Flora Update
The Latest News and Information from AC Flora High School
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, August 20- Open House, 5-7 p.m.
Monday, September 2- Labor Day Holiday
Open House
Please join us for Open House on Tuesday, August 20, from 5-7 p.m. Meet your students' teachers, see our school, join PTSO, and more!
24-25 Important Information
Welcome back!
Please see the following documents below. These are also available on the ACF website. Thank you!
From the Counseling Office
Welcome Back!
Click here to visit the Scholarships page and see the latest Weekly Scholarship Update.
Upcoming college visits:
College room in guidance (Flight Time)
Tuesday, August 27- University of South Carolina
Wednesday, September 4- Washington and Lee University
See information below about completing FAFSA. Click here for more information about what to bring to your FAFSA workshop.
Purchase your 24-25 Yearbook Today!
Freshman Student Council Interest
Any freshmen interested in running for Student Council, please stop by Ms. I. Davis's room (335) for an application. The application due date has been extended to Tuesday, August 20.
Cross Country Interest
Any students interested in cross country this fall should see Coach Sunday in room 201 by Friday, August 23.
Girls Basketball Interest
Any girl interested in playing basketball should stop by Coach Thompson's room (328) for more information.
Chick-fil-A Leader Academy
Applications Now Open!
Sophomores and Juniors are invited to apply to Flora's first ever Chick-fil-A Leader Academy. This program, currently in over 1,000 schools nationwide, teaches timeless leadership principles and equips them with skills needed to put those principles into practice. Chick-fil-A Leader Academy focuses on the following leadership insights: vision and values, servant leadership, teamwork, communication, innovation and impact. Participants will be required to attend a "leader lab" once a month afterschool at Flora. Applications may be picked up in the main office and are due by Friday, August 30, 2024.
From the PTSO
Join the AC Flora PTSO!
It’s the start of the school year and it’s time to join or renew your membership in the AC Flora Parent Teacher Student Organization. As members, AC Flora parents, friends and businesses contribute to the PTSO’s continued support of classroom grants to teachers, awards and recognition programs for students, speakers, facility improvements, teacher appreciation events, and special student festivities throughout the school year. AC Flora is stronger with the support of our families, friends, and business sponsors.
To join and support the PTSO’s ongoing efforts in the AC Flora community, please visit the following links:
Join us:
- As a Friends/Family Member
- As a Business Partner
As a Business Partner, you can promote your business to the large AC Flora community throughout the whole school year. All donations are tax deductible.
To learn more, come see us at our table during AC Flora’s Open House on August 20 from 5-7 p.m.
International Thespian Festival
This past June, 12 A.C. Flora Theatre students traveled to Indiana University in Bloomington to compete at the international level at the International Thespian Festival.
They received the following results:
Senior Adama Mansaray received a Superior Rating (National Title) in Solo Acting.
The following ACF students all received an Excellent Rating in Group Acting:
Photo One: L to R: Nicholas Beitz, Iris Edwards, Kaitlyn Floyd, Mary Margaret Hedgecock, Jordan Hines, Holland McDaniel, Amelia Squires
Photo Two: L to R: Kieran Gavin, Will Matheny, Rebecca Weston, Sara Weston
Congratulations to all!
2024-2025 PTSO Business Partners
Falcon Silver
Richardson Thomas LLC
Falcon Bronze
Camp, Moring & Brendle, LLC
Contact Us
Email: jennifer.collins@richlandone.org
Website: https://www.richlandone.org/Domain/45
Location: 1 Falcon Drive, Columbia, SC, USA
Phone: 803-738-7300
Twitter: @acflorahigh