WHS December News 2024
December 2, 2024

Important Dates
December 17 - Band Concerts
December 18 - Choir Concert
December 18 - White Gift
December 19-20 - WHS 1st Semester Exams
December 20 - End of the 2nd Quarter
December 21- January 6 - Winter Break
January 6 - Teacher Work Day, Makeup Exams
January 7 - First Day of 3rd Quarter
Pick Up and Drop Off
If you pick up and/or drop off your child, please use Hurricane Alley by the MS and HS gyms. Below are some specific guidelines.
First Semester Exams
All WHS students will take 1st semester exams on December 19th and December 20th. Attached is the exam schedule. It is important that students are in attendance each day and attend each exam period.
We want to remind you about the exam policies for the end of the semester. If your student has an excused absence on exam days, they will need to arrange to take their exam on January 6th. Makeup exams will be held in room 103, starting at 8:00 am.
Please note that no exams will be given early, so we strongly encourage all students to attend school on the final two days of the semester. Students with unexcused absences who do not communicate with their teachers will not be able to make up their exams.
If your student has an excused absence, please ensure they notify their teacher in advance and are added to the makeup exam list.
White Gift
'Tis the season for White Gift! Wilmington High School Student Council has sponsored White Gift for over 40 years. This long running program was started by Student Council Advisor John Gayhardt in the mid 1960s. Each year, over 150 meals are provided to local families to help ease a little of the burden of the holidays.
On Wednesday, December 18th, student council representatives and students in our junior and senior class will be deilvering meals to families in our community.
If you would like to support White Gift, you can send a check to:
Wilmington High School
300 Richardson Place
Wilmington, OH 45177
Checks should be made out to Wilmington City Schools with White Gift in the subject line.
End of Course Testing: Retakes
In December, we will be providing end of course assessment retakes. Students have been notified if they need to retake any tests. Please make sure your child has a good breakfast, arrives at school on time, and gets plenty of sleep so they can show their best on theses tests!
Attendance Update
Students may be excused with a parent call-in for the first 10 absences in the school year. The following are board-approved reasons for an excused absence. When calling the front office, please communicate the reason your child will need to miss school.
If you are signing your child out during the school day, you will need to come in to sign your child out in person. Students that drive may be signed out with a phone call from a parent but, will only be able to drive themselves. Students will not be permitted to leave with another student who is driving. There may be a time that you will need to speak with an administrator when signing your child out throughout the school day.
The Board considers the following factors to be reasonable excuses for time missed at school:
personal illness (a written physician’s statement verifying the illness may be required)
appointment with a health care provider
illness in the family (the absence under this condition shall not apply to children under fourteen (14) years of age)
quarantine of the home
death in the family
necessary work at home due to absence or incapacity of parent(s)/guardian(s)
observation or celebration of a religious holiday consistent with his/her creed or belief
out-of-state travel (up to a maximum twenty-four (24) hours per school year that the student’s school is open for instruction) to participate in a District-approved enrichment or extracurricular activity
such good cause as may be acceptable to the Superintendent
medically necessary leave for a pregnant student in accordance with Policy 5751
service as a precinct officer at a primary, special or general election in accordance with the program set forth in Policy 5725.
college visitation
absences due to a student's placement in foster care or change in foster care placement or any court proceedings related to their foster care status
absences due to a student being homeless
Closed Lunch Policy
WHS has a closed lunch policy. Below are a few reminders from the student handbook. This information was reviewed with students in class meetings.
Wilmington High School does not have an open lunch policy. Students must remain in the building for lunch.
Outside food should not be delivered or dropped off for any student at the school.
Parents/Guardians are not to call/sign-out students for lunch.
All WCS students are automatically eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch meal at no charge. Please note that the program covers a full breakfast and lunch meal. Extra food or á la carte items will incur a charge.
2nd Semester Schedules
Second semester schedules will be distributed to students during Flex on Thursday, December 12th.
Community Messenger: One Calls
We want to make sure that everyone is connected, especially as we get into the winter season. Families that are in our student management system will get one-call notifications automatically. If you have other family members or community members that would like to receive notifications and information from the school please use the link below to sign up.
Cane Carryout Food Pantry
Wilmington High School has a Food Pantry done in partnership with the Free Store Food Bank. Any family with a student attending in the Wilmington City School District is eligible for this program. An interested family simply needs to complete the attached form and send it with their student and someone from the WHS Food Pantry will contact them for additional information!
We hope to curb food insecurity in our great community and continue to grow our students into community leaders!
Progress Book Access
Want to see your student's grades and progress in real time? Email Mrs. Gregory or Mrs. Gigandet for your registration key.