Dodge Elementary News 11/22
The Dynamic Dodge News

A Word from our Principal
Good evening, Dodge families. Hope this video finds you doing well as we had another amazing week of learning here at Dodge Elementary School. This week we have some things to celebrate. First, we want to congratulate our November Bugs for being unusually good. Amazing job for being students of the month, being safe, being kind, and working hard. We truly appreciate what you do each and every day to show all the students how to be amazing.
Also, congratulations to Mrs. Steger and Mrs. Biggar for the presentation at their conference. Congratulations are in order for two amazing Dodge teachers. First grade teacher Mrs. Stegner and our ESOL teacher Mrs. Biggar presented their work at the 2024 New York State Reading Association Annual Conference. They created an identity project, think an evolution of the trading card, in their first grade classroom focus on worthiness.The project worked to interrupt negative student self talk build a sense of worth, and align classroom work with equity teaching. Kudos to you, Mrs. Stegner and Mrs. Biggar. We are so lucky to have you at Dodge.
We have some dates to remember. November 27th, we have Wonderful Wednesday for Pajama Day, so don't forget that. Also, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We don't have school on November 28th and 29th, which is Thursday and Friday. We have our Unity Day on December 4th. And we have Parent Teacher Conferences on December 5th, 6th, and 9th.
Also, Diversity at Dodge event will be in February, so start thinking about that. Our students watched the showcase commercials this week on video announcements. So check that out.
Dodge, We look forward to you having a great Thanksgiving break. So enjoy it. Loud and proudly boys and girls, who are we?
Upcoming Dates and Events 📅
Parent Teacher Conferences 12/5, 12/6, 12/9
What to Wear at Dodge 👕
11/27 Pajama Day
12/4 Unity Day