The C-2 View Newsletter
JUNE 2024

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Congrats to the Class of 2024
Congratulations to all Class of 2024 graduates. This year, commencement was held at Cable Dahmer Arena on May 19, 2024 with 325 graduates from RSH and 275 graduates from RSHS. More than 143 students of the graduating class were awarded over 235 scholarships, surpassing one million in scholarships. Their hard work and dedication led them to this proud moment in their lives. We are beyond proud of the Class of 2024 and look forward to their next adventures!
2024 Hall of Fame Honorees
Raytown Quality Schools is pleased to announce the 2024 Alumni Hall of Fame honorees who will join the ranks of distinguished district alumni during the fall 2024 induction ceremony. Honorees include Jennifer Goddard, Michael McDonough, Sara Quatrocky, Deanna Rutland and Vicki Turnbow. Congratulations!
Click here to view the full press release and to learn more about each honoree.
Our Schools
New Trails Early Learning Center Celebrates Summer Students at New Trails are having lots of summer fun, including popsicles on the playground a couple days each week. Nothing says summer like popsicles and playtime. 😎
Girls in Construction
As part of Summer Enrichment School, RQS students have new opportunities for hands-on learning in the Girls in Construction course at Herndon Career Center. Students are even crafting outdoor tables that may be used at other Raytown School locations.
Boys in Healthcare
Students taking the Boys in Healthcare Summer Enrichment course have had opportunities to hear from a wide assortment of healthcare professionals throughout the course. A highlight was having a Raytown fire pumper truck and ambulance visit. Students were able to talk with the crew and ask questions about what it means to have a career working for emergency services. Thank you to Raytown Fire for your time and expertise.
Summer Enrichment across RQS
Summer Enrichment Camp/School provides an opportunity for students to continue their learning with enrichment courses that help support skills and concepts learned throughout the regular school year. Many elementary students are also enjoying field trips to places like the Federal Reserve Bank Money Museum, JA Biz Town and Kaleidoscope. Let's finish out the summer session strong!
Arts & Activities
RHS Theatre Department Wins At The Kansas City Cappies Award Ceremony
Congratulations to the Raytown High Theatre Department for their wins at the Kansas City Cappies Awards!
They took home Cappies for the following:
- Outstanding Play -- The Diviners
- Jeremiah Washington—Lead actor in a play
- Lucas McCarroll—Lighting design for a play
- Reiko Groves and Antonio Taylor—Special effects for a play
- Halie Boardman & Clara Heiken—Commendees
To all of the cast and crew of The Diviners, we are so proud of your hard work and talent. In honor of their achievements, The Diviners cast and crew was also recognized at the June 10 board meeting.
RHS Students attend Missouri Fine Arts Academy
Southland CAPS
Our Staff
Darrin Nicholas | Alumni in Action
Congrats to Darrin Nicholas, Assistant Principal at Raytown Middle School for his recent recognition as "Alumni in Action" from the University of Central Missouri Educational Leadership Department.
To read the full Facebook post, click here.
Reflecting on his new role at RQS, Darrin shares "I believe that my new position gives me the opportunity to continue to grow as a leader. In this position I will be able to take my current bag of tools (expertise) and add to them. Raytown has its challenges just like most districts, but I feel that the leaders in the district have their hearts in the right place. For someone that is brand new to the district they have accepted me with open arms and made this district feel like home. I'm thankful for the opportunity they've given me to be part of the Raytown Quality Schools."
Leanna Bales selected to attend workshop from National Endowment for the Humanities
Leanna Bales, teacher at Raytown Middle School, has been accepted to participate in Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation's workshop for educators sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Leanna is one of 72 educators selected from a group of more than 275 applicants. As part of this workshop and selection process Leanna will receive a stipend to cover her travel and lodging expenses. The Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation mission is in part to educate the public about the history of the illegal imprisonment of Japanese Americans at Heart Mountain during World War II and its impact on the Bighorn Basin. For more information about this foundation, visit their website.
Happening Throughout the District
NEW Enrollment system
Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, RQS will have a new provider for our student information system, FOCUS. The decision to transition to FOCUS was driven in part by the fact their software is mobile friendly and will allow adults enrolling students to do so with ease from a mobile device. Watch for more information to be communicated prior to enrollment regarding how to access FOCUS. We will provide information regarding log in and passwords and even some video tutorials to help make this process as seamless as possible.
2024-25 Enrollment
Online enrollment for the 2024-25 school year begins on July 15, 2024. Mark your calendars and watch for more information in our future newsletters.
June Recognitions
- June 1-30 Pride Month
- June 19: Juneteenth | District Closed
- July 4: 4th of July | District Closed
Upcoming Events:
- Last Day of Summer School: June 27, 2024
- Enrollment for 2024-25 School Year Begins: July 15, 2025
- First Day of School 2024-25: August 21, 2024