our best. This year is no exception. Together, we remain committed to our three pillars of excellence: academic achievement, the West Hatch spirit, and character development. These values are the foundation of our mission to ensure every student flourishes.
In November, I sought your feedback on a range of school matters, and one key concern many of you raised was mobile phone use. Your responses made it clear that revisiting our approach to mobile phones is a priority. This term, we are taking significant steps towards implementing a mobile phone ban during the school day.
This decision reflects a shared commitment to creating an environment where students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Extensive research and consultation have highlighted the benefits of such a policy, which include better focus, improved social interactions, and enhanced mental well-being. Locally, many schools have introduced strict mobile phone policies, and we are keen to learn from their examples.
Over the Spring Term, we will work closely with our school community to shape this change. This will include:
- Consulting with parents, students, and staff.
- Reviewing effective policies from other schools.
- Developing clear consequences for misuse.
- Offering support to students during the transition.
To ensure your voices are heard, we will host a parent consultation evening on January 16th at 6pm to discuss our plans and gather your input. Please book your place by emailing my PA, Louise Chittock on lchittock@westhatch.net. Your involvement is crucial to making this transition a positive and successful one.
As we reflect on the Autumn Term of 2024, there is much to celebrate. From academic achievements to triumphs in sports, the arts, and community initiatives, our students have consistently embodied the values and spirit of West Hatch. These accomplishments are a testament to their hard work and the unwavering support of our staff and families. I am looking forward to sharing these with you below.
Academic Excellence
Jack Petchey Winners
Well done to Sara Imran (Yr.9) Joe Wigglesworth (Yr.10) and Ellahe Safaei Keshtgar (Yr.11) who were our Jack Petchey winners for November.
West Hatch Spirit
Pyjamas Day
Our school community came together in true West Hatch spirit to raise close to £700 for Children in Need with a fun and heart-warming Pyjama Day.
Spreading the Christmas Cheer
Our staff and students helped spread the Christmas cheer to the residents of Belmont Lodge by writing Christmas cards and making Christmas boxes that were hand delivered to them.
Young Carers Award
Congratulations to our Young Carers Team who have worked tirelessly and have achieved the Young Carers Award. This is awarded to schools that are recognised for its work supporting young carers with their education including running homework clubs and drop-in sessions with a member of staff. Young carers are children under 18 who are responsible for the care of a family member with who, due to illness, disability, mental health condition or addiction, can’t cope without their support.
The award is part of the Young Carers in School programme run by charities The Children’s Society and Carers Trust. The programme provides primary and secondary schools across England with step-by-step guidance for teachers, leaders and non-teaching staff to gain the practical tools they need to help young carers.
Character Development
I hope many of you were able to attend the fantastic production of Matilda which was a sell out show over three nights. The cast also put on performances for the local primary schools and the care homes. Special thanks to the Performing Arts Team and all the students that took part.
Target Team Achievements during the Autumn Term
Our Target Teams had a busy Autumn term. They focussed on their target and strategy skills during our Kurling and Boccia activities and this helped them understand their teammates varied communication styles. Below are our students in the Year 7, 8 and 9 Teams.
Boccia District Competition
A group of our Year 7 students took part in a Boccia competition in December and nine of our students, compromising of three teams had the chance to compete against other local Essex Schools. The teams worked really well together and were able to put to use the skills they had been practising in their lessons. A huge congratulations to everyone that took part on the day and we are very pleased to say two of our teams were awarded the Gold and Bronze medals and all showed brilliant sportsmanship towards the other teams.
As a result of our success the two teams will be competing this year in the Boccia County Final Competition and we wish them the best of luck at the event.
Inclusion Leaders Event at Debden Park
Before the Christmas break, Miss Pearce, our LSA and lead for the Target Team took a group of our Target Team Ambassadors and Sports Leaders to an Inclusion Leaders Event at Debden Park. It was a day full of inspiring stories from Alistair Patrick-Heselton, Team GB Paralympic football player, who in 2006, was involved in a car accident which claimed the life of his best friend, and fractured his skull and left him spending two months in a coma. His story of determination and perseverance to walk again and then be invited to play football for the 2012 Paralympics for Team GB. He was also chosen by The FA to be inducted to the National Football Museum Hall of Fame ‘Football For All’ category in 2017.
He was truly an inspirational speaker for our students and the day was jam packed with workshops on how our Sports Leaders can deliver inclusion events for other students. The event also included ex- student Kody Clamp, who gave a speech about how sports inclusion has helped his confidence and encouraged him to work as part of a team. It was a very proud moment as Sport England have asked to write an article about Kody! Some photos from the day are below.
Sky Studios Trip
Our Sixth Form Media students visited Sky Studios in Elstree where they had the opportunity to make their own films by using the Sky equipment, before going on a tour of the area. Unfortunately the new Jurassic Park film had just wrapped up filming and the sets had already been taken down but our students did get to see the sound stage that was used. It was a memorable and invaluable trip to inspire them for future careers in the industry.
West Hatch Sporting Highlights for the Autumn Term
Cross Country
We held our Inter House School Cross Country in December for KS3. Well done to the following who were the winners for the Years.
Year 7 Girls: Matilda Bloom
Year 7 Boys: Dominik Mensah
Year 8 Girls: Mayowa Alake
Year 8 Boys: Zac Lester
Year 9 Girls: Sophia Parker
Year 9 Boys: Dylan Champion
In addition 80 pupils from Year 7-11 took part in the West Essex District Cross Country in December at Ashton playing fields. Some excellent performances from all but notable success of gold for the junior girls (Year 8&9). The team made up of Sophia Parker, Sophia Gipson, Mayowa Alake & Marissa Higgs-Smith scored best for the girls and won the competition. (photo below)
Further to this Sophia Parker continued her winning streak in this event by securing gold. She has now won this annual competition since being in Year 3 at primary school . A great achievement.
West Hatch Year 7 boys placed in 3rd and Year 10&11 boys placed second overall.
Football – Girls
The u16 girls continue to progress in both the Essex and National Cups. They travelled to Tendring in the Essex Cup and won 2-0 putting them through to the last 16.
Congratulations to Daisy Sherrin in Year 10, who has made it through to the final trial for the England u15 School Girls Goalkeeper. Daisy was successful in her South of England trial in mid-November and will now attempt to make the England squad. A super achievement.
Football - Boys
The u16 boys have also had success in the Essex Cup and remain the only boys age group left in the last 16 of the competition. Jude Katz, Ronne Yeo and Zac Lester have all been selected and played for the West Essex District Football team. They were recently involved in the squad that beat Ipswich Town Development squad.
The West Hatch Year 9-11 squad were successful in the Autumn Term Intermediate West Essex District swimming gala. The team secured first place and overcame a close competition with Davenant, Epping St John and Ongar Academy.
The Year 7 netball team have got off to a great start. The squad secured a super win vs Epping St John and have had victories in numerous matches last term. (Photo below)
All year groups have enjoyed district success and have taken part in the West Essex festivals.
Our Students' Achievements
Nolan Kaye-Chantaduc (Yr.9)
Well done to Nolan who received a Jack Petchey award for his work with the Army Cadets last month.
Muhammad Afini (Yr.9)
Congratulations to Muhammad who has been practising hard and achieved his Grade 2 in piano.
Ahren Manucha (Yr.9)
Ahren participated in the RAF Cadets’ Remembrance Day Parade, demonstrating commitment, discipline, and respect for the armed forces and their sacrifices. Well done Ahren.
Teddy Hobbs (Yr.11)
Congratulations to Teddy who is excelling in golf and featured in the Telegraph for qualifying for the Justine Rose Championships at Quinta de Lago . The article can be found on the link below.
Aaron Daniels (Yr.10)
Well done to Aaron who was awarded the Jack Petchey award for his outstanding achievement and dedication to scouting. He began his scouting journey as a Beaver and has been involved in every camp and activity. He will be moving into Explorer Scouts this month.
Ruslan Shiraz (Yr.8)
Congratulations to Ruslan who achieved top county and regional qualification times in swimming across many distances and strokes.
Rishay Patel(Yr.7)
Rishay attends many extra curricular clubs including Scouts, Tennis and Karate. He recently achieved his brown belt in Karate. Great work Rishay.
Mia Strong (Yr.7)
Congratulations to Mia who entered the 2024 Chelmsford Competitive Festival of Music, Speech & Drama and won the first place trophy for her age group in the category for solo song from musical theatre/film. Mia is pictured with the adjudicator Dee Mardi.
Martina Dainauskaite (Yr.11)
Well done to Martina who represented England at the Ballroom & Latin World Championships in Germany and achieved third place in the solo U16 category and 3rd place in the team dance U19s.
Henry Hilton (Yr.11)
Henry is an avid golfer and member of Chigwell Golf Club and won many of the Junior Competitions that he took part in last year. Well done Henry, keep up the great work.
Daniella Dainauskaite (Yr.7)
Daniella takes Ballroom & Latin lessons and recently attended a Dance Competition in Germany and gained 3rd place in the Novice Category in the U14s solo category, and won her category for the teacher student competition. Congratulations to Daniella.
Aaron Gelkoff - Oxford University
We always love hearing from our ex-students and Aaron recently left West Hatch in the summer and is currently studying English Literature and Spanish at Christchurch College, Oxford University. He sent us the following message; “I still can't actually believe I am here - it is crazy! Oxford is intense - working loads, partying loads and I've only been here a month. A Levels seem like forever ago, but I really do miss West Hatch. You don't appreciate how much of a home it really is until you're not there anymore!"
We wish Aaron every success as he continues his journey at Oxford. Below are a few pictures from Aaron's matriculation day.
Points of Information
Reminder to drive and park considerately
Once again I urge all parents and carers to drive and park responsibly outside our school grounds. Please do not block driveways or park on pavements, as this obstructs pedestrians. Also do not park on the grass verge as there are clear signs saying no parking permitted. Parent and carers should also refrain from parking across Cedar Park as the residents need the entrance clear for entry and exit at all times.
The safety of our students and respect for our neighbours are of utmost importance, so please support our community by being mindful of where you park and how you drive outside the school gates. Our students have been reminded about their conduct as pedestrians, and your cooperation will greatly help us maintain a safe and respectful environment for everyone.
Parent Events
Thursday 9th January - Year 13 Parents Evening (online by appointment)
Thursday 16th January - Mobile phone consultation (6-7pm) (email lchittock@westhatch.net if you are attending)
Thursday 30th January - Parent Voice meeting (6-7.30pm) email parentvoice@westhatch.net if you are interested in attending.
Thursday 27th March - Year 8 Parents Evening (online by appointment)
Other Events
Wednesday 5th February and Thursday 6th February - Love Lounge Event (ticket event)
February half term
Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February
Closures and early/late starts
Wednesday 12th March - early finish for marking of PPEs
A Vision for 2025
Looking ahead, 2025 is brimming with promise and opportunity. It’s a time to build on our successes, embrace fresh challenges, and continue striving for excellence. Together, we will foster a culture of collaboration and growth, ensuring every student reaches their full potential.
Thank you for your continued support as we embark on this exciting new chapter.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Victoria Schaefer
West Hatch High School