HMS Parent Update!
February 7th, 2025
Happy Friday! Lets celebrate and look ahead for more fun!
6th Grade Whippur of the Week: Teddy Schafer!
Teddy always has a smile on his face and a great sense of humor! He works hard and has gotten some awesome grades as a result!
6th Grade Whippur of the Week: Lincoln Marincic!
Lincoln is an engaged student who brings a positive attitude to school! He is super creative and works well with others.
7th Grade Whippur of the Week: Sierra Suarez!
Sierra has worked incredibly hard this year and leads by example! She asks questions, stays focused and is a true joy to have at HMS!
7th Grade Whippur of the Week: Jackson Cohodes!
Jackson excels in the classroom, in spelling bees, and in wrestling! He is committed to his academics and is always respectful to others!
8th Grade Whippur of the Week: Danny Heffelfinger!
Danny brings a positive attitude and kindness to others at HMS! He is respectful to staff and we are proud of his accomplishments!
8th Grade Whippur of the Week: Grace Plosila!
Grace is a shining example of what it means to be a Whippur! She follows her PAWS and is willing to help others!
6th Grade Sled Dog Presentation!
The 6th grade science classes are learning all about Sled Dog Races with support of their SEP of analyzing data. Last week the team brought in sled dogs to do a presentation, dog run and a meet and greet with the dogs! The students raised $875 for the Free Spirit Husky Rescue!
PBIS Update!
Twice a month students take part in a Whippur Way Lesson. These lessons reinforce student expectations for behavior and strategies to implement in the classroom, hallways, cafeteria, bus, and virtual spaces! Please ask your student about some of the recent lessons they’ve received!
AVID Application
AVID is looking for students who want to join our program. Not sure what AVID is, check out this flyer for more information. If you are interested in joining AVID for the 25/26 School Year, please complete the AVID Application.
HMS Crush Can Charity Campaign
Students will be able to purchase Crush drinks during their lunch periods for $2 to be delivered on Valentine's Day! All money raised will be donated to a charity through our HMS Beta Club. Cans will be available for purchase until February 12th!
History Club Presents: Movie Night!
Our HMS History Club is hosting an event on Friday, February 21st from 4:00-6:30 pm after school. Students will be able to vote on different historical movies to view! Students can bring $5 for Pop/Pizza or they can choose to bring their own snacks.
Next Week's Events!
Monday, February 10th
- 7th Grade Girls BBall at DMS
- 8th Grade Girls BBall vs DMS
Tuesday, February 11th
- Wrestling at CMS
- 8th Grade Band Concert at HHS
Wednesday, February 12th
- 7th Grade Girls Bball vs. CMS
- 8th Grade Girls Bball at CMS
Thursday, February 13th
- Wrestling at AMS
- 8th Grade Orchestra Concert at HHS
New Trier Jazz Festival this Saturday!
Our HMS Jazz Ensemble will be performing this Saturday at New Trier High School for a Jazz Festival alongside groups from across the area!
D300 Piano, Solo & Ensemble Festival
On February 22nd, participants from HMS will be going to Westfield Community School to participate in District 300's Piano, Solo & Ensemble Festival from 8:00-12:00. Good luck, performers!
6th, 7th, and Jazz!
Our 6th Grade, 7th Grade, and Jazz Bands will be performing at HMS on February 27th starting at 7:00 PM!