Welcome Back Lake View!!
Lake View,
I want to begin by welcoming everyone back to the physical building. For some, it has been months since we have stepped on campus and been in our classrooms. The last few months have probably been a trying time: remote learning, people we know and love getting sick, concerns and anxieties about the future. I know I have shared in those exact feelings. To say we have gone through some bizarre times is an understatement.
I cannot begin to tell you thank you for the incredible welcome this school community has shown me. It is certainly a steep learning curve to take on a new role, especially in the background of a pandemic. I am grateful for your patience in these days as we all learn together how to be effective educators in this new context.
One can look at our situation as a problem or as an opportunity. I am looking at the 2020-21 academic year as giant opportunity. This is our time to shine and show San Angelo what we have always been capable of. I hope you want to join me in turning some heads.
I want to be upfront that we are all going to be called to do things in ways we are not used to or are comfortable with. I know it won’t be easy. But we can do it, together. I hope this year all of us discover new gifts and talents we may have never known we had.
The Lake View community is a special place to be a part of. We all know we have to pull together to continue to make our school a place where academic excellence is recognized and honored, where community is knit together through grit and compassion, and where our students growth and well-being is the center of all that we do. School will probably never look the same as it did before Covid, and that might not be a bad thing. As Chiefs and Maidens, we will pull together, keep our heads high, and let everyone know we have a calling to educate our future, to ensure that our community keeps moving forward.
I have attached a tentative schedule so know what to expect when we get back for those first few days of Professional Learning. We are going to concentrate on 3 things;
- Saftey
- Emotional Well-being
- Logistics
Welcome our newest Lake View Chiefs and Maidens
Craig Horner -- Math
Josue Reyes-Herrera - Math
Geraldo Bueno - BIM
Rachal Brewster – Science
Sergio Plata – Science