Lyons Farm Principal Update #84
January 19 , 2025
Jan 20: No School, Holiday (MLK)
Jan 21: No school for students
Jan 21 & 29: IMPORTANT: Crosswalk Opening Soon
! Winter Arts Extravaganza Video: 76 seconds !
! Our Community: Satellite Learning Lab, Video 171 seconds !
THANK YOU to the Greens of Pine Glen!!!
We are hosting a logistics session for all interested in brainstorming ways to MAXIMIZE the safety for all students and families planning to use the crosswalk that will be opening soon. A member of our school district's Transportation Planning team plans to attend to support our efforts. There are 2 dates and 3 times to participate (below). While a plan will be in place before the crosswalk is officially opened, changes will be made as needed as we prioritize student/family safety. I also want to add that this comes with an additional layer of responsibility for all of us. While the crosswalk is out of our "jurisdiction," prohibiting us from formalizing city/county rules, during these meetings we hope to develop community expectations during school hours and need your best thinking and perspectives.
Dates & Times for Community Input/Safety Suggestions:
Tuesday, January 21 8:30AM-9:30AM (Media Center)
Tuesday, January 21 6PM-7PM (Media Center)
Wednesday, January 29 6-7PM (Media Center)
Jan 31: Report Cards Sent Home (Friday Folders)
Feb 10: PTA Meeting (6PM), All Are Welcome
Feb 13: Family BINGO night 6-7PM (More Info to come)
*UPDATE: Birthdays at School
We continue to encourage families to bring in pre-packaged snacks for their child's class. Please note that any snack that is NOT pre-packaged will not be shared. While we do not celebrate birthdays during the school day, acknowledging students during snack time in a simple, meaningful way can ensure everyone feels included. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with this expectation.
Prepacked snacks should be commercially packed.
*Cupcakes from a grocery story bakery is not considered pre-packaged.
Student Enrollment Process
All families that live in the Lyons Farm Attendance Zone or that have been admitted to our schools Kinder Dual Language Program should have these items for enrollment:
- Enrollment application
- Birth certificate
- Immunizations
- Health form
- Proof of residency
- Parent/Legal Guardian ID
All documentation can be submitted with the application (upload options available in application), via email or in person.
Please contact Shekera "Asia" Pope with questions: shekera_pope@dpsnc.net
Visit: Visit: https://www.dpsnc.net/enrollment to start the process
Parent/Teacher Communication App: TalkingPoints
🔽 Download From 🔽
You can download this application from the Google Play and Apple Store. Teachers will share more information about accessing their class during the first couple weeks of school.
You DO NOT need to download the application to receive messages from the teacher or school. Messages will come in an SMS (Short Message Service) Text automatically--and to every family that has a phone registered or updated in PowerSchools. The application tends to work better for pictures and other application features.
IMPORTANT: This application is designed for informal Parent/Teacher communication. Please email or call your child's teacher to communicate formal requests.
2024-2025 School Calendar:
2024-2025 Theme: Ready for RIGOR!
School Contact Information & Social Media
Email: james_hopkins@dpsnc.net
Website: https://www.dpsnc.net/lyons-farm-elementary
Location: 906 Scott King Road, Durham, NC, USA
Phone: 919-560-9449
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/396577048993289/?ref=share
Twitter: @principaljhop