The Weekly Update
Springfield Twp MS - Season 6, Episode 37 - May 26
From the Principals
Summer Counseling
Aldersgate Counseling Services will offer counseling sessions over the summer with in-person and virtual appointments available without a waitlist. If the cost of these sessions is prohibitive, the School District of Springfield Township may be able to help. Contact our building social worker, Marybeth Seeley,, for more information.
From the Library
The STMS Library is again offering Summer Book Checkout to current 6th and 7th grade students who plan to return to STMS in the Fall. When they bring in a signed permission slip, students may check out up to 10 books from the library to borrow for the summer months. Prevent summer learning slide, help your student get a head start on Summer Reading requirements, or save money on books for your voracious reader by borrowing them from us! All students may pick up a permission form from the library, from their ELA teacher, or by printing one at home by clicking here. The ELA class with the highest number of students who bring in their permission slips and check out at least one title for the summer will receive a popsicle party sponsored by the STMS Library.
SMS Color Day 2023!
29th: Schools Closed
30th: 8th Gr Wor. Lang. Finals
30th: 7th Gr Dental Visit
30th: Mem Day Assemb.
30th: Festival of Arts
31st: 8th Gr Wor. Lang. Finals
31st: 8th Gr ELA/Sci Finals
1st: 8th Gr Math/SS Finals
2nd: Band/Chorus Trip
5th: 8th Gr Dorney
7th: 6th Gr Arnold's
7th: 7th Gr Diamond Ridge
8th: 8th Gr Promotion
9th: 8th Gr Dance
12th: Early Dismissal
12th: Talent Show
13th: Early Dismissal
13th: 8th Gr Picnic
14th: Early Dismissal
14th: Last Student Day
14th: MP4 Ends
21st: Report Cards