Superintendent Weekly Update
Shelby-Rising Public Schools
Volume 1/Issue 20 - November 28th, 2021
Everyone say it with me..."Snow, Snow, stay away!!!"
Up Next at S-RC:
- Monday (Nov. 29th) - 4th-5th Girls Bball Practice (6pm), Double Dog Wrestling Registration (6pm), Jamboree Exhibition Bball @ Wisner-Pilger (6pm)
- Tuesday (Nov. 30th) - District Unified Bowling @ York (11am), JH Girls Bball @ Heartland (4pm), JH Wrestling @ Twin River (Genoa) @ 5pm, 5th/6th Girls Bball Practice (6:30pm)
- Wednesday (Dec. 1st) - CRC AD Meeting (11am), CRC Supt. Meeting (12pm), Recognition Rally (PM)
- Thursday (Dec. 2nd) - One Act for our K-12 Student Presentation (2:30pm), JH GBB/BBB vs Cross County @ Shelby (4pm/5:45pm), Varsity Wrestling Quad @ High Plains (5pm), 5th/6th Girls Bball Practice (6:30pm)
- Friday (Dec. 3rd) - Varsity Wrestling @ Lakeview (2pm), Varsity GBB/BBB vs. Cross County @ Shelby (6pm/7:30pm), 3rd/4th Girls Bball Practice (6pm)
- Saturday (Dec. 4th) - District One Act @ Loup City (TBD), JH Wrestling @ Schuyler (8:30am), 4th/5th Girls Bball Practice (10am), JH Girls Bball vs Friend @ Shelby (10am)
Staff Shoutouts
- Ashley Arbuck- Thank you for being a rock for your 1st grade students! There are days of craziness but you welcome it with open arms. Thank you for being a leader for our students and making them better each day! Thank you for setting your expectations high!
- Mallory Patterson - Holding down the fort in 3rd grade, Mrs. Patterson does a great job at making her class interactive and continues to push her students each day! Thank you for always being prepared and going above and beyond!
- Sarah Hernbloom - I would get fancy and say something in Espanol but I am pretty rusty! Thank you for giving our student a chance to experience another culture and having your passion for foreign language to go to our students each day!
Recap of the Week!
Calendar Change for December
December 20th & 21st will now be TEACHER WORKDAYS. There will be no students on these days (unless there are late assignments that need to be completed). More info to come but we wanted to give all families time to plan. Thank you for your flexibility!
We want our staff to have the opportunity to finish up their grades and get the first semester wrapped up before holiday break hits! Then we can all enjoy a relaxing break until the 2nd semester begins!
Varsity Wrestling
Best of luck to our wrestlers this season!
Boys Basketball
Best of luck to our Husky boys bball team this season!
Girls Basketball
Best of luck to our lady Huskies this season!
Farm Safety (1 of 6)
Our FFA students put on a great informative presentation about farm safety! Our students loved making their rounds to the different areas. Great job to everyone and thank you for taking the time to do this for our students!
Farm Safety (2 of 6)
Very attentive
Farm Safety (3 of 6)
Thank you to our volunteers who came in!
Farm Safety (4 of 6)
Farm Safety (5 of 6)
Farm Safety (6 of 6)
4th Place!
2nd Place!
District One-Act
ICU Setup
ICU Done!
And the completed project!
ICU update for this week
Just a reminder, anyone who is on the list will have to come in on December 20th to finish it...let's get that number to 0 assignment out and push that percentage to 100!!!
Double Dog Registration tomorrow! (Monday, Nov. 29th)
This is the ONLY registration night for ALL participants, and parents/guardian presence is required.
Where in the World is Tejkl?
November 29th - In District
- Meeting at 9:30am
- Jamboree Coverage
- Teacher Coverage (10:20-10:50)
- Lunch Coverage (12pm-1:20pm)
- JH Wrestling at Twin River (5pm)
December 1st - In-Out-In of District
- CRC Supt Meeting in York (12pm)
- Recognition Rally (3pm)
December 2nd - In District -
- Cover Lunch (12pm-1:20pm)
- One-Act Performance for School (2:30pm)
- Wrestling @ High Plains (5pm)
December 3rd - In District -
- Wrestling @ Lakeview (2pm)
- Varsity GBB/BBB @ Home (6pm)
December 4th - Out of District -
- District One-Act @ Loup City (TBD)
Message from Mr. Tejkl
“People remember how you finish."
Good morning!
I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and break! My hope is that you were able to spend many hours with family and friends and were able to create many memories to last! I know the pounds will last for me as my stretchy pants were forced to the max :).
As we enter December, YES DECEMBER, it is important to remember that it isn't always how you start but how you finish. We have entered the time where we need to "buckle up buttercup" and get things done! All gas, no brakes!
We have done an amazing job with all the uncertainties and the obstacles that life can throw at us. We have had many ups and a few downs but we haven't let negative items slow us down or have those negative times overcome us. We have rose above hard times and we continue to move forward in the storm.
How much are you willing to give to finish on top and above expectations? Are you satisfied with being at 211° with a good simmer or are you willing to take it one more degree and hit 212 ° so we can create steam and move this locomotive?
The decision comes down to all of us in the building. Staff - are you willing to push a little further to get the most out of all of your students so that they can be their best? Students - are you willing to put in just a little more time to become the best individual you can each day? Admin - are you willing to take one more step to make sure that all in your building are feeling supported as they move forward?
These questions will be answered, one way or another. I know what direction and attitude I will be choosing...I am excited to see what is to come! 4 weeks to go until we can put a bow on semester 1. Let's get after it and finish with steam!
Have a great Sunday and let's have a great week!
Quote of the week to make you think:
"Starting strong is good. Finishing strong is EPIC. "
- Robin Sharma
Tucker Tejkl
Staff of the Month
Innovation- Grant Gabel
Integrity- Shelly Denbo
Accountability- Matt Carley
Service- Steve Stewart (not pictured)
Do you have events coming up? (Community)
November Newsletter (Elementary)
Activities Update through the week:
HS Winter Practice began Monday: Time to go! Looking to continue to build our programs with great participation
One-Act -
Unified Bowling - Updates above!
Find me
Email: ttejkl@shelby.esu7.org
Website: https://www.shelby.esu7.org/
Location: 650 North Walnut Street, Shelby, NE, USA
Phone: 402-527-5946
Facebook: facebook.com/tucker.tejkl
Twitter: @SuptTejkl