Soaring into Second Grade!
Week of 10/3/16
This week...
In our guided reading groups we focused on informative text. We read different leveled books and were asked to pull facts from those as well. We also had a comprehension quiz and were assessed on fluency.
We did a few activities with imperative and exclamatory sentences. (A review was sent home. This was simply to have information about what is going on in the class.)
In Writing we started writing plays using animals. We are using the writing process on our own this week and final pieces should be completed by next Friday.
In Math: We continued to learn about number patterns. We learned about skip counting, repeated addition, and how arrays can help us with repeated addition and multiplication. Next week we will finish this unit. Our chapter test will be on Friday.
In Social Studies: we continued with our geography unit. We learned about the continents and oceans through various activities and will be quizzed on our knowledge on Tuesday the 11th. A study guide was sent home earlier this week.
- No School on Monday October 10th
- October 11th- Quiz on Continents
- October 12th- Cherry Crest/Please bring a brown bag lunch and dress down.
- October 13th- Electives start for 2nd grade (if you have Ninja Warriors you will get a separate email).
- October 14th- Unit 2 Math Test