Rhino Report
January 2025

Important Dates:
- Jan. 7: School Resumes from Winter Break. First day of Spring Semester
- Jan. 7: First day of spring semester
- Jan.10: K-12 Awards Assembly 2:00-3:00
- Jan. 14: Ross SITE Council Meeting at 8:00
- Jan. 14: PTO Meeting 5:30pm
- Jan. 17: 3rd-5th Awards Assembly 2:00-3:00
- Jan. 20: No School Martin Luther King Day
Order Your School Yearbook!
Internet Safety Tip
Talk to your child about internet safety. Personal information identifies who we are, where we live, and how family, friends and others can find us to talk to us or come over and visit us. We need to be careful about who we give out our personal information. These videos explain how to keep personal information private.
Grade Level Updates
Kindergarten- Mrs. Slattery, Mrs. Del Real, Mrs. Vigil, Mrs. Blackburn
Math Update
- We are working on composing and decomposing during this unit.
- We will: represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
- Solve addition and subtraction word problems and add and subtract within 10.
- Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10.
- Make partners for 10. Given any number from 1 to 9, we can find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number
- Develop a deeper fluency when we add and subtract within 5.
ELA Update
- When reading together at home, discuss key ideas and details. This may include characters, setting, problem/solution. Ask your child to retell the story in their own words. Have students try to support their thinking with evidence from the text.
- Practice expanding writing by adding more details.
- Practice identifying beginning, middle, and ending sounds in CVC words. (Example: What is the middle sound in cat? /a/)
- Please continue to practice sight words at home.
- Continue to review letter names and sounds to increase fluency.
Quarterly Reading Goal
Continue reading together at home to help your child meet their reading goal.
Math Home Connection
1st Grade- Mrs. Burkhart, Mrs. Hansen, Miss Theis, Mrs. Veeder
Measurement- Comparing length
Measurement- Using centimeter cubes
Graphing- Organizing data in a graph
ELA Update
Understanding who is telling the story
Writing a story with characters, sequence of events, and a conclusion
Quarterly Reading Goal
Read two books this month.
Math Home Connection
2nd Grade-Mrs. Hessman, Miss Loera, Ms. Montes, Mrs. VanArsdale
Starting Math module 5- Addition/Subtraction within 1,000
Work on mental math facts.
Talk to your child about different strategies used in math to solve 2 and 3 digit addition and subtraction problems.
Math module 5 test will be given before February conferences.
ELA Update
ELA focus for the month of January is working on nonfiction text features.
We will also be working on main idea and supporting details.
Phonics: long O, and compound words, long I
Writing: Research writing- Habitats
Reading Goal
January reading goal sheets will be sent home. Read a minimum of 20 minutes each night.
Math Home Connection
3rd Grade- Miss. Vargas , Mrs. Kaszuba, Miss. Phelps , Miss. Martinez
Continue to practice multiplication facts!
The focus this month is introducing fractions. While you are cooking or eating, ask your child to relate fractions to your meal. Example: What fraction of the pizza are you eating?
ELA Update
- We will continue focusing on the central message, main idea, and key details in both fiction and nonfiction texts. In writing, we will be creating an opinion piece.
Quarterly Reading Goal
This quarter, students will complete a reading goal that will be communicated to you by your child’s teacher.
Math Home Connection
4th Grade- Ms. Albright, Ms. Hager, Mrs. Knight, Miss Murillo
- We are now working through Module 5 which involves fraction equivalence, ordering, and operations.
- Cooking with your student helps with fractions. Let them measure. Having a discussion about which fraction is more or less will help them understand the value differences between fractions.
- Even though we have finished our multiplication and division module it is still so important to keep those facts sharp. Any extra practice at home would be very helpful for the students!
ELA Update
- We will be working on Unit 3 Module A. Students will be exploring impact and effect. We will read a few different stories about Earthquakes.
- For the end of module writing piece referred to as Performance-Based Assessment (PBA), students will state and support an opinion about which text more effectively portrays the impact of earthquakes on human beings.
Math Home Connection
5th Grade- Mrs. Botello, Mrs. Cook , Mrs. Ibarra , Ms. Juel
Writing numerical expressions based on the multiplication of fractions
Performing operations with multi-digit whole numbers with decimals and hundredths
Interpret fractions using division and multiplication to solve word problems
ELA Update
Our module goals include explaining the relationships between individuals and historical events based on information presented in texts. In writing, students will compose an informative text using linking words and phrases and specific vocabulary. Learners will understand various social movements and how they have affected large groups of people.
Quarterly Reading Goal
Our third-quarter reading goal consists of reading 20 minutes per day as recorded on a daily reading log. Parent or guardian signature required for credit.
Math Home Connection
Music- Miss Corwin and Mrs. Bennett
2nd Grade-5th Grade- Guitar and Piano Keyboards
Physical Education- Coach Applegate & Coach Burkhard
Library- Mrs. Fairbank
Have your student tell you all about their favorite storybook character or favorite book from the library
Student Support Services- Ms. Alarcon
Welcome back, Ross Families
In January, we will focus on self-esteem, diversity, and fairness. Students will understand the importance of self-esteem, diversity, and fairness and learn ways to build their self-esteem and diversity and show fairness. Below is a list of books you can read with your child that focus on these topics.
Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon
I Am Enough
It’s Ok to be Different
It’s Not Fair
Little Spot Learns to Compromise
Little Spot of Perseverance
Feel free to contact me if I can assist your family in any way.
alarcon.erica@usd443.org or via Talking Points.
School Psychologist- Mrs. Millershaski
- Puzzles
- Reading
- Drawing or Coloring
- Word Searches
- Legos
- Journal writing
- Yoga
- Look and Find Books
Contact us!
Email: diaz.jayne@usd443.org or medrano.carla@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543510_3
Location: 3001 6th Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-471-2103
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/551631258225474