The Rise Up Family Newsletter
May 2, 2024
Letter from the Principal
Greetings PPA students, families, and community,
Can you believe it, we are entering the final stretch of the 2023- 24 school year. This journey has been truly awesome! Below you will find a few reminders that will require either a completion of a google form or some input.
If you are interested in your scholar attending summer school please fill out this form. There are some families that have received messaging and we want to make sure everyone is aware of summer school and have the opportunity to share their interest.
PPA Summer School Interest Form
I want to share some upcoming dates so that you can begin to prepare for these events.
May 4th- Mental Health and Wellness Bazaar (see the flyers in the Community Schools section)
May 10th- Milwaukee Zoo Field trip
May 17th- No school for students AND
Graduation rehearsal for seniors participating in PPA’s graduation ceremony 10am- 11:30am
Open House for PPA 1pm- 3pm
Seniors and senior families please check your emails regularly. Ongoing information is coming out in reference to activities, updates, and more.
We are asking for families to check for missing and damaged Chromebooks AND return them to PPA’s main office. If you need to know how many Chromebooks your scholar has signed out to them, reach out to Ms. Kathy at 608-834-5503. Please be aware there is a fee for missing Chromebooks. Families could be charged up to $250.00 for each missing Chromebook.
FYI: Drivers Ed information from the district!
The Sun Prairie Area School District Drivers Ed program does not maintain a waitlist. Students must have successfully completed the required 30 hours of Traffic Safety class (offered through Summer School only) to apply for Behind the Wheel training. Students who successfully complete the classroom portion will receive a certificate of completion in their district email. When applying for Behind the Wheel, the students will be sent information on the forms that must be completed and submitted to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get a temporary driving permit.
Take care,
Ms. Sconiers
Office updates
SPEHS - May 11, 2024 8pm-11pm at the Monona Terrace
SPWHS - May 18, 2024 8pm-11pm at the Monona Terrace
Cap and gown order information for SPEHS and SPWHS are available in the office.
Attendance line: 608-834-6900 Line 1
Please use this number when calling in a student for an absence, illness or an appointment. We have been seeing a lot of students leave school early without a guardian/caregivers permission. School is excused at 3:20pm.
Communication and more:
College Access Program in Education (CAPE)
CAPE is a FREE two-week summer collegiate experience for rising high school seniors interested in education, the arts, or health professions. As enrolled students, CAPE students take a two-credit course in Art, Health Professions, or Education while living on the UW–Madison campus. By participating in CAPE, students not only gain valuable college prep skills but also earn college credits. It's also completely FREE! There are no costs associated with this program. Students can visit go.wisc.edu/cape to learn more and apply.
This summer, CAPE will offer the following Courses:
Rehab Psych & Special Ed 405: Disability and Society
Art 448: Special Topics in Art
Kinesiology 508: Health Promotion & Health Equity
For more information you can contact:
Maame Adomako, Ph.D. (she/her)
Undergraduate Program Manager
Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education
Office| 1000 Bascom Mall Room 145C- Education Bldg
Phone| 608-263-2912
Hamilton and the American Revolution
Over the past week students dove into the causes of the American Revolution as well as the important military campaigns. We also looked at the Constitution and how it came to be. We will continue by connecting the 2015 musical Hamilton with the historical events that led to the writing of the play. Students will be able to use this knowledge toward completing the US Citizenship test that is a graduation requirement in the state of Wisconsin.
JAG (Job’s of America Graduates)Notes:
This Saturday, PPA is having their 2nd Annual Mental & Wellness Bazaar, from 10a.m. to 1:00p.m. at the PLC (please see details below). We are currently working on resumes, applying to jobs, and Driver’s Education.
Student Services Updates
Happy Mental Health Awareness Month! This month, we will work on reducing the stigma around mental health and encouraging healthy conversations.
If you are looking for mental health services, please contact school social worker Ellie Donaldson at ehdonal@sunprairieschools.org or check out the Behavioral Health Resource Center, an amazing resource for finding services in Dane County. Please reach out to student services staff with any other questions or concerns you may have.
988 is a national mental health crisis hotline that you can text or call. Share this number with your loved ones to make sure everyone knows about it.
Let’s Talk: Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors! If you have not had a one-on-one with Ms. Annetta, your friendly school counselor, to discuss your plans for your future - please schedule it using the link below! You can make an appointment with me HERE!
Shades of Unity (SOU)
Seeks to bring together young women of various ethnicities and cultures to foster a sisterhood that encourages unity, wellness, economic education, and academic and career development while addressing issues and problems concerning young girls of color. Check your email for an updated meeting date and time.
The Local Scholarship Is Open!!!! Get That Scholarship:
Do you know where to find scholarship information? The Senior Scene and Your one-stop shop for scholarships
FAFSA NIGHT AT PPA - Mark Your Calendars
Parents/Caregiver and Students
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 5:30 - 8:00 pm - Please RSVP to semclea@sunprairieschools.org if you plan to attend.
June 3, 2024; 6:00 - 8:00 pm (tentative)
If you are interested in receiving FAFSA Help, please join us here at PPA on one of our upcoming FAFSA NIGHTS.
Video about completing the FAFSA
Please note the following information:
1. Go to the NEW FAFSA website
Community Schools
THIS SATURDAY!!!!! PPA’s 2nd Annual Mental Health & Wellness Bazaar! May 4th,2024 10am-1pm at the PLC (220 S. Kroncke Dr. Sun Prairie, WI Door #28). This event is to advocate and uplift mental health and wellness, providing resources from all over Dane County to share with the community. This is an ALL age friendly FREE event, there will be informational tables, activities led by students, food trucks as well as an ongoing raffle throughout the event.
Bus Lost and Found
Kobussen has a Lost & Found for items left on the bus. The driver keeps the lost item on the bus for a few days, then turns it in at the Kobussen terminal. If your child has a lost item don’t forget to check with Kobussen. Feel free to stop by the terminal at 1500 Forward Drive, Sun Prairie or call (608) 825-8700.
Autobús perdido y encontrado Kobussen tiene un Lost & Found para artículos dejados en el autobús. El conductor guarda el objeto perdido en el autobús durante unos días y luego lo entrega en la terminal de Kobussen. Si su hijo tiene un artículo perdido, no olvide consultar con Kobussen. No dude en pasar por la terminal en 1500 Forward Drive, Sun Prairie o llame al (608) 825-8700.
Prairie Phoenix Academy
Email: nsconi@sunprairieschools.org
Website: https://www.sunprairieschools.org/prairie-phoenix-academy-home
Location: 220 Kroncke Drive, Suite 13 Sun Prairie, WI 53590, USA
Phone: 6088346901