March 2025 Newsletter
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Office
Deidre's Musings
*AI was used to decrease Passive Voice 🙂
This time of year, filled with themes of luck, perseverance, and gratitude, offers an opportunity to reflect on the positive impact we have in our classrooms and communities. As an Irish proverb beautifully reminds us, "May your troubles be less and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door." Thinking of happiness walking through the door, I reflect on the thousands of students who walked through my classroom door and the smiles, fear, anger, and apprehension on those faces. It makes me remember the times I had to rally for them when they struggled to rally for themselves at times. I see this when I am lucky enough to be in your classrooms, climb the steps on to the bus, enter the breakfast and lunch lines, etc. Please know how appreciated you all are in the ways you greet and care for our students every day.
"Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers" according to Josef Albers. As educators, we know that through questioning, exploring, and discovering that true understanding takes root. You will see later on in the newsletter, some reminders about DBQs (Document Based Questions). These relevant reminders assist with our District-wide work with disciplinary literacy.
Overall, I want to take a moment and appreciate the blessings of education—the students who challenge us to think differently, the colleagues who support and uplift us, and the opportunities we have to shape the future.
This month, I encourage educators to focus on fostering deeper inquiry in their teaching. Please continue to create spaces where students feel safe to ask questions and explore ideas, design lessons that challenge their thinking and inspire problem-solving,and empower students to become independent learners and critical thinkers.
Here is to a March filled with curiosity, growth, and lots o’luck!
Celebration of English Language Learning Assessment
I want to thank the following staff for assessing our students with the EL ACCESS assessment:
Grades K-5: Diane Weller
Grades 6-8: Trisha West
Grade 9: Coulson Rich
Thank you for all you did in preparation and implementation.
District Updates
AI Policy
I am excited to share that, as per our IIBH policy, "Artificial Intelligence literacy concepts will be infused into the district's curriculum in each school and throughout content areas to prepare students properly for the use of these tools inside and outside of school. Critical thinking skills and ethical considerations will be emphasized in these efforts”.
Our AI leadership team, which consists of Marissa Powell, Kristy Nelson, and Chris Brown, are consistently working on offering training for those who choose to attend. We are in the process of developing a district-wide training program. We will keep you posted on the changes and exciting opportunities.
In addition to our current FCSD 1 Resource Bank, the instructional facilitators are working on documents to collect our unit plans. These documents will include the unit plans (standards, proficiency scales and resources) in every content. These will be updated annually.
District Focus on Strong Tier I Learning (All Learners, Every Day)
Integrating the PIES framework into pair or small group activities significantly enhances the effectiveness of "group" activities. If you ever have questions about purposefully planning with PIES, please reach out to your Instructional Facilitator, principal, a peer, or me.
Fundamental 5: If you still need a book, please see your building Instructional Facilitator
The Fundamental 5 framework offers a powerful and practical approach to creating engaging and effective lessons. By focusing on clear objectives, structured lesson planning, critical thinking, balanced practice, and ongoing assessment, educators can enhance student engagement and achievement. Whether you're a seasoned teacher or just starting out, implementing the Fundamental 5 can help you create a more dynamic and impactful learning environment that supports student success and fosters a love of learning.
- Frame: Lesson Framing, a two-part best practice, consists of the Objective and the Close.
- Recognizing & Reinforcing: Effective teachers provide personal and specific recognition of academic growth or academic success.
- P=Positive Interdependence Interdependence occurs when a contribution of each is necessary for success.
- I=Individual Accountability 1) a student performs on his/her own; 2) the performance or the product of the performance must be seen by someone else; and 3) the individual performance is required.
- E=Equal Opportunity Examine the equality of participation (times and turns) among students.
- S=Simultaneous Interaction Ask ourselves "What percent are engaged at once?"
- Critical Writing: Effective teachers design writing opportunities for thinking and making connections.
- Power Zone: Effective teachers close the lesson in the PZ; monitor FSGPT, and Critical Writing in the PZ; Recognize and Reinforce student academic effort, growth, and success.
Laird, M., Cotten, S., & Ellspermann, J. (2021). The Fundamental 5 revisited: Exceptional Instruction In Every Setting. Independently Published.
Professional Growth Plan (PGP) Formerly MLP (My Learning Plan)
Professional Growth Plan (PGP), formally labeled MLP
Your Professional Growth Plan (PGP) formerly known as My Learning Plan (MLP) is an online platform that the district utilizes to support the documentation of your professional learning. With over 300 users, the Instructional Facilitators at each building will begin to support documentation at the building level. Their knowledge of the wonderful PD in each building, coupled with building leadership support, will assist in making our system more efficient.
It is extremely important for you to assist in maintaining an accurate record of hours that the district submits to PTSB each year. Please reference this document to review your current portfolio. If you notice discrepancies or have questions, please contact your building IF.
Please approach your building IF initially with questions about PGP (MLP). They will send you to Deidre if the questions cannot be answered. For instance, IFs have a document shared with me for any trainings staff would like in MLP, they can assist you with enrolling in attended trainings, etc.
All Special Education staff and paraprofessionals are to work through Aimee Collins Kemp in regards to MLP.
The Basics of PGP (formerly MLP)
Please complete the survey attached to PD as you enroll.
If you sign up for PTSB credits offered at the training, please DO NOT have them put in MLP. PTSB receives those directly from the host.
If there is an opportunity for college credits, and you purchase those credits, you must send proof of the college credit transcripts directly to PTSB.
Annually check in on your PTSB transcripts to ensure you are on track for renewal.
I get to meet with IFs once a month and we will definitely celebrate in the wonderful, and sometimes silent, knowledge of your amazing professional growth.
Thank you for your continued growth.
Literacy Updates
Dynamic Literacy and MTSS Discussions
Whether you're passionate about literacy and MTSS or simply curious to learn more, this Fishbowl Discussion offers a unique opportunity to broaden your understanding of the District Literacy and MTSS work.
March 12th
May 14th
Open to all who are interested in literacy and MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support). No prior expertise required—just bring your curiosity and willingness to engage!
Preparing Students to be College, Career, & Civic Ready
Our District believes ALL students can become analytical thinkers and proficient writers.
Document Based Questions (DBQs) foster critical thinking, historical inquiry, rigorous academic writing, and civil discourse.
- engagement in complex texts
- vocabulary building
- evidence-based writing
- multiple perspectives
- primary and seminal source analysis
- active learning and discussion
- real-world connection
- college readiness
Please reach out if you want to engage in discourse about DBQ. It is a passion of mine.
Cooperative Learning
Cooperative Learning Training
The rosters are being updated as you read this (Days 1-3 this year). I use the Google calendar for invites; however, this these are mandatory. If there is an extenuating circumstance, please reach out to your principal:
PTSB hrs for credits
Cooperative Learning (PIES)
March 26: WEO+ (2:45-4:00)- Diane: Day 3/Module 9 (GPE/BCE) Boardroom
- Ceatriss: Day 3/Module 9 LMS Staff Learning Center
Win Win Discipline
Positions by Spencer Kagan
How do we get to this Win-Win outcome? At essence it is simple. Win-Win Discipline is based on the concept of "Positions." Almost every disruption springs from an attempt to meet needs associated with one of seven positions. Positions are where a student is coming from:
- Attention Seeking
- Avoiding embarrassment
- Anger Venting
- Control Seeking
- Energetic
- Bored
- Uninformed
As Win-Win teachers, we always accept a student’s position. Positions are part of the universal human conditions. Recognizing student positions is critical to implementing a successful discipline program, and Win-Win Discipline provides differentiated strategies to respond to different student positions.
The 5 Ps of Win Win Discipline
Knowing and appropriately responding to the position of a student is a critical component of Win-Win Discipline.
- Pillars (philosophy): Same Side, Shared Responsibility, and Learned Responsibility
- Procedures (ounces of prevention): Win-Win has identified scores or procedures which when used on a regular basis, prevent discipline problems.
- Positions (see above)
- Process (strategies for the moment of disruption and follow-ups): Identifying the behavior (ABCD); identifying the position; responding in the moment of disruption with a carefully selected
Win-Win Structure to match the behavior and the position; and, finally, structuring a WinWin Follow-up to ensure the three Pillars are in place. - Programs (pounds of prevention): Win-Win identifies programs that prevent discipline problems, such as engaging instruction (CL and adherence to multiple intelligences).
Professional Development Opportunities
Teacher Professional Development "Drops" Are Now Available
The University of Wyoming College of Education is pleased to announce that three "drops" (Professional Development courses), co-developed by the College of Education and 2Revolutions through the Governor's RIDE initiative, are now available to Wyoming teachers. The 1 credit hour EDCI 5959 courses are available at a cost of $60.00/course; however, the content will also be available for free to anyone who wishes to sample the materials without submitting any assignments and without receiving credit. More drops will be available fall 2024.
Teachers completing three or more credited drops are eligible to complete a capstone course (EDCI 5480) for two University of Wyoming graduate credit hours*. These credits can count toward the Curriculum and Instruction M.A. program. You must have completed at least three drops to be eligible for the graduate credit option.
*While funds are available, scholarships will be offered to help offset the cost of admission and graduate tuition/fees.
For more information, please read our announcement letter.
Initial "Drop" Course Offering Links
WYO Education Professional Development Portal
The WDE has partnered with PTSB and UW to launch the new WYO Education Professional Development Portal. Every Wyoming educator has an account that will be used to register for professional development opportunities and track completions.
The WDE aims to meet you where you are to keep you informed on the latest news, professional development, and other opportunities for educators and students in Wyoming. Join us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X (Twitter).
District Data
Teachers, Parents, Students: Free Access to MetaMetrics Lexile and Quantile Career Database
The Wyoming Department of Education, in partnership with MetaMetrics, provides free resources to Wyoming teachers, parents, and students to help engage students in learning that will support their career path. Lexile and Quantile measures are reported on the WY-TOPP Individual Student Reports (ISRs) that schools send to parents or guardians. Gain free, premium access to the Lexile & Quantile Hub.
As students explore possible career choices, sometimes as early as middle school, Lexile and Quantile measures can help them understand the difficulty of reading materials and math tasks they will likely encounter when they enter a field. These resources can help motivate students and structure their path forward. More information about the Lexile and Quantile Career Database is available here.
Other recent additions to the Hub include the Lexile Find a Decodable Book tool and Lexile Decodable Passages, which are specially designed reading materials intended to help early learners develop their phonics skills and become proficient readers.
Several short, asynchronous training videos on how to access and use the Hub’s tools are available here.
For more information, contact Lori Pusateri-Lane, WDE English Language Arts Consultant, at 307-777-8595 or lori.pusateri-lane@wyo.gov.
Standards Updates
Feedback for the State Board of Education and Wyoming Department of Education
Under SBE Review for Informal Public Input
The Wyoming Department of Education is seeking public comment on the 2024 Proposed Wyoming Standards for World Languages & Cultures, Math Extended, and Science Extended. Comments can be provided by submitting online, by 11:59 p.m. on January 17, 2025.
Input is being collected at the request of the State Board of Education. A summary of the public input gathered will be presented at the board’s January meeting. Upon board approval of the draft standards, a formal public comment period will follow.
Math, Science, Computer Science, PE, Health/Safety, and Fine and performing Arts Updates
On July 17, Governor Mark Gordon approved the Chapter 10 Rules on Standards, which included the 2023 Wyoming Content and Performance Standards (WYCPS) for Science, Math, Computer Science, Physical Education, Health and Safety, and Fine and Performing Arts.
To be Implemented by the Start of School Year 2025-26
- 2023 Science WYCPS will replace the 2021 edition. (Review for WYTOPP Blueprint coming in September)
- 2023 Math WYCPS will replace the 2021 edition.
To be Implemented by the Start of School Year 2026-27
- 2023 Computer Science WYCPS will replace the 2021 edition.
- 2023 Physical Education WYCPS will replace the 2014 edition.
- 2023 Health and Safety WYCPS will replace the 2012 edition.
- 2023 Fine and Performing Arts WYCPS will replace the 2013 edition.
- The World Language Standards are currently in committee for review.
- Standards in ELA, Social Studies, or Career & Vocational Education. The SBE is currently evaluating the timeline of future standards reviews, including ELA, SS, & CTE (CVE). Once that timeline is finalized, it will be presented for approval at a future SBE meeting and will be updated on the WDE Standards page in the Standards Review Process paragraph.
District and State Assessments
3rd Grade Writing
Removal of the grade 3 Writing assessment will take effect in the Spring of 2025.
State Board Information Science
The State Board determined further information was needed regarding the length of the science assessments in relation to the number of standards being tested. In addition to consideration of the testing burden on students, the board will review the impacts of changes on other educational systems such as school accountability measures.
The newly adopted math standards are currently available to schools to fully implement by the 2025-26 school year. Changes to the mathematics portion of the WY-TOPP assessment will go into effect in spring 2026.
Cambium (WYTOPP/WYALT Systems
The image below is a brief introduction to the parts of the WYTOPP/WYALT.
WYTOPP Dates and Authoring Tool
Important information has been released about the WY-TOPP Writing Assessments. The Assessment Calendar has been updated and all state testing windows can be found on the Assessment Calendar page
The 2020 Wyoming Math Extended Standards, for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities, must be fully implemented at the start of the school year in the curriculum, instruction, and district’s assessment system. The WY-ALT Math test, to be administered in spring 2024, will assess students for the first time on these standards. Refer to the 2024+ WY-ALT Math Assessment Blueprint for curriculum planning.
WYTOPP Assessment Authoring Tool
Write Classroom Assessments
- Reference the Wyoming Authoring Condensed User Guide to begin creating and sharing assessment items for all 10 content areas of Wyoming Standards.
- The items will align to the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards or the Wyoming Extended Standards.
- The full Wyoming Authoring User Guide is also available for detailed information about using the Authoring Tool.
- The Authoring Tool is located in the “Before Testing” column of the Educators section on the Wyoming Assessment Portal.
Item Authoring Training Webinar Recordings
- The WY-TOPP Item Writing and the WY-ALT Item Writing webinar recordings are available on the Wyoming Assessment Portal.
- View the Authoring Tool Training recording for guidance on how to create items and assessments within the tool.
For more information, contact the Wyoming Help Desk at 888-897-8024 or wyohelpdesk@cambiumassessment.com.
WYTOPP Modulars (Optional)
Some Reminders
Digital Resources
BRISK District Extension
FCSD #1 Educator Quotes
Chris Kearns (Grade 3): One of the best features Brisk offers is the Targeted Feedback function. Within moments of completing a draft, I can have Brisk generate standards-based, age-appropriate feedback for my students to use during their revision and editing process. This allows students to start revising their work immediately, with much more detailed feedback provided far more efficiently than I could offer.
Jaime Basham (9-12 Spanish)
Brisk allows me to give feedback with our rubrics to our students learning Spanish on written samples. It gives them their "glow" and their "grow." There is no better way to individualize that feedback for their language learning journey. I am impressed with how valid and relevant the feedback is - grammatically, linguistically, and now to move students along in proficiency. It is quite verbatim what I would tell them and it maximizes my time and the students' time so that they can get the most out of class. This passes the torch for students to evaluate what more they need to do in order to be proficient. It allows them time to be introspective in their learning process.
Great news! We now have access to Brisk Teaching, including all premium features. Here’s how to get started:
Resources for Teachers
- Guide to Install Brisk - a quick start guide for teachers that haven't downloaded Brisk
- Self-Paced PD - 30-45 minute online PD course for educators (does not include Brisk Boost yet - this will come soon).
- Brisk Bites Playlist - a collection of short videos on how to use specific Brisk features.
- Brisk Prompt Library - our bank of teacher-created prompts to reference when using Brisk
IXL Tools
Drive meaningful growth based on assessment results with IXL’s personalized study plans—available for the SAT, ACT, i-Ready Diagnostic, NWEA MAP, Renaissance Star assessments, and more!
For each exam, IXL uses a student’s test scores to create an individualized study plan that will help them grow the most.
How it works: 1. Students enter scores from a recent exam
2. IXL creates a list of the exact skills they should work on to accelerate learning
3. At any time, students can enter updated scores for refreshed recommendations
This is a friendly reminder that your DESSA System will reset on Wednesday, July 31. This means that you should wait until on or after August 1 to:
- Roster
- Complete Yearly Setup
- Begin ratings for the 2024-25 school year
Check out the Back to School Reset Prep Guide for more guidance on exporting last year's reports and data.
August 1 is also the release of our updated, shortened DESSA 2 assessment with post-pandemic norms. Here are resources to help support you with this transition:
Teacher Short Reads
AI, Cooperative Learning, Fundamental 5
Fundamental 5 PowerZone: Commit yourself!!
2024-2025 Administration and Teacher Reads
The Collaborative IEP: Working Together for Life-Changing Special Education
K–12 teachers and special education teachers can use this book to:
- Gain practical working knowledge of IEPs and why collaborative teams are needed to develop strong ones
- Understand how to use a future-based approach to immediately improve their support of students
- Ponder the landmark Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District case’s ramifications on special education
- Recognize how to meaningfully engage students’ parents and guardians in the IEP process
- Consider chapter-ending reflection questions as opportunities for discussion and action
The Epic Classroom
Trevor Muir presents a project based learning method that uses the power of storytelling and brain science to give educators practical and proven practices to achieve real student engagement. In return, learning that is permanent and memorable. Any teacher, in any subject area, and in any grade level can use the story-centered project based learning framework of The Epic Classroom to transform their classrooms into settings where students are engaged, challenged, and transformed.
AI for Educators: Learning Strategies, Teacher Efficiencies, and a Vision for an Artificial Intelligence Future
AI for Educators is a readable guide for educators.
• It translates AI through a teacher lens.
• It provides practical ideas you can use in class right away.
• It unlocks powerful ways to streamline teaching and save time.
Proficiency-Based Grading in the Content Areas: Insights and Key Questions for Secondary Schools
Specially Designed Instruction
Another great from Anne Beninghof. This toolkit includes dozens of practical examples, worksheets, and prep tools to ensure readers walk away with a thorough understanding and ready-to-use ideas. Whether you have years of experience working with students with disabilities or are new to the profession, this critical guide provides effective strategies for every classroom. (Amazon.com, 2024)
The AI Infused Classroom by Holly Clark
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of artificial intelligence (AI) models, like ChatGPT?
- How do ChatGPT and other large language models change things like the writing process?
- What do we need to understand about large language models (LLMs) and AI’s ability to transform how—and how quickly—we can communicate with our students and peers?
- How can we teach students to use AI appropriately and in ways that enhance their learning experiences?
Amazon.com, 2024
Adolescent Literacy in the Academic Disciplines: General Principles and Practical Strategies
We have had this book for a couple years now. Please let me know if you would like to gain practical strategies to enhance adolescent literacy across diverse academic disciplines. This book also addresses student engagement, equity and access, as well as the importance of formative assessment in guiding instruction and learning.
Literacy in the Disciplines: A Teacher's Guide for Grades 5-12 Literacy in the Disciplines: A Teacher's Guide for Grades 5-12
Wolsey and Lapp advocate for a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction that is tailored to the specific demands of different academic disciplines, promoting student engagement, collaboration, and continuous improvement in teaching practices.
Strive-for-Five Conversations: A Framework That Gets Kids Talking to Accelerate Their Language Comprehension and Literacy
This book gives them a power tool aligned with the science of reading. These responsive conversations start with what children say and continue as the teacher listens and responds over five turns—with the goal of stretching their talking and thinking, knowledge, vocabulary, reasoning, and other skills that underpin reading success. The strategies, coupled with the District dedication to the Frequent Small Group Purposeful Talk, will build students' knowledge, vocabulary, reasoning, and other skills that support reading success.
Digitally Supported Disciplinary Literacy for Diverse K–5 Classrooms
Colwell, Hutchison, and Woodward offer a six-phase framework that introduces readers to an approach for integrating disciplinary literacy into instruction using various types of digital tools to support literacy learning. Including instructional methods and lesson plans, the text demonstrates how the tools can be incorporated into English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies classrooms.
Teaching Disciplinary Literacy in Grades K-6
This actionable framework discusses how to meet a wide variety of students’ needs, with a focus on English Language Learners, culturally and linguistically diverse students, and students with reading and writing difficulties.
Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students (Grades 4-8)
Part of the District's focus on the Fundamental 5 is Critical Writing. this book provides guidance on ensuring that all students have opportunities to "write to learn" at the upper elementary/middle school levels.
FCSD #1 Instruction and Behavior
FCSD #1 Instructional Framework
“Three Big Ideas That Drive the Work of a PLC The essence of the PLC process is captured in three big ideas:
1. The purpose of our district is to ensure all students learn at high levels.
2. Helping all students learn requires a collaborative and collective effort.
3. To assess our effectiveness in helping all students learn we must focus on results—evidence of student learning—and use results to inform and improve our professional practice and respond to students who need intervention or enrichment.”
― Richard DuFour, Learning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work
Win Win Discipline Pillars
When one understands the three pillars of Win Win, the students and the teachers Win.
It is crucial to classroom management to identify and respond to student behaviors and position with a range of carefully crafted Win Win procedures and structures (Kagan, 2004)
Fundamental Five
The Fundamental Five provides a concrete guideline to help teachers improve instruction. "F5" increases the level of cognition in a classroom by channeling teachers actions into tangible practices which improve student retention of content.
"Super Star Teachers do not teach dramatically different; the slight differences create huge increase in student achievement." - Sean Cain (2022)
- We will be evaluating the following resources this year: a) how many teachers are using the resource? b) number of students learning from the tool? c) what other tools offer the same elements?
MTSS Summit & Professional Development for Spring 2025
he 2024-25 Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) Statewide System of Support MTSS Center is offering professional development opportunities to expand your knowledge and sharpen your skills.
MTSS 101 Training Series
This series will offer an introduction to MTSS for educators. All sessions must be attended to earn credit for MTSS 101.
- MTSS Screening: February 12.
- MTSS Multi-Level Prevention System: March 12.
- MTSS Progress Monitoring: April 9.
2025 Wyoming MTSS Center Summit: Leading MTSS Implementation
The Wyoming MTSS Center is hosting the fourth annual MTSS Summit at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne on May 2. Registration is free and lunch will be provided. PTSB Recertification Credit of 0.50 is available for completing the requirements. Register here.
Attend this event to learn about topics related to MTSS including, data-based decision-making, team leadership, district-level infrastructure, secondary MTSS, literacy within MTSS, and hear implementation stories from Wyoming educators. The summit’s 9 sessions provide a dynamic experience for educators to learn from prominent researchers and practitioners, discover effective ways of implementing MTSS, and create new professional relationships.
Dr. Kim St. Martin, Director of MTSS, will share her experience integrating and aligning work within MTSS as a keynote speaker. Our closing session features Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey, Principal Consult with American Institutes for Research, on how to make MTSS feasible and doable. For more information, contact Stephanie Benboe, Education Program Consultant, at stephanie.benboe@wyo.gov or 307-777-6198.
Branching Minds
It’s official! We have completed the data implementation process with Branching Minds (BRM)
Please, if you are taking an active role in the MTSS process in your school,
Next Steps:
MTSS Learning Hub
As a reminder, there is a platform configurations course in the MTSS Learning Hub if you need a walk-through of the configurations, and there is also this Configuration Support guide. The guide is a great resource if you need a refresher and links to help center articles and video tutorials reviewing all of the different settings.
Communicate with your staff to log into their Branching Minds’ platform to receive an email to take advantage of the asynchronous learning within the MTSS Learning Hub. Please have your staff complete the platform orientation and Teacher or Manager Role Module in the MTSS Hub before your facilitated session.
One key contact from your district should complete this survey to sign up for the facilitated sessions. Your Customer Success Manager, Grace Chong, shared this professional development opportunities catalog with you where you can learn more.
Once signed up, your Professional Services Manager, Caitlin Crossman, will share the registration link with you and your staff. Caitlin is copied on this email should you have any questions!
Data Sharing Updates
We will be in touch with updates as the state works on sharing missing staff and assessment data as well as updates to our Infinite Campus integrations for attendance, behavior, and course performance.
A key resource that may be useful for you in the future is the Fremont County School District #1 Data Sharing Guide.
Login Instructions
Once rostering is complete, you may log into the platform to check if you're seeing the correct staff and students. Test your login using the following steps:
Go to this link: https://landerschools.branchingminds.com/#/login and select "Sign in with Google".
Login using your Fremont County SD #1 Google credentials.
You can see the list of students in Branching Minds here: https://landerschools.branchingminds.com/#/students/home
You can see the list of staff in Branching Minds here: https://landerschools.branchingminds.com/#/manager/users/staff_members
You can see the list of District Admins in Branching Minds here: https://landerschools.branchingminds.com/#/manager/users/district_admins
If you experience any tech and data issues, please reach out to our Support Team via support@branchingminds.com or Live Chat on the platform.
Edgenuity/Imagine Learning
Content Support
Albert.io (9-12 Social Studies)
year. Please think about a time during the inservice days (or early in September) when we can schedule a 1-hour virtual PD with Hugo (our Albert rep).
Your next steps:
1. Sign-up to Albert using your School email by clicking in log-in with Google
Note: If you already have an account, log-in to your existing account
2. Follow the steps in this recorded webinar to get started
3. You can also sync your Google Classroom to Albert
4. Take the Albert discover quiz to find subjects relevant to your classes
If you have any questions about your next steps, please email me.
“The [State Board of Education] will continue to consult and coordinate with local school districts and collaborate with Superintendent Degenfelder to explore approaches to assess writing and promote the application of writing skills in a way that best prepares students for the future,” shared SBE Chairman, Bill Lambert.
To be Implemented by the Start of School Year 2025-26
- 2023 Science WYCPS will replace the 2021 edition. (Review for WYTOPP Blueprint coming in September)
The State Board determined further information was needed regarding the length of the science assessments in relation to the number of standards being tested. In addition to consideration of the testing burden on students, the board will review the impacts of changes on other educational systems such as school accountability measures.
Fremont County School District 1 has a membership to Mystery Science until June 30, 2025.
How do I get my free account?
1. Use your school email address to sign up here:
Already have a Mystery Science account? Great - just click the link above to add your existing account to your district's membership.
2. Explore the Mystery Science website:
Standards-aligned science units
Seasonal science & mini-lessons
Activities, assessments, and much more!
3. Choose a lesson to try out with your students by visiting mysteryscience.com!
2023 Mathematics Standards
- 2023 Math WYCPS will replace the 2021 edition.
Effective - July 17, 2024
To be Fully Implemented in Districts by the Beginning of School Year 2025-26
Fine and Performing Arts
To be fully implemented the beginning of the 2026-2027 school year.
- 2023 Fine and Performing Arts WYCPS will replace the 2013 edition.
Computer Science
Submit Session Proposals for Computer Science Pathway at WACTE & WDE Summer Conference
The Wyoming Computer Science Teacher Association (CSTA) leadership team is seeking session proposals from educators in kindergarten through postsecondary education for the Computer Science Pathway at the Wyoming Association for Career and Technical Education (WACTE) & Wyoming Department of Education Summer Conference. Submit session proposals by March 1...read more.
To be fully implemented the beginning of the 2026-2027 school year.
- 2023 Computer Science WYCPS will replace the 2021 edition.
Career and Technical Education
Facilitating Career Development Training for CTE Work-based Learning Endorsement
The Wyoming Department of Education will offer the Facilitating Career Development Course for Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers to obtain the work-based learning endorsement, which allows them to award work-based learning credit outside of their content area...read more.
Physical Education and Health Safety
- 2023 Health and Safety WYCPS will replace the 2012 edition.
- 2023 Physical Education WYCPS will replace the 2014 edition.
Social Studies
- The Stanford History Education Group offers research-backed alternatives for assessing students' historical thinking skills and knowledge that can be used flexibly as bell ringers, exit slips, summative tests, and more.
- Thinking Nation offers free resources to help students mature into thinking citizens, equipped with the essential skills to participate in a robust democracy. Relying on constitutional principles as the foundation, students will be empowered to analyze information effectively, think historically, and write persuasively to build a more democratic future.
Student tours of the Judicial Learning Center (JLC) and the Supreme Court building can be scheduled in conjunction with tours of the State Capitol building and the Wyoming State Museum, and offer students a holistic view of Wyoming and its government. The Wyoming Judicial Branch offers educational resources, including a remote JLC experience and supplementary lesson plans. Additional information can be found here.
This Wyoming Legislature's general (eight-week) session begins Jan. 14 and all floor and committee meetings will be livestreamed on the Legislature's YouTube channel. Check out the daily schedule here. At least 25 education bills have been prefiled. Find all bills here. Note: 33 percent of the seats in the Statehouse turned over in the last election (a very high number), and 26 rookies will be sworn in, plus five former lawmakers.
The Council on Foreign Relations offers a number of free education resources, including videos that explain sovereignty.
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Director
Website: https://www.landerschools.org/Curriculum
Location: 863 Sweetwater Street, Lander, WY, USA
Phone: 307-332-4711