Robert Hunter Report
Dec. 8, 2024
Robert Hunter Elementary School
Mrs. Jessica Braynor, Principal
Mrs. Lindsay Shirvanian, Vice Principal
Website: https://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/Domain/381
Location: 8 Dayton Road Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone: (908) 284-7620
Dear Robert Hunter Families,
It’s hard to believe that the first trimester has ended already! Robert Hunter students are growing so much academically, socially, and emotionally. We are so proud of them and look forward to celebrating their continued growth throughout the rest of the school year.
December is a busy month with much excitement surrounding family events and holidays. We appreciate your partnership in encouraging your children to stay focused on learning while enjoying the fun of the season.
Have a great week!
Warm regards,
Jessica Braynor and Lindsay Shirvanian
Pictures of the Week
Dental health educators presented to 2nd grade students
Useful Links for Families
The Week Ahead
Monday, Dec. 9, Day 2
- Trimester 2 begins
Tuesday, Dec. 10, Day 3
Wednesday, Dec. 11, Day 4
Wednesday Project Enrich
Thursday, Dec. 12, Day 5
Report Cards released to families in Genesis
Thursday Project Enrich
Town Hall Budget Meeting at JP Case 6:00
Friday, Dec. 13, Day 6
- Spirit Day - Wear RH Spiritwear or school colors
Save the Date:
Dec. 19 - PTO Family Paint Night
Dec. 20 - Early Dismissal, Pajama Day
Jan. 9 - 4th Grade Concert 7:00 (students arrive 6:30)
Report Cards
Report cards provide information about how your child is progressing toward grade level standards. Report Cards will be released on Parent Portal on Dec. 12th for students in Grades 2-4. Students in Grades K-1 will receive their first report card at the end of the 2nd trimester.
Message from our School Nurse, Mrs. Cunniff
Hi Parents! It's the season for chapped lips for all. Please provide a small tub of Chapstick or lip balm for your child to be kept in their jacket pocket or backpack. Please remind your children that they have their own chapstick that they can use if needed. Encourage good hydration and remind your children not to lick their lips. Have a great week!
Bus Reminders
We kindly ask for your support in reminding your children about the importance of being safe and kind while riding the school bus. Please remind them to stay seated, follow the driver’s instructions, and keep their voices at a respectful volume to ensure everyone’s safety. Additionally, talking about treating fellow students with kindness and respect can help make the bus ride a positive experience for all.Thank you for partnering with us to promote a safe and supportive environment for our students!
Cold Weather
Now that colder weather is upon us, please be sure that your child is dressed for the weather, and remember to send your child to school with a coat, hat, and/or gloves for recess. These items should be labeled with your child’s name. In instances of extreme cold weather, and in consultation with our school nurse, we may decide to have a shortened outdoor recess or indoor recess, but we please be prepared for students to go outside every day. Students are not excused from going out for recess and gym unless a doctor’s note is provided.
NJCIE Poster Contest
The New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education (NJCIE) invites all United States public, charter, and vocational school students in grades 1 to 12 to enter its 16th annual ALL IN Poster Contest!
Formerly known as “Inclusion Works”, the contest launches during National Inclusive Schools Week on December 5, 2024 and ends on April 25, 2025.
At the end of the contest, a grand prize winner is selected, and all winning submissions will be displayed in a poster exhibit on our website. The grand prize winner will receive a $250 reward!
The contest has taught countless students the importance of inclusion for more than 10 years. When all students are included, everyone shines! Get more information here-https://www.njcie.org/poster-contest
School attendance is critical for children’s success. You may receive a letter from the school regarding your child’s attendance. As per our District Code of Conduct, the following steps are taken to support children and families in regards to attendance:
It is also important to note that as per district policy, every 3 late arrivals to school are counted as one absence. These absences are included in your child’s total absences.
District Town Hall Meeting
The district is holding a Town Hall meeting regarding the budget this upcoming Thursday at J.P. Case School at 6:00. You can join in person or virtually. Dr. McGann will be sharing important information and will welcome questions from the community. All community members are encouraged to attend. See the flyer below:
Robbie's Recognition
We encourage families to take some time to recognize our fantastic staff members throughout the school year. You can use the Google form here to submit a Robbie’s Recognition for a staff member, and we will read aloud your recognition to our staff. You can either add your name or recognize a staff member anonymously.
From the PTO:
Panera Dine to Donate - December 18th
Panera will donate 30% of all purchases to Robert Hunter PTO. Use promo code FUND4U when ordering online or submit flyer when ordering in the Flemington location!
3D Lab Open Print Day - January 25th
It's Raccoon Day at the 3D Lab! Drop in for open printing, bring flyer and a portion of proceeds will be donated to our PTO.
Staff Luncheon - Donations due December 13th
Robert Hunter's staff make school merry and bright! Please consider donating homemade cookies, hot chocolate or side dishes to the PTO sponsored holiday luncheon. All donations are needed in the front office by 10am on December 13th. Sign up HERE to help.
Fourth Grade Activities
Fourth grade shirt sizes due December 13th
The PTO is excited to provide special t-shirts to our fourth graders for their field ttrip to Davinci science center. Please complete the survey HERE by Friday, December 13th to indicate your 4th grader's t-shirt size.
Fourth Grade Baby Pictures - Due February 12
Please submit a baby picture (0-24 months) of your fourth grader for our yearbook to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYVa35dzPnzmkKlWGJgCJWsgDOqaYIu47K5uTS_JFYP-sVeg/viewform. Please reach out to Laura DiStaulo at ladistaulo@gmail.com with any questions.
Harlem Wizards - Tickets on sale December 6
Harlem Wizards tickets have dropped! Historically, this event has sold out! Purchase tickets at https://www.harlemwizards.com/tickets/frsd and cheer Mrs. Smits, Ms. Migliore, Mrs. Martinez, and Ms. Whalen on as they play against the Harlem Wizards.
Family Paint Party Night - December 19
Paint Party Farm will be hosting a family fun night at Robert Hunter on December 19 from 6:30 to 8:00pm. Please register your painter at www.paintpartyfarm.com so that adequate wood signs are available.
Basket Auction Committee Volunteers Needed!
We’re gearing up for the Robert Hunter Annual Basket Auction, and we need YOU to help make it a success!
We’re forming our Basket Auction Committee and looking for volunteers to assist with:
-Securing donations from local businesses and community members
-Creating and wrapping baskets
-Event set up and helping to run the auction on event day
Whether you can spare a few hours or want to take on a bigger role, every bit of help counts and will make a huge difference. This is a great way to support our school, get involved, and meet other amazing parents!
First committee meeting is in early January! Please contact Sherri Biniaros at sbiniaros@gmail.com to sign up. Let’s work together to make this the best auction yet!
Order your yearbook and custom pages. Login at https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=10160407073332
Please reach out to the yearbook committee at Roberthunteryb@gmail.com with any questions.
Spiritwear -Free shipping until December 12th
Time is running out for free shipping! Order your spiritwear today at https://roberthunterspiritwear.com