October 2024 Newsletter
Northmont Middle School
Northmont Middle School/Community Events
October 3rd - Quarter 1 Reward Party & Homecoming Parade
October 4th - Homecoming Football Game
October 7th and October 9th - Conferences (3:30 - 6:45 p.m.)
October 10th - End of Quarter 1 & Picture Retake Day
October 11th and October 14th - No School
October 18th - Report Cards will be available on ProgressBook
October 19th - Northmont Middle School Skating Fundraiser 5:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. at the Skateworld of Vandalia. The cost is $5 for admission and $5 to rent skates, non-skating parents are welcomed at no cost.
October 25th - Music Bingo 3:00 p.m. - 4:00p.m. in the middle school cafeteria, the cost is $5 per student.
October 28th - November 1st -Red Ribbon Spirit Week
Thunderbolts Work Together to Build Trusting Relationships
What to Expect -
- Staff will discuss grades and/or student data
- Staff will discuss what is going on in the classroom and/or interventions
- Staff will discuss how families can support their middle schoolers at home
Monday, October 7th - Scheduled Conferences (3:30 - 6:45) Appointments Only
Locations Per Team:
Dignity - 219
Integrity - 213
Valor - 117
Aspire - 133
Grit - 231
Intentional- 201
CCL- 205
Explorations Classes: Will be attending scheduled conferences with teams
German 1 -Mrs. Galaise - High School Room #1113
Parents can use this link to sign up for an appointment with Mrs. Galaise:
Wednesday, October 9th - Open Conferences (3:30 - 6:45) - Appointments are not necessary
Locations Per Team:
Dignity - 219 & 235
Integrity - 213
Valor - TBolt Cafe
Aspire- 133
Grit - 231
Intentional - 201
CCL - 205
Explorations Classes: Individual classrooms (Please check for a sign on the door)
Explorations Classroom Numbers:
Mrs. Bouas - 125
Mr. Roden - 220
Mrs. Cassel - 135
Mrs. Chromick - 109
Mr. Smith - 205
Mrs. Holbrook - 141
Mrs. Trevino - 110
Mrs. Boston - 140
Mrs. Cooper - 107
Mr. Myers - Gym
Mr. Reidy - 229
Mrs. Boeh - 123
Mr. Mergler - 137
Mrs. Galaise - High School Room #1113
ELA/Math Block, Lab or Resource Classes:
Mrs. Schatzley- 227
Mr. Forrest - 212
Mrs. Moore - 210
Mrs. Sloboda - 130
Northmont Middle School Counseling Center
Dear Families,
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our newly revamped school counseling website! Our dedicated counselors have worked diligently to create a resource that is not only user-friendly, but packed with valuable information to support your students' academic, career, and social/emotional well-being. We hope this website can be a helpful tool for our families and students.
Visit us at NMS Counseling Website and discover how we can partner together to support your students’ success. Please take time to explore our various tabs that include: our services, resources, frequently asked questions, and more.
We encourage all families to check it out and stay connected!
Mrs. Lipscomb, School Counselor (A-Kn)
Mrs. Dale, School Counselor (Ko-Z)
Mrs. Greier, Counseling Center Secretary
Mrs. Morris, School Psychologist
937- 832-6732
DC Registration Deadline is 11/1/24
We need your help!
As we approach flu season, we want to ensure that our classrooms are healthy for all students. To help with this, we are asking for donations of hand sanitizer and tissues.
If you are able to contribute to your middle schooler's TBolt Time teacher, we would be grateful! Any donation, big or small, helps create a more comfortable and sanitary environment for the students.
Thank you for your continued support of our school community. We truly appreciate all that you do to help our students thrive!