Eagle Lake Lookout
January 10, 2025

Blue Ribbon Eddie Winners!
Congratulations to our Blue Ribbon Eddie winners from December! We are proud of their leadership and choices to continually do the right thing and being an all around awesome Eddie!
Kinsley Wernlund, Sophie Szucs, Francis Howland, Oliver LaMountain, Raelynn Wilson, Emma Larson, Danica McAllister, Foster Marlow, Izzy Crain, Elliot Hansen, Samantha Johnson, Keller Beason, and Noah Grathen.
Not Pictured: Derek Tritippo, Gunner Ragsdale
Dates to Remember
January 14-Project KidSight Screenings
January 20- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 24- Half Day of School/ End of 1st Semester
Project KidSight
On Thursday, January 15th volunteers from the Edwardsburg Lions Club will be in the building to perform vision screenings on all students. All children will be screened unless parents request in writing that they choose for their child to not participate.
Cell Phones/ Smart Watches
As always our primary goal is to help all of our students maximize their potential to be successful in life. We want to ensure that while they are at school they are getting the most out of their educational experience so that they can grow to be the best they can be. To help make that happen, we want to limit anything that may distract or take away from that.
With that said, please remind your students that if they have a cell phone it needs to remain securely in their backpack before they enter school each morning and remain there until they leave school. While it may be allowed to be used on the bus at no time should students be showing other students their phones or using a recording function. If they are wearing a smartwatch it should only be used for the sake of telling time and not access any other functions or capabilities it may have. Whether it's a smartwatch or any item that distracts from their learning if it becomes a distraction they will be asked to put it in their backpack or it will be confiscated by the teacher.
Thank you for your support in always ensuring that our students are able to make the most of each school day and making every moment we have together count!
Coach Seth Eagle Lake Visit
Students were thrilled to get a quick pop-in visit from Coach Seth and the chance to meet him this past week! Here's a few photos from his visit.
Book Nook
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful break and maybe took some time to read a book while we were off. We are starting off January with a winter theme. We read a story about a girl who lives in northern Canada that has a unique way to find food in the winter and learned about tides and what causes them. Books can be a fun way to travel the world and learn about other places. Where do you want to go?
Happy Reading and Researching,
Miss Thunell