Principal's Message
Week of June 3rd, 2024

Greetings Tiger Families!
Dear Students and Parents,
We did it! As we close out our 2023-24 academic year this week, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you. Your support and kindness have made this year truly special.
I am incredibly proud of our students' growth and achievements. They have learned new things, made new friends, strengthened old friendships, and shown great resilience.
Have a fun and safe summer break. Our staff looks forward to seeing you back in the fall for an exciting year of learning, discovery, and new experiences at our new site.
On a more personal note, during these past years we have faced many challenges. I couldn't have asked for a better community to navigate through these challenges with me. Regardless of the provocation, these years have been among the most fruitful and fulfilling of my professional career. Each of you have contributed to a significant part of these successes and I am confident our program will continue to flourish as it progresses forward. As I say goodbye, I take with me memories and experiences that I will always cherish in my new assignment.
Thank you once again for allowing me to serve you, your children and your community as a whole.
Directora Moses
School Uniforms Interest Survey for GB students
Throughout my tenure at Georgia Brown, many parents have indicated an interest in school uniforms. We, however were not in a position to explore these requests due to other more pressing challenges and priorities that required attention during these past few years. Recently, some parents have once again brotched this subject feeling that our moving to a k-8 format might be a good time to revisit the issue.
As I prepare my transition plan for the incoming principal of Georgia Brown, I would like to provide them information about whether or not our school community would like to further explore the idea of a school uniform policy. Please understand that this process takes considerable time and effort exploring the possibility of having uniforms. This research involves more than just seeking an approval from the community. It is a multifaceted consideration that will intail much more than simple yes or no responses.
Please take a moment to express your interest level on this quick survey. Understand that this survey does not mean or imply that students will be wearing a uniform anytime soon. This information is only to help the new principal focus on what is of most interest to our parent community. Thank you.
Year Books are here! / Los anuarios han llegado
If you purchased a year book this year, please expect your child to bring it home on Wednesday!
Events during the last week of School / Eventos de la ultima semana
We have a busy week ahead of us including our last Spirit Week. Please see below the calendar of events!