Friday Final
August 9, 2024

The start of the 2024-25 school year is right around the corner! With less than a month until students are back in the classroom, here is a toolkit to help you prepare for the first day of school.
Skyward Family Access
Schedules, bus routes, food service fees, and more information will be available on Skyward Family Access starting August 14th at noon.
Please be sure to double check bus stops and times before school starts as routes can change up to the start of the school year.
For more information on our Lunch and Breakfast Programs, click here.
Planning Ahead, Cultivating Potential, Inspiring Achievement
Join us as we embark on an exciting journey to redefine excellence in education with 'Ascend 123: Strategic Planning.' School District 123, in partnership with our entire learning community, will shape the future of our schools and create an environment where every student can thrive. Join us in this transformative process and make a lasting impact!
From Our Principals...
"The Road to Success"
Welcome you to the new school year! Our theme for the 2024-2025 school year is "Road to Success." This theme reflects our commitment to fostering a positive and flexible mindset among our students. I am so excited to continue to inspire our students to view their educational journey as a path to success, encouraging goal-setting, embracing challenges, and celebrating achievements along the way.
- Mrs. Ashley Holland, Covington Elementary School Principal
"Seas the Day"
At Hannum School, we believe that every day is a fresh opportunity for growth and discovery. This year's theme is Seas (Seize) the Day. Seizing the day means making the most of each moment, whether it’s in the classroom, during activities, or in interactions with friends and teachers. By embracing this mindset, our students learn to appreciate the value of every experience and find joy in their learning journey. I am beyond excited to seize each day with our Hannum Bear Family.
- Ms. Meagan Doornbos, Hannum Elementary School Principal
"Excited for 123 Years!"
I am most excited about seeing the smiling faces enter the building for the 123rd school year. I look forward to the new math curriculum that will be used for our K-8 students. The opportunities for collaboration it will provide will be second to none!
- Dr. Amanda Bencik, Hometown Elementary School Principal
"A Remarkable Year"
Kolmar is a special place. We have amazing teachers and staff, enthusiastic students, and supportive families. I'm especially excited to welcome everyone back this year for District 123's 123rd year! Each year is special, but I know this year will be remarkable!
-Mr. David Creech, Kolmar Avenue Elementary School Principal
"Soaring to New Heights"
Sward is an amazing school that is filled with a caring and dedicated staff and surrounded with incredible students, supportive families, and a very special community. I am proud and excited to welcome everyone back to the 2024-2025 school year and looking forward to Soaring to New Heights with our Eagles!
- Mrs. Suzanne Amra, Sward Elementary School Principal
"New School and New Beginnings"
One of the things that I am most excited about is introducing this beautiful school to our community. I am hopeful that this learning environment will enable us to activate our curiosity together. Children are natural learners, and as the adults who care for and educate them, it’s up to us to help them harness their natural inquisitiveness to grow as learners and future leaders.
- Mrs. Christine Fuller, D123 Early Learning Center Director
Get ready for a whole lot of fun and learning at our new early learning center! I can hardly contain my excitement to see the faces of our new pre-K students as they explore our innovative learning spaces. We've got an incredible lineup of activities designed to engage both students and families.
- Mrs. Erica Parus, D123 Early Learning Center Assistant Director
"Empowerment and Collaboration"
We're thrilled to have the heart and soul of our school back at OLHMS! As we celebrate our 123rd year in D123, we're dedicated to empowering each scholar to turn their dreams into reality.
- Dr. Sean McNichols, Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School Principal
I’m incredibly excited to join the OLHMS community as one of your new assistant principals! I look forward to this year being full of opportunities for growth, learning, and collaboration. I cannot wait to work with D123's learning community to make this year a remarkable one!
- Mrs. Madalyn Laureto, Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School Assistant Principal
As we embark upon a new school year, I am thrilled to continue this new journey in D123 as assistant principal of OLHMS. It is with great excitement that I look forward to meeting and working closely with the staff, students, and families. We will work as a team to foster high levels of student engagement, collaboration, and excitement for learning. Together we will achieve great things!
- Mrs. Jennifer Grabarek, Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School Assistant Principal
May 29, 2024 - Community Update
Watch the Community update at: facebook.com/district123
Congratulations to District 123 alumna Shamier Little for making her Olympic debut in Paris! She helped lead the women to victory in heat 1 of the 4x400m relay and became a silver medalist in the mixed 4x400m relay finals.
Let's all cheer her on as she runs in the women's 4x400m relay finals tomorrow, August 10.
We hope to get in contact with her and her family to hear more about her Olympic journey and include her story in the next D123 4-WARD.
We want to hear about our alumni's successes in high school, college, and beyond! As our students graduate from D123 and move 4-Ward, we want to stay connected and hear about all the journeys taken in "tomorrow's world." Tell us stories from the classroom, the athletic field, the stage, the culinary lab, extracurricular activities, volunteer experiences, and everywhere in between. We are interested in everything our alumni have been up to since they graduated 8th grade. Fill out this form for possible inclusion in our alumni spotlight electronic newsletter, D123 4-WARD.
Note: Submissions received from this point on will be considered for the December edition.
Thank you to all who submitted your stories to D123 4-WARD. It was a pleasure to read all the submissions. We are so proud of our alumni and the variety of paths they have taken to success. From becoming a doctor to following their entrepreneurial spirit, these graduates all exemplify what it means to be D123.