News You Can Use

Week Ending January 4, 2025
Monday, January 6, 2025 - Last day of Winter Break
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- Professional Release Day - No classes
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - A Day
- Students Return to School
- Clubs
- Music Studio Club - 6th through 8th Grade 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 9, 2025 - B Day
- Clubs
- Student Council 2:30-3:30 p.m.
- Events
- Skate City for Middle School only Night 6-8 p.m.
- Sports
- Tornaments Sweet 16 Games A, B, & C 5:00 PM
Friday, January 10, 2025 - A Day
- Clubs
- Music Studio Club - 6th through 8th Grade 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
- Sports
- A & B C Quarters/Semis @ Moseley, Quest & Vista Peak 8:00 AM
Upcoming Events
1/14 - Candy Sale Assembly
1/15 - Candy Sale Starts
1/14 - PTA Meeting 6:00 -7:00 PM
1/16 - 5th Grade to Stock Show 9:30-1:30
1/20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day- No Classes
1/22 - Kindergarten Field Trip Arvada Center 9:30-1:30pm
1/22 - 5th Grade CalWood Parent Info. Mtg. 5pm
1/23 - Rangeview H.S. Presentation 7:45-8:10 am
1/30 - Girl’s Volleyball 5:00-6:30pmTue
Parent Opportunities
A few students at Quest will be taking the English proficiency assessment (ACCESS) in January. The window for this will be from January 13 - February 14th.
8th graders Practice PSAT:
8th graders at Quest will be taking the Practice PSAT during the week of January 27. Some high schools use this information for class placement in 9th grade.
We need your feedback!
In order to make sure that we improve our events, we need your feedback on our Winter Festival. Please take 2 minutes to fill this survey out. The more feedback we get the better we can improve. Please click on the picture and it will direct you to the form. Thank you!
School Reminders
Thank you for your microwave donation!
Ask and you shall receive! Thank you so much to our families who donated their gently used microwave to our Middle School students. We appreciate this immensely!
~ Mrs. Cornella
Too Many Legos?
Have too many Legos? We'll take them!!!
If you have any Legos you are getting rid of or would like to donate, please send them into Quest for our use in the media center Lego Wall! I would love to be able to expand this area for all students to be able to utilize. :) Thank you in advance!
~ Ms. Colquhoun
Coming Soon!
Dates to Look Out For:
- Spirit Night at Urban Air Aurora December 19th 4pm-8pm
- Next PTA meeting is January 14th 6-7
- Our first MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY night at Skate City is January 9th 6-8pm
A HUGE Thank You!
Between silent auction and selling our new swag, PTA raised a little over $2000 at Winter Fest!!!!! We are sooooo grateful for all the people and volunteers that made it possible. Please check out some of our parent owned businesses that supported us via donation:
Kate Norris Photography, Be Branded, and Chaos Kitchen. A big congrats to auction winners! Donations valued from $20-$550 with lots of support from local companies and from all the grade donations. Please send any constructive feed back our way so we can make next year even better!
Where does the money go?
PTA looks very different from what we thought, until we joined and learned all the stuff that PTA either supports or is responsible for funding throughout the school year. We provide the funds for transportation to field trips, which has increased by 50% in the last year. We provide teachers with a budget for classroom enrichment as well as a small allowance for class supplies. We will be further discussing our budget at the next meeting which would be a great opportunity for you to see firsthand where the money is planned to go.
We Have A Facebook Group!
Wondering what is going on? Curious about upcoming events? Wanting to volunteer during fundraisers or at school events but not sure how? This is your one stop shop for how to support the school, fundraisers and overall school community. Please be sure to answer the questions when you ask to join. It's a way that we ensure that our Quest information stays within our community.
Thank You for all you do to help grow and nurture our community!
2024/2025 Aurora Quest K8 PTA Board
Dre Sneddon, President
Angelica Upton, Secretary
Susan Milo, Treasurer