Deretchin Digest
September 2024 Edition
A Note From Mrs. Oliver
September has finally arrived! Our school year is off to a great start, and we are very excited to be back at school! It is wonderful to see our students and teachers doing an incredible job getting back into the "swing of things" while delving into their curriculum with amazing learning!
Providing our students with a safe and stimulating learning environment that inspires them to be successful students is what we strive for each and every day. We appreciate the amazing support of our wonderful Deretchin families, and we look forward to continuing to have a great year with you!
If you have any questions or need anything, feel free to contact me at 832-592-8700 or by email at toliver@conroeisd.net.
Tina Oliver
Upcoming on the Deretchin Calendar
September 2- Labor Day Holiday
September 6- Progress Report Grades pulled
September 9-20- Dollars for Dragons PTO fundraiser
September 10- Progress Reports sent home
September 14- District Art Show at District Office in Conroe, 9:00-3:00
September 17- Destination Imagination Parent Meeting on Zoom, 6:30
September 18- Coffee with the Counselors, 9:00 in cafeteria, Night with the Counselors (repeat presentation), 5:30
September 26- PTO Meeting, 8:30 in cafeteria
September 27- Spotlight on Respect, 9:15 in cafeteria
Counselor's Corner
Character Pillar of the Month: RESPECT
Habits of the Week:
Treat other people the way you want to be treated.
Wait for others to finish speaking. Don’t interrupt. Listen.
Respect other personal space and belongings.
Appreciate others’ work and effort
Keep your body and your belongings to yourself.
Use your manners. Say “please” and “thank you.”
Always respond respectfully when spoken to.
Upcoming Dates:
Complete Leia’s permission form: (click here) https://forms.gle/W1R3ScwbXmiXnPh58
9/18/24-9:00 AM - 10:00 AM & 5:30 PM-6:30 PM
Coffee with the Counselors in the cafeteria
Topic: Deretchin Counseling Program Overview & Dynamic Deretchin Volunteers
9/27/24-9:15 AM - 10:15 AM Character Spotlight: Respect (wear yellow)
Calling all business owners! We are looking for sponsors to contribute to our Spotlight of Character t-shirt. Please contact Darcy Kieke (dkieke@conroeisd.net) or Jenna Hendon (jhendon@conroeisd.net), if your business is interested. We can provide advertisement opportunities for you!
Transportation Change Information
Reminder regarding transportation changes:
You may write a handwritten note describing how your child is going home for the day. This handwritten note should be placed inside the daily folder or backpack to be given to the homeroom teacher.
Email: (Before 2:00 pm)
Please attach a picture of your identification, full name of the student, transportation type and full name of who is sending the email.
Fax: (Before 2:00)
Please fax the front office at (832) 592-8780. The fax needs to include a picture of your identification.
Front Office: (Before 2:00 pm)
You may come into the front office and fill out a transportation change form. Please bring the physical identification for verification.
Site-Based Committee Parent Representatives
Pre-K News
Kindergarten News
Kindergarten is so excited to “fall” right into the month of September! In reading, students will learn how to read books independently by looking at the picture, sounding out words, and thinking about what could be happening in the story. We will also begin learning our kindergarten sight words, which will help support our reading. In writing, we will begin writing personal narratives about our real experiences. We will learn how to start a sentence and label our pictures In
math, we will continue learning about 2D shapes, followed by coins, and numeration. In science, we will be continuing to learn about matter and properties, followed by magnets. In social studies, we will learn about the United States pledge, flag, symbols, and patriotic holidays. We will also learn to use spatial terms to describe relative location. We are also looking forward to having our “Apple Day” on September 26th, where we will taste-test red, yellow, and green apples, make applesauce, and learn some fascinating apple facts.
Thank you for all of your support. It's going to be a wonderful month in Kindergarten!
First Grade News
Welcome back to school! We are excited to embark on another wonderful year with your first graders. As we begin our journey, we want to share some of the engaging and educational activities we have planned for this school year.
In math, we’ll explore the world of numbers and patterns. Your child will dive into graphing, practice simple addition and subtraction, and learn about measurement. These foundational skills will help build their confidence and understanding in math.
In science, we’ll focus on safety and the role of scientists. We’ll also explore the concept of matter, discovering the different states and properties that make up the world around us. We will end our matter unit with a S’mores celebration!
In writing, our young authors will start crafting personal narratives. This will be a fantastic way for them to express their thoughts and experiences through storytelling.
In phonics, we’ll review short vowels and consonant blends. These key elements will help strengthen student’s reading and writing abilities.
In social studies, we will discuss good citizenship and explore U.S. symbols. This will help students understand their role in the community and recognize important national symbols.
In reading, we will establish routines for Reader’s Workshop and learn strategies to decode and tackle tricky words. We’ll focus on what good readers do to understand and enjoy the stories they read.
We are looking forward to a fantastic year of learning and growth. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s education. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out to us! First Grade Teachers.
Second Grade News
In language arts this month, we will be reading fiction stories. We will focus on retelling a story in order with detail, discussing the problem and solution of the story, as well as character traits. Students will learn about open and closed syllable types in phonics and start reviewing long vowel sounds. We will practice reading and spelling words with these sounds. Our writing unit is personal narrative, stories about themselves. Students will plan, write, and edit their own stories, adding detail, writing characters' thoughts and feelings, and editing for grammar and punctuation.
In math this month, we will be focusing on solving one-step and multi-step word problems within 20 using a variety of strategies based on place value. We will continue to focus on organizing a collection of data with up to four categories using pictographs and bar graphs. Students will learn to read and write time to the nearest one-minute increment using analog and digital clocks. Additionally, students will create two-dimensional shapes based on given attributes and classify polygons up to 12 sides. In science students will be learning about observable physical properties such as texture, flexibility, etc. The students will be able to explain how physical properties can be changed. In social studies students will be able to identify and use information on maps and globes such as cardinal directions. Students will create maps to show places and routes within the community.
Third Grade News
We. Are. 3rd Grade.
Welcome back! We are so excited for the 2024-2025 school year!
We started math off with data analysis also referred to as graphing, however, this will be taught all year. We have already started our second unit which is geometry! We began with some polygons called quadrilaterals. We will be learning all about 2D and 3D shapes!
In science, we will be learning about science tools and safety. This is followed with the properties of matter, which is spread out over several weeks. We will continue this unit with states of matter and changing matter.
In social studies, we have been learning about Citizenship. That’s a big unit that starts with classroom community and civic responsibility. The students will have fun creating their own communities and seeing each other’s work.
During reading, students will explore the structures and elements of fictional texts to monitor comprehension and make inferences (predictions) by understanding plot, character’s emotions and the changes that characters undergo. They will also be working on using their context clues to discover the meanings of new words and learning dictionary skills.
During writing, students will use the writing process to write personal narratives. Students will then move into writing traditional literature adaptations. Grammar will focus on capitalizing proper nouns, identifying singular and plural nouns, and identifying verbs and adverbs.
Fourth Grade News
Fourth grade is off to a fantastic start! We are loving getting to know our wonderful students! ❤️
In reading, we are continuing with our fiction unit. We will show our students how characters are the heart of a fiction story. Theme, character traits, and plot will be our focus. We will ask students to notice character behaviors and dialogue as well as practice looking for the repeated actions and patterns of a character. We will ask students to identify the conflict and recognize how it changes/grows throughout the story.
Thank you so much for supporting their homework of Status of the Class(nightly reading)!
In writing, we are wrapping up our Reader's Response Unit( where students respond to literature) and beginning our Narrative Unit. Students will be asked to generate ideas and develop those ideas into essays, focusing on the heart of their stories. Students will be asked to practice writing introductions and conclusions that strengthen their essays. Finally, they will practice editing, revising, and completing final compositions.
Our grammar focus will be on subject and predicate, singular and plural nouns, homophones, comparative and superlative adjectives, and subject-verb agreement. In phonics, students will practice using the -sion/tion suffixes as well as learn the different sounds that vowels make.
We are working hard in math, science, and social studies!
In math, we completed our data unit, where we learned about frequency tables, dot plots, and stem and leaf plots. We will incorporate data in every unit as the year progresses. We are starting our geometry unit. We will learn about types of lines, angles, symmetry, and how to read protractors. Our next unit is Place Value. We will begin the unit by learning to read and write larger numbers with expanded form and expanded notation.
As always, please make sure your child is practicing their multiplication facts and division facts nightly.
In science, we are enjoying hands-on labs and activities! We are currently finishing up our safety and matter units. We have learned about appropriate behavior during a science lab, and the different physical properties of matter. Next, we will learn about mixtures and solutions, and then different forms of energy, including mechanical, sound, electrical, light, thermal.
In social studies, we have learned about map skills and how to read a map. We are starting to learn about the 4 regions of Texas. We will continue to learn about the 4 regions of Texas for the rest of the month.
We are off to a great start in math! We have been learning the routines and expectations of the classroom, and students came up with class contracts to follow so that all can be successful! We just wrapped up Unit 1, where we learned place value to the thousandths and comparing, ordering, adding, and subtracting decimals. Over the next month, students will be learning how to multiply and divide decimals using models and the standard algorithm. We have had a fantastic start to our 5th grade year in science and social studies! We learned about science safety and maps in August. As we enter into September, we will be continuing learning about the physical properties of matter and then using all the physical properties to compare and contrast different objects. In social studies we will continue learning about European exploration including the Columbian exchange, St. Augustine and the reasons why Europeans wanted to settle. In English Language Arts, our students have been working hard and learning routines for the reading and writing workshop models. We will continue to practice fiction skills using our classroom read aloud, The Unteachables by Gordon Korman, and incorporate reading strategies and reader’s responses for the month of September. Additionally, our students will focus on Latin and Greek prefixes, as well as spelling patterns through our phonics curriculum.
Sixth Grade Scoop
We are off to a great start in sixth grade. Our students all seem so happy to be back at school and we have settled into our daily routine really nicely. Most of us have even mastered the skill of getting into the lockers! Everyone is hard at work growing their learning.
In language arts, the plot thickens…as we are currently focused on the elements of plot, characterization, and getting all of the beginning of the year assessments completed.
Our math classes have been concentrating on fraction, decimal, and percent conversions. We refer to this cyclical process as “FDP.” Students should also be able to use their knowledge of conversions to compare and order positive rational numbers. As the month comes to a close, our advanced students are moving on to work on problem-solving with multiplying and dividing decimals.
Science has been all about properties of matter and focusing on the kinetic energy within that state. We will be exploring the Periodic Table next and learning about the important elements. In social studies, we've been brushing up on our geography skills and discussing the foundations of what culture is. We will also be having a live look at democracy in action as we hold our own elections for Student Council.
Teachers will also select students to be Grade Level Ambassadors for the first semester. Sixth graders have so many outstanding opportunities to participate in various community service committees here at Deretchin. Our morning helpers, recycling, and DNN crews have already been out in force, helping our school community. Be sure to ask your student if they signed up for an opportunity to get involved!
Welcome to Deretchin Elementary I am Nurse Robby Bruner and the Clinic Aide on campus is Shara Bracho. We looking forward to meeting your student and meeting their health needs while on campus. Below is information regarding the common processes and procedures within the clinic to meet the health needs of your student.
Clinic Contact Information
Phone: 832-592-8770
Fax: 832-592-8780
Email: jrbruner@conroeisd.net
Clinic Communication to Parents
We encourage parents to save the clinic phone number, 832-592-8770 or 832-592-8769, in your mobile device to avoid missed calls. The clinic phone number may show up as “spam” on your mobile device. The clinic will contact parents for any of the following reasons;
- Illness/Student pick up
- Follow-up regarding immunization requirements or vision/hearing referral
- Notify parent of an injury that you may notice when student arrives home or requires higher level of care
Illness and Attending Class
Students that should stay home or will be sent home from school;
- Fever of 100.4 degrees or more
- Suspected contagious condition or disease
- Vomiting or Diarrhea
- Severe stomachache, headache, or earache
- A child who is too ill to function in the classroom
Student must be free of fever, vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours without medication to suppress sign or symptom before they can return to campus.
Vision and Hearing Screening
Texas requires a Vision and Hearing screening, every school year, for all students new to Conroe ISD, as well as, every student in Pre-k, Kinder, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade. These screenings are completed by campus clinic staff during the first 120 days of school. Parents will receive a referral, requesting you to follow-up with a healthcare provider, if your student does not pass a screening. If your student does not meet the above criteria but you would like them screened please contact the clinic. Parents do not receive a notice if their student passes the screening.
Activity Restrictions
If your student experiences an injury or illness that requires them to avoid physical activity during PE or recess please email the clinic the physician’s note or written formal request. All activity restriction request should have the following;
- Student name
- Date of Visit
- Specific Restrictions
- Duration of time to implement restrictions
Medications on Campus
Medications can be administered to your student while on campus if the following requirements have been met.
- Parent must drop off medication to clinic.
- Parent must complete required documents giving campus permission to administer medication.
- All medications must be kept in the clinic for the duration it will be administered.
- Prescribed Medication
o Labeled with student name, dose, route, and frequency
o Labeled in English
o Cannot be expired
o No more than 90-day supply
o Must be prescribed my licensed healthcare provider in Texas
- Over-the-Counter Medication
o Dose can not exceed recommended dose on bottle
o Cannot be expired
o No more than 3o-day supply
o Must be medication approved by FDA
All medications must be picked up by parent or guardian before the end of the last day of school. No Medication is kept in clinic over the summer months. Medications left after last day of school will be disposed of using the appropriate disposal method.
Student that have a chronic health condition that require emergency medications or health management while on campus must have multiple documents completed prior to attending campus.
- Must meet medication on campus requirements listed above
- Completion of emergency action plan/ diabetic treatment plan
- Completion of document outlining health history
Nurse- Robby Bruner
Clinic Aide- Shara Bracho
832-592-8770 jrbruner@conroeisd.net
Music News
We are so excited for another year of making music! In grades PreK-4, we make music by learning songs and games that help us gain rhythm- and melody-reading skills. Our Deretchin Band, Choir and Orchestra are gearing up for another wonderful year of music as well!
This month, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade will focus on melody sounds- including so, la, mi and do. They will also work with the rhythms made of quarter, eighth, half and sixteenth notes and rests. First graders will focus on quarter note, eighth note and rest. Pre-K and kindergarteners will sing songs and play games to identify different voices and high and low sounds. 4th graders will soon begin work on this year's music program. This will be performed in November.
Band has gotten off to a great start this year! We are so excited to have 5th graders beginning on their instruments who have just started playing in class and 6th graders getting back in the swing of it from the end of last year!
Our 5th graders are learning how to apply all they learned in their elementary music classes in band as well as the basics and fundamentals of their specific instruments. 6th graders are moving quickly into working on their scales and music for the McCullough Band Night coming up in October.
The orchestra program welcomes our 6th graders after the summer break, and 5th grade students, we’re excited to start them on their journey!
The first couple of weeks with the 6th graders have been spent reviewing setup and their fundamentals. Soon we will start learning new music for our concert!. The 5th graders started off by learning how the string instruments work, as well as getting them to understand how to hold the instrument properly. We are now learning how to pluck the strings and put fingers down.
This is a lot to take in and please be patient with your child and encourage them to work slowly on getting these foundational building blocks as good habits!
Intermediate General Music has had a great time working on their piano and vocal skills, rhythms, and note reading. Please make sure your child has located or purchased their recorders. We started playing them at the beginning of this month.
Choir rehearsals have gotten off to a great start. The choir has a few exciting events coming up in the month of October that we are currently working towards, including the CISD solo contest for 6th graders (10/26) and our Intermediate Choir (5th/6th Grade) feeder zone concert featuring choirs from Deretchin, Tough, Mitchell, and McCullough JH (10/1)!
Thank you,
Melody Childs-Music/Choir
Michelle Gastler-Music/Band
Andrew Wilson-Music/Band
Avery Chambers-Music/Orchestra
PE News
Welcome back to school! We are excited to kick off a new school year! Coach C, Coach Parra, Coach Langthorp and Coach Wolf are looking forward to getting to know your children and having them in P.E. this year.
The goal of Physical Education at Deretchin is to teach students to develop healthy living habits that will last a lifetime. We accomplish that by having students participate in a wide variety of activities, sports, and challenges that will increase their physical, social, and mental abilities, as well as teamwork and cooperation skills. We hope to provide a safe, fun, and motivating class that will encourage all students to want to participate, have fun and try their best. Focused fitness activities, health, nutrition, muscular strength, and cardio endurance are implemented into P.E. class, as well as Core subject areas such as math and spelling.
Here are some things that will help make P.E. as fun and SAFE as possible this year:
1. Everyone must wear athletic style sneakers. Flip flops, Crocs, boots, slippers, open-toed shoes and shoes with high heels should not be worn.
2. Girls should wear shorts under dresses and skirts.
3. If a student has a medical condition or injury, please send a note/medical excuse.
We are looking forward to a great year here at Deretchin! If you ever have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at school or via email.
Coach C (Mary Chernitsky), Coach Parra (Tammy Parra), Coach Langthorp (Riley Langthorp) and Coach Wolf (Gavin Schindewolf)
Library News
For those of you who do not know me, my name is Cristofer W. Mattern, and I am so excited to be able to serve as the librarian here at Deretchin Elementary School. This will be my fifth year at the school. I feel so very blessed to share my passions for teaching, reading, learning, and technology with every single student and teacher here at the school. In the library we do lots of fun things including: listening to stories, talking about books, learning about different elements of a book, writing, learning about authors and illustrators, exploring different resources for research, and much, much more. This is the breakdown of the number of books students are able to check out: Kindergarten/1st grade- 1 book, 2nd /3rd grade- 2 books, and 4th-6th grade- 3 books. Also, I LOVE to have volunteers in the library, so if you’re interested please sign up on the Sign-up Genius: http://tiny.conroeisd.net/5J9zc
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Even if all the slots are full during your prefered time block, you're welcome to come. Your library time can be found on this link: http://tiny.conroeisd.net/r4gpD Please note the time blocks in white, yellow, pink, and orange are times when volunteers are not needed. Please make sure you have completed the Volunteer Conroe ISD form. Here's the form: https://apps.conroeisd.net/volunteer/. Even if you did this last year, you have to do it again. Thank you in advance for your help!!
Happy Reading,
Cristofer W. Mattern
Library Media Specialist
TWHS Highsteppers
Talk Saves Lives
Email: toliver@conroeisd.net
Website: https://deretchin.conroeisd.net/
Location: 11000 Merit Oaks Drive, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 832-592-8700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeretchinCISD/
Twitter: @Deretchindragons
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.