RCHS Newsletter 7/17/24
Upcoming Important Dates
8/1/24 New Teacher Orientation - No School
8/2/24 Teacher PD/Work Day - No School
8/5/24 Teacher PD/Work Day - No School
8/6/24 Teacher PD/Work Day - No School
8/7/24 Freshman & New Students ONLY
- Freshman Orientation, see information below.
- New Student Orientation for students 10-12th grade - 12:30-2:30 pm, more information to follow.
8/7/24 Student Picture Day - All Students
8/8/24 FIRST DAY for ALL STUDENTS (9-12) / JAG Day - NO Late Start
8/9/24 JAG Day- No Late Start
8/16/24 Late Start - 8:20 am
8/23/24 Late Start - 8:20 am
8/23/24 Back to School Dance
8/30/24 Late Start - 8:20 am
9/2/24 School Closed - Labor Day
9/13/24 Late Start - 8:20am
9/16/24 - 9/20/24 Homecoming Week
9/20/24 Teacher PD Day / No School
9/27/24 Late Start - 8:20am
Express Check In OPENS this Friday, July 19th!
- ⏰ Visit the RCHS homepage on July 19th for the express check in link.
- Express Check-In is Mandatory for all students.
This process needs to be completed between July 19, 2024 - August 2, 2024.
Please note that students will not be allowed to attend classes until Express Check-In is complete.
If your student will not be attending Rock Canyon, please email Danielle Van Natta at (dvannatta@dcsdk12.org) immediately with your student's name and the school they will be attending.
The Parking Permit Application needs to be completed in the Express Check-In under the Forms/Documents list.
This is your only opportunity to apply for a parking pass at RCHS.
🐾 STUDENT Fees will not be billed until the end of August.
Activity Cards will be available for purchase in My School Bucks from July 19th through August 1st.
- The Activity Card will admit your student to any home athletic events that charge an entry fee unless it is a play off game. ACT is put on your student's id card and will be required to be shown for entry to games.
Thank you in advance for your help to make the upcoming school year a great success for our students.
RCHS Administration
To log in to the EngagED Parent Portal, you will pair your Infinite Campus Parent Portal username (external parent: username you created during account setup) and @p.dcsdk12.org. For example: if your Infinite Campus username is jsmith, you will enter jsmith@p.dcsdk12.org as your email address on the login screen that follows. Your password is the same one you use for accessing Infinite Campus (external parent: password you created during account setup).
If you have forgotten your DCSD login credentials:
Use these links to retrieve your username and/or reset your password.
If you have followed the steps above and continue to have difficulty, please contact us:
- Parent Tech Support - English
- Parent Tech Support - Spanish
- Parent Tech Support - Chinese
- IT Support Center at 303.387.0001
Freshman Orientation Information
Wednesday, August 7 from 7:40 am - 2:50 pm
(Normal school schedule)
There will be a LINK Crew Orientation during the first half of the day where you will meet new people and have some AWESOME Leaders show you the ropes, then lunch and student ID / yearbook photos, and finally a mini schedule run through where you'll get to meet all of your teachers and see who will be in your classes! You won’t really need to bring a lot of stuff - maybe a water bottle, lunch if you don’t plan to buy lunch, and a notebook and pen to write down a few things your teachers tell you.
That’s it for now. We will email you again as it gets closer, but mark your calendars for Wednesday, August 7, 2024! It's going to be a great day! Check out the flyer for details about the LINK Crew. We can't wait to see you and get to know you! High School at Rock Canyon is going to be amazing with you here!!
If you have any questions, email Karen Whitney at kwhitney1@dcsdk12.org
Enjoy the rest of your summer!!
Karen Whitney, Katerina Casas, Alexis Savas
LINK Crew Coordinators
School Supplies
Students do NOT need to buy any school supplies for their first day.
*If school supplies are needed for a particular class, teachers will let them know when they attend their class .
Black Day - Periods 1, 2, 3, 4
Gold Day - Periods 5, S-A, 6, 7
Jag Day - Periods 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (all periods)
Five Day Week - Black/Gold/Black/Gold/Jag
Four Day Week (Mon Off ) - Gold/Black/Gold/Black
Four Day Week (Fri Off ) - Black/Gold/Black/Gold
**All Students** SEMINAR: Gold Days 9:18 - 9:43 am
Student Parking Information
Unfortunately, RCHS has limited parking on campus. Due to our limitations, we cannot allow any Freshman or Sophomores to park on campus. All Seniors who have a driver's license will have access to parking and a limited number of Juniors who are selected in our lottery will be able to park on campus. There are adjacent neighborhoods where some students choose to park, but please talk to your students about being respectful to the neighborhood should they choose this. We are unable to make exceptions for parking. If your student has a medical reason and needs parking, they can park in any number of our handicap parking spots with a legal handicap placard provided by their physician.
Parking Registration and Details may be found at the following url: https://www.rockcanyonjags.com/students/student_parking
🚙 Student Drop Off 🚙
Beginning Thursday, August 8th, RCHS will be following our traffic flow plan.
- There are not any new changes this year, however we have many new students and families..
Experience has shown us that it takes about two weeks for everyone to develop their morning routine. We recommend leaving early the first few days until your routine can be refined in a way that allows a safe and timely arrival.
It can take as long as 15 minutes to enter campus and complete a drop off between 7-7:45am. Likewise leaving pick up can take several minutes after your student has been picked up.
Attached you will see a satellite image of Rock Canyon and the surrounding roads. The black arrows are the parent entrance and exit for student pick up and drop off. Parents will enter from McArthur Ranch Rd. Once you arrive in the Southwest corner of the upper parking lot there will be two lanes for drop off to expedite our process.
The blue arrows are the student entrances and exits. The traffic flow plan will be the same for morning drop off and afternoon pickup. We ask that you please review this with your son or daughter if they drive to school.
Due to safety we do not allow student drop off on the east side of campus. This area is for permitted student drivers only who park in this area
Students who ride the bus should not encounter any challenges in their arrival. If they do, transportation will notify the school and we notify our staff accordingly.
We thank you in advance for your patience and support with helping our students and staff arrive safely each day.
Rock Canyon High School Administration
Student Picture Day
- Student Picture Day is Wednesday, August 7th in the gym.
- All underclass students grades 9-11 and NEW seniors to RCHS will have their pictures taken for student ID's and for the yearbook.
- The schedule is as follows:
- Freshman Only - 11:15am-1:10pm
- Incoming New Students - 12:30-2:30pm
- All other grades - 8-11am & 1:30-3:00pm Auxiliary Gym
- Returning students who are seniors, do not take pictures on this day.
- Picture Makeup Day is Monday, August 12th from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm by the auditorium.
Class of 2025 Senior Portrait Information
Parents of the Class of 2025,
Congratulations! It’s time to start marking the milestones of your student’s senior year, which means it is time to start thinking about their senior yearbook photo in the 2025 Black & Gold yearbook.
If you’ve had a senior student before, you know that many families take senior photos the summer before their senior year of high school. The editorial board of the Black & Gold yearbook is still committed to ensuring every student has the opportunity for a free, professional photo in the yearbook. As such, we will continue to work with two photography studios to manage the nearly 600 senior portraits for the panel pages in the 2025 volume of the yearbook -- Keepsake Photography and Monty Nuss Photography. You must have your photo taken by one of these photographers for your portrait to be in the book. (See free day options for these photos below.)
This exclusive photographer process is for senior yearbook photos only. You are still able to use personal photos of your choice for all other purposes – senior tribute ads, graduation announcements, etc. All senior photos will be taken by one of the two photography studios selected through the editorial board’s RFP process -Monty Nuss Photography or Keepsake Photography. Each studio provides excellent photography for your senior, and has created specific opportunities for Rock Canyon seniors.
Seniors who do not schedule an appointment at the Keepsake or Monty Nuss studios will need to attend one of the FREE yearbook days at the school in August and September in order to ensure they will be included in the 2025 yearbook.
- Sign-ups will be made available to seniors at the start of the 2024-2025 school year in August.
In the meantime, both studios have created opportunities for families to begin getting senior portraits taken for the 2025 Black & Gold yearbook. Please use the links below to see options from Keepsake and Monty Nuss for RCHS seniors. PDFs of each studio's Senior Magazine are also linked on the school website.
- Keepsake Photography 970.880.1308 keepsakephotographers.com and 2025 Senior Jags info,Keepsake
- Monty Nuss Photography 303.798.8229 montynuss.com and 2025 Senior Jags info, Monty Nuss
Finally, we offer senior tribute ads for purchase for any family who is interested. We will provide an updated link to information about purchasing a senior tribute ad for your 2025 senior through The Yearbook Company before August.
- They will open the site for orders mid-July, but can take questions at TheYearbookCompany.com until that time.
- Early-bird deadline is Oct. 5, so there is plenty of time to gather content for your senior’s ad.
We look forward to seeing your senior in the 2025 Black & Gold yearbook!
The Black & Gold editors and staff
RCHS Quick Links
Rock Canyon High School
Principal / Andy Abner
5810 McArthur Ranch Road, Highlands Ranch, CO 80124
Main Line 303-387-3000
24-Hour Attendance Line 303-387-3002
Visit us at rockcanyonjags.com
Instagram - rockcanyonhighschool
Twitter @RockCanyonHS