Bison Stampede
Rosemont Weekly Newsletter
04/08/2024 ENGLISH
Our Vision
At Rosemont, our vision is to be an exemplary campus with established leaders that exemplify a commitment to academic excellence and educating the whole child.
Lower Campus
1919 Stevens Forest Drive
Dallas, TX 75208
Upper Campus
911 N Morocco Ave
Dallas, TX 75211
(972) 749-5000
Campus Front Office
From Your Principals
Ms. Benningfield, Lower Campus (PK - 3)
Dear families,
Our little bison had an enjoyable time seeing science in action as they viewed the eclipse with their classmates today! The more we can make learning fun and meaningful - the more excited our bison are to work towards their goals. I want to take a moment to highlight our 2nd graders who are working to increase their reading fluency and become third grade ready. Thanks to our fantastic PTA, our second grade students all received a fluency kit to take home and practice their reading skills. Additionally, I want to highlight the importance of the work our PTA does to make these initiatives possible and encourage you all to support our PTA in our upcoming Spring Auction or Fill-The-Boot campaign. Together, we can continue to create great learning experiences for our bison!
Ms. Munves, Upper Campus (4 - 8)
We have lots of important events on the horizon for Upper Campus. This week, all 4-8th grade students will take the Reading STAAR assessment. Please support us in ensuring that your student arrives to school on time. We encourage all students to get a good night's sleep and have breakfast at home or breakfast provided here on campus. Our wonderful PTA has donated waters and snacks for every student on his/her assessment days. In order to ensure a quiet and respectful environment for all students, we will not have outdoor recess during the assessment window. District devices will be kept on campus for charging. After the assessment, students may read a novel so please remind your student to bring a book to read. Students recently visited the library and should have a variety of options to bring to campus. As a reminder, our campus is closed to visitors on STAAR assessment days; this includes parent lunches and drop-offs.
Additionally, please see the updates below regarding our outdoor space, Career Day, and 24-25 Planning. We are excited for these upgrades and opportunities that are in the works for our Bison!
Campus Information
Parent Resource Link
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Upper Campus Recess
2024 - 2025 Rosemont Upper Transportation Survey
Upper Campus (4 - 8) Career Day
Register for Pre-k
World Heritage Day (PK - 3)
Student Lunches
2024 Staar Prep Tips
Family & Community Engagement Parent Newsletter
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Community Events
Clubs and Extracurriculars
About Us:
Twitter: LC- RosemontLower UC- RosemontUC