Monday Minute
February 25, 2019
Write for Our Newsletter!
Great PBL Resource
Present at the 2019 IMLEA Conference!
Please also consider encouraging outstanding educators to present. Or, if you have ideas of topics you would like to have covered, please let me know, and we will seek out the best we can find! (Pictured: Katie Powell with her "learning spheres."
11 Provocations You Can Use as Class Starters
HASTI Needs You!
HASTI needs your help to add a middle level science director from somewhere in the state of Indiana.
Responsibilities are
· Meeting 4 times a year on Saturday in Indianapolis (one of these meetings is at the annual conference in February)
· Share information with middle level science teachers
· Other small duties this person could volunteer for as the year progresses.
I always tell people that attending my 1st HASTI as a 2nd year teacher was like going from black & white to technicolor in the "Wizard of Oz!"
Skype with Cressida Cowell on March 6; Other Skype Resources Available
Free PD Webinars from Corwin
Feb 25: Making Sense of Learning Transfer
March 11: The Secrets of Great Instructional Coaching
March 25: Leadership Coaching with Peter DeWitt
April 1: Building and Developing Assessment-Capable Learners with John Hattie
Champions in the Middle Trainings
We have two trainings this week, approximately 9:30-11:30. Rochester MS hosted a great event with Boston Middle School last week. Thanks to all who were involved!
Tuesday, February 26: Tri-West MS, Hendricks County (Travis Smith)
Wednesday, February 27: Lowell MS, Lake County (Becky Pavich)
The training involves a staff member bringing at least 2-3 students to meet with staff & students at the host school. For more information, you may also check our website or contact Susie Highley ASAP if you'd still like to attend!
We look forward to schools holding their Champions events. Please let us know and/or send pictures!
Respectful and inclusive language is essential to the movement for the dignity and humanity of people with intellectual disabilities. Join the #InclusionRevolution to bring awareness and take the pledge to promote INCLUSION. The file below includes announcements you can use the week of March 4, with the banner signing designated as Wednesday, March 6. Your banner will be displayed at the Special Olympics Summer Games to support Indiana athletes. March is Disability Awareness Month.
This Week's News from INSPIRE3 (formerly genON IN)
INdiana Service-learning Philanthropy Initiative Resources to Educate, Engage, Empower. Attached update includes: New Spotlight on Service-Learning article Students Get to Work with Service-Learning ; New Service-Learning Stories from Indiana teachers; Our program’s two Free Service-Learning Workshop Opportunities (March 21 – Full day at IASP, Indpls. and March 13 -1/2 day in SW Indiana, Warrick County); Service-Learning Mini-Grants; LTG website lessons and resources for March teachable Moments of Service (Reading Month; Women’s History Month; World Water Day); generationOn website resources (project ideas, service-learning templates, service-learning tracker) For more information and to be added to our existing program’s database Click HERE . Thank you for sharing this linked update with your staff.
Opportunities for Educators & Students
February 25-March 21: Math Extravaganzas around the State
February 26: DOE Webinar: ACCESSibility for ALL Students, 4 pm
February 26: Free Webinar with THE Fountas & Pinnell: Building Community Around Essential Literacy Experiences, 4 pm
February 26-March 12: Middle School Integrating Computer Science Workshops
February 28: Children's Museum Spring Educator Preview, 5-7:30
February 28: Digital Learning Day #DLDay
February 28: Deadline for Food for Life Essay Contest
March 1: Deadline for articles for IMLEA print newsletter
March 6: Special Olympics R-Word Banner Signing
March 8: Deadline to submit proposals to present at IMLEA 2019 Conference
March 11: IMLEA Board Meeting, IASP, Indianapolis
March 16: RosieCon, Ben Davis HS, Indianapolis
September 29-30, 2019: IMLEA Conference, Indianapolis Marriott North
Time's Up!
Please forward this to staff or anyone else who might benefit from the content. As always, we welcome your contributions and suggestions! Past editions of the "Monday Minute" and our newsletters are available under the 'Publications' tab on our website.
Indiana Middle Level Education Association
Shirley Wright, Executive Director
Susie Highley, Director of Operations
Fax: 317-454-0749
Location: 11025 East 25th Street, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317.894.2937
Twitter: @IMLEAorg