Winthrop Weekly
May 29, 2024
Principally Speaking
Dear Winthrop Families,
Announcing the Retirement of Jen Spencer, Our Beloved Math Coach
It is with a mix of heartfelt joy and deep gratitude that we announce the retirement of Jen Spencer, our cherished Math Coach, at the conclusion of this school year. Jen’s departure marks the end of an era for Winthrop, as she has been the guiding light and bedrock of our educational community for an incredible 35 years.
Jen's journey with Winthrop began as a passionate classroom teacher. Over her first 20 years, she inspired and nurtured young minds in various grades, including Kindergarten, multi-age 2/3, Grade 3, and Grade 5. Her classrooms were vibrant spaces of curiosity, laughter, and boundless learning. Jen's innovative teaching methods and her unwavering dedication to her students set a benchmark for excellence that has long been the gold standard in our district.
In the subsequent 15 years, Jen transitioned into pivotal roles that further showcased her remarkable expertise and commitment to mathematics education. Starting as a Title I Math Teacher, she then became our Math Specialist and, finally, our esteemed Math Coach. Her ability to demystify math and make it accessible and enjoyable for all students has been nothing short of magical. Jen’s profound impact on our curriculum and her support of our teachers has been instrumental in fostering a love of math across our school.
Not only has Jen excelled in her professional roles, but she has also been the most tenured teacher in the entire district. Her wisdom, warmth, and wealth of experience have been a cornerstone of Winthrop, and her presence will be deeply missed by colleagues, students, and families alike.
As we celebrate Jen’s well-deserved retirement, we are also delighted to announce that Katie Norris, our dynamic and talented 4th-grade teacher, will be stepping into the role of Math Coach this fall. Katie holds a Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics K-8 from Mount Holyoke College, and she brings a fresh perspective and a deep passion for math education. We are confident that Katie will continue the legacy of excellence that Jen has established and will lead our math program to new heights.
Please join us in extending our warmest wishes to Jen Spencer as she embarks on this new chapter of her life. We are profoundly grateful for her years of dedicated service and the indelible mark she has left on our hearts and our halls.
With heartfelt appreciation,
- Crane Beach Day will be held on Tuesday, June 11th this year with a raindate of Wednesday, June 12th. This is a family day for ALL Winthrop Students and families. We greatly encourage families to attend with their children, if possible.
The last day of school for PK is Friday, June 7th. The last day of school for Grades K-5 is Thursday, June 13th. Dismissal will be at 11:50 PM.
The Grade 5 Graduation/Moving On Ceremony will be held on Thursday, June 13th at 9:30 a.m. on the front lawn. Please see more detailed information below.
Important Upcoming Dates- The Rest of the Year!
- Wednesday, May 29th: Tiger Trot
- Thursday, May 30th: Early Release, PK @1:30, K05 @1:50, Free Open Door Mobile Mart @ Dismissal
- Thursday, May 30th: Incoming Kindergarten Screening, Day 1 @ Ipswich Public Libary- Individual appointments
- Thursday, May 30th: No Place For Hate Meeting, 2-3 PM , Rm. 25
- Thursday, May 30th: Grade 5 Show, 7 PM @ Winthrop Cafeteria
- Friday, May 31st: Incoming Kindergarten Screening, Day 2 @ Ipswich Public Library- Individual appointments
- Friday, May 31st: Winthrop Field Day
- Monday, June 3rd: Tiger Trot Raindate
- Monday, June 3rd: Grade 5 Move-Up Day/Visit to Ipswich Middle School
- Tuesday, June 4th: Winthrop Field Day Raindate
- Tuesday, June 4th: Grade 5 Band/Orchestra Concert, 7 PM @ Winthrop Cafeteria
- Wednesday, June 5th: Grade 5 Scavenger Hunt
- Wednesday, June 5th: Mr. Daignault's Class Field Trip to Cedar Point, Crane Estate
- Wednesday, June 5th: Kindergarten Field Trip to YMCA Outdoor Pool
- Wednesday, June 5th: Variety Show Dress Rehearsal, 3:30-4:30 PM - parents welcome
- Wednesday, June 5th: Winthrop School Council Meeting, 7 PM
- Thursday, June 6th: Early Release, PK @ 1:30. K-5 @ 1:50, Free Open Door Mobile Mart at Dismissal
- Thursday, June 6th: Grade 5 Scavenger Hunt Raindate
- Thursday, June 6th: Grades 4 and 5 SLC Meeting, 2-2:30 PM
- Thursday, June 6th: EDP Carnival @ Doyon, 2:30-3:30 PM
- Friday, June 7th: Mr. Daignault's Class Field Trip to Cedar Point, Crane Beach
- Friday, June 7th: Kindergarten Field Trip to Pavillion Beach
- Friday, June 7th: Green Team Harvest of the Month
- Friday, June 7th: Last Day of Preschool
- Friday, June 7th: End of Year Celebration, Sponsored by Winthrop FRIES, 5-7 PM
- Monday, June 10th: Variety Show During School
- Tuesday, June 11th: Crane Beach Day
- Wednesday, June 12th: Crane Beach Day Raindate
- Wednesday, June 12th: FRIES Meeting, 6:30 PM
- Thursday, June 13th: Grade 5 Graduation, 9:30 AM @ Winthrop Front Lawn
- Last Day of School K-5. Early Release Schedule- dismissal at 1:50 PM
For a complete list of school events, please see the Winthrop School Calendar
Ipswich Public Schools Calendar
Winthrop School Calendar
Grade 5 Moving Ceremony - Thursday, 6/13 @ 9:30
Dear Grade 5 Families,
The big day is almost here! We look forward to celebrating our fifth graders on Thursday, June 13th at 9:30 a.m. as they move on from Winthrop. This year the ceremony will be held outside on the Winthrop FRONT LAWN. We will keep our fingers crossed for sunny skies but if the inclement weather is predicted, we will move the ceremony indoors and it will be held in the cafeteria.
Here is some logistical information for your planning purposes:
The ceremony will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will last approximately 45 minutes - 1 hour.
Please plan on arriving between 9:00 - 9:25 a.m. to find a seat. The school will have rows of chairs set up, but they typically fill up quickly.
Some families may wish to bring their own outdoor seating, especially if you are seeking shade under one of the trees on the front lawn or if you have a large group who need accommodations.
Parking is limited at Winthrop. Please consider carpooling and/or parking off the property on one of the side streets or the Hammatt Street Parking lot.
Some families have asked about student attire. Students should wear what they feel comfortable in, but please know that many students choose to dress up for the ceremony.
EDP Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year- Now Open!
Extended Day Program Registration 2024-2025
Opening Day of Registration: May 22, 2024
We are happy to announce that Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open!
EDP is available for students kindergarten through fifth grade at the Doyon and Winthrop schools. The Morning program opens at 7:00am and runs until the start of the school day. The afternoon program starts at school dismissal and runs until 6:00 p.m.
All families are required to complete a registration packet and send in a non-refundable $46.00 (per child) registration fee. In order to hold your spot, a registration fee needs to be paid. The Registration fee can be paid by check written out to EDP or paid online through city hall systems. Families are required to sign up for a minimum of two days.
An enrollment packet needs to be filled out per child being registered for EDP. Enrollment packets can be completed online through the Family ID System or found under the enrollment tab located at the links below. If completing an enrollment packet, please email the completed forms to Extended Day Program.
Tuition payments are due on or before the 10th of each month. A late fee of $10.00 will be charged to payments received after the 10th of the month.
Payments can be paid online through City Hall systems or by check written out to “Extended Day Program. All checks should be mailed or delivered to the Central office located at 1 Lord Square.
City hall systems City hall Systems
Family ID systems (Online Registration) Family ID
Enrollment Packet Packet
2024-2025- Tuition Rates: Tuition
We look forward to you joining us for the 2024-2025 school year!
For further information please contact Alicia Merry, EDP Director
Email: EDP@ipsk12.net Phone: 978-992-7454
2024-2025 Bus Registration
All students who plan to ride the school bus MUST register in order to be issued a bus pass. School bus pass early registration for the 2024-2025 school year starts May 12 th and ends June 14th at a discounted rate of $225 per student. Starting June 15th, regular registration costs will be at the standard rate of $250 per student.
Online registration and information and procedures concerning the transportation fee process can be found on the school website, www.ipsk12.net, under "Bus Information" on the district home page.
For further information, you may contact Cindy Williams at cwilliams@ipsk12.net.
Winthrop Field Day - 5/31
It’s that time of year again, Field Day! Field day is for Grades PreK - 5th and will take place on Friday, May 31st with a rain date of Tuesday, June 4th. We are looking for parent volunteers who are interested in making field day a fun success. If you are able to help out, please fill out and return the slip (in the PDF attachment below) to your child's classroom teacher by Friday, May 24th. All parent volunteers must have an active CORI on file with the school. CORIs can take a day or two to process. Please see Jeanne Vlahos to complete a CORI form.
Field day has been a resounding success year after year because of the support and help we get from our parent volunteers. A volunteer's job is to be the expert at the station, to explain the rules, directions, and goals of the station. Teachers travel around with all the groups and will be responsible for classroom management.
Grades: 3-5 & Miss Tina’s Preschool: 9:00-10:58 am (Check-in time for volunteers 8:40 am)
Grades: K-2 & Miss Emily’s Preschool: 12:30-2:40 pm (Check-in time for volunteers 12:10 pm)
Field Day check-in time (if you are volunteering) is either 8:40 am or 12:10 pm in the gymnasium. You will first need to sign in at the front office. Then you will head to the gymnasium to receive station assignments, gather equipment, and to learn about your station.
All school volunteers and chaperones must have an updated CORI on file with Ipswich Public Schools. Please email Mrs. Vlahos at jvlahos@ipsk12.net to check on your CORI status. If you do not have an updated CORI, please reach out to her as soon as possible and at least one week before volunteering.
Thank you in advance! We are looking forward to a fun, educational day emphasizing teamwork and cooperation. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mr. Falconieri. E-mail is the best form of communication and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Anthony Falconieri - afalconieri@ipsk12.net
Mark Southam - msoutham@ipsk12.net
Please see the link to the letter below with volunteer sign up.
Green Team News
Seedling Giveaway- Thank you to GT parent Tanya Rosenbaum for teaching Winthrop students how to sort, save, and sow seeds. The Winthrop GT was able to share seeds and seedlings with the community last week. Nourish those flowers and herbs over the summer, and bring seeds back this fall to add to our seed library!
Garden Dinner - Thank you to the Winthrop families who helped prepare, serve, and clean-up at the Garden Dinner last week. All proceeds with go to a sustainability scholarship for an IHS senior. The winner will be announced at the baccalaureate!
COINS for a C.A.U.S.E.
The Institution for Saving is pleased to continue with its Coins for a C.A.U.S.E. (Coins Add Up to Support Education) program to benefit elementary schools in our communities.
This is how it works: each month when an individual converts their coins into paper currency using our convenient coin-counting machines the Bank donates 100% of hte 5% user fee to local elementary schools.
The Winthrop Elementary School FRIES will be the recipient of funds collected in the month of June from the following offices:
- 112 County Road, Ipswich
- 2 Depot Square, Ipswich
- 161 South Main Stree, Middleton
- 5 Main Street, Topsfield
TTS Players - Suessical Kids
Winthrop School
Email: winthrop@ipsk12.net
Website: https://www.ipsk12.net/Domain/185
Location: 65 Central Street, Ipswich, MA, USA
Phone: 9783562976